Message From Jesus to His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus




All that you are comes from us, the Divine Will. We are within you, you are within us; remain within us, the Divine Will. Although our children are trying to discover what is coming, only the love within them will be able to prepare them to be ready for what we, the Divine Will, have prepared for them.

Children of love, you belong to us, it is the Love who has put you in this world so that you may live in us, and it is the Love who will bring you back to it. Yes, because of the sin of disobedience you live apart from us although you were made to live in us: we are the Love and we want you. Despite your stubbornness, we have prepared what is to come so that we may have you within us.

The coming events will begin very soon: our children of love must be warned of what is coming. You, the children who write what we, the Divine Will, tell you, we have chosen you so that you may give to the children of the Light what we, we give to you; you must remain at peace within yourselves in order to abandon yourselves completely within us. You must be examples of love, because all our children need to know that they are surrounded by children of love who give themselves completely to God. You must give them what we give to you; this will enlighten them as to what they, in turn, must give to children who have not yet given themselves to the Love. We speak, through you, to all those who want to listen and see.

Oh! Children of love, this time is so troubling to you, messengers and children of the Light; we warn you of Satan’s malice, he who wants to place dissension in your hearts. He uses children of the Light, who must pray for our messengers, to prevent them from abandoning themselves completely. He does not want our children to be prepared with love for what is coming, he wants fear and doubt to rule the hearts of our children of the Light. If our children of the Light are not at peace, how will they sustain all our children who must come to us so that they may see and hear our Will of love? Do you see what Satan wants? He wants them to remain blind and deaf to our warnings that are before them.

Children of the Light, when dissension is part of your life, you are inclined to look at yourselves rather than give yourselves; it is because you do not have peace within you. Do not fall into Satan’s trap, he wants you to be troubled. Do not judge one another amongst yourselves, but look at what we are expecting from you: harmony amongst yourselves, chosen children of the end times. Each one of you has a mission, the one of making your way towards our New Earth, and to help your brothers and sisters to make their way as well, towards our New Earth : we are the New Earth.

You were born to live in us on earth : living in us is living in God on earth, and it is to love living wherever we are and wherever you are. God is the Creator of the earth; he created all of you so that you may live in him, in his Divine Will, on earth. When you live with your human will, you live by performing your actions of your own accord; you become masters of your actions on earth: the earth is your earth. But we, the Divine Will, want you to live on our earth, in us, in the Divine Will, we want to turn your actions into our actions.

The earth is presently the one you have polluted due to your will. You live on our earth like strangers who have robbed God of what belongs to him. You have become masters of everything: of yourselves and of the earth. We, the Divine Will, want you to be reborn by asking you to deny your human will; in this way, you will become, once again, children of the Divine Will in our New Earth. We are the New Earth, for everything in us is the Creation. The earth that you presently know will no longer be as it is now, it will appear completely beautiful to you, pure as a young bride; you will see it in us, you will live in us. It will be renewed for we, the Divine Will, are pure and beautiful: for you, everything will be new.

Satan knows that his time on earth is coming to an end; this is why he sows doubt in the chosen children, he does not want them to be at peace within themselves. Chosen children, it is he who does not want you to be completely abandoned in the Divine Will. We are telling you: “Be wary of Satan, he wants to upset you so that you are unable to warn my other children.”

My daughter, at this moment you are living attacks and others are as well; do what we expect of you. You no longer belong to this world, you belong solely to us; you must listen only to us, the Divine Will. And what other children are making you endure is caused by Satan. He provokes situations to trap them so that he may frighten them, and they doubt what we are saying for they believe that this comes from you: Satan is the one who wants to hurt you. Be careful, if he hurts you, he hurts our work. The Divine Will is telling you not to worry, nothing can affect you unless we, ourselves, want it: our protection is great. Do not be afraid, remember what we have allowed you to live. Because you have obeyed our Will, you have seen the damned Serpent lose his power and he has seen you, as well; you approached him without fear for, in your hand, you were holding our writings and your Mother Mary was protecting you, as the white rose represented her presence. He told you he would destroy you: his hatred for you is terrible. Do not worry, continue being obedient and attentive to our word, we love you.

Children of the Light, the end of this time is almost over; there are but a few days remaining; afterwards, there will be nothing but confrontations. In the very heart of the Church, our son John Paul II will have to relinquish his place to another who has already been chosen. They are in a hurry to push him aside in order to harm our Church, and you, our children, you will be shaken by what will be announced. You must remain at peace, this is how you will be capable of seeing the truth: you will remain in the light.

There will be many errors that will be accepted and this will suit all those who no longer want to follow our commandments:

   – People will conform to what they will approve, even though our Pope has not allowed it. We, the Divine Will, your God, we are telling you that only those who will follow our laws of love as they 

      were given to Moses by the Heavenly Father, will be in our Will. There cannot be laws for some and laws for others, you are all called to follow God’s law.

   – They will trick you by telling you lies that will be taken for the truth. Do not allow yourselves to be tricked, for they will falsify our teachings, going as far as saying that it is good for the soul, and

      that all those who obey the Church, are obeying God. Be vigilant, God is the Love, he cannot go against himself. The Son of God came on earth to make known to you what the Father wanted

      you to know, and the Holy Spirit enlightened you on what the Son had taught. There can be no error when we follow everything Jesus, the Son of God, taught us.

   – They will force you to deny what our apostles announced to you, for they have plotted to destroy my doctrine. My doctrine is love, it cannot go against God and you, children of love, your soul

      must remain pure, without ambiguity towards my teachings.

   – You will be called to order at the risk of being punished if you do not listen to them. The Churches that will remain loyal to all that we have given them will be seen as rebel Churches. They will

      warn all children that the places where masses are celebrated as before, are from a bygone era, and if these churches are open, it is because the priests associated with them are in

      disobedience, and all those who continue to attend the masses are also in disobedience.

   – Satan’s manoeuvre is at its peak; he wants to destroy what Jesus has instituted. His hatred towards the Son of God is so great that he wants to kill your soul, for Jesus came to save you. The

      Antichrist will make himself known as being the Son of God. He will reveal himself, he will perform wonders: many children will believe him. He will govern our children, leading them astray and,

      during this time, the rite of adoration will be removed from our churches, for people will no longer believe in the Presence in the Eucharist.

   – People will betray parents, brothers, sisters and friends because they will tell you that it is your duty to inform them of their disobedience. The Antichrist will plant the seed of hatred in the hearts

      of our children and those who do not follow him will be persecuted.

   – Wickedness will be preached as a form of duty, lying as a form of necessity, hypocrisy as a form of courage, anger as a form character, gluttony as a form of well-being, envy as a form of need,  

      greed as a type of a benefit, and avarice as a form of acquisitiveness.

   – They will no longer preach sharing. The aridity of hearts will be a daily routine: everything for oneself in order to avoid causing discomfort to oneself. Hatred towards your neighbour will be at its

      highest degree. Do not allow yourselves to be bewitched by the seduction of every man for himself, for whoever does not give, becomes the prey of evil.

   – They will not encourage helping your neighbour. When someone will want to obtain help, he will have to do what the other demands, otherwise he will get nothing. All this will be revealed in a

      subtle way.

   – They will proclaim love by telling you to love yourselves more than your neighbour. Therefore, the children who will want to obtain love for themselves will do so by force, to the detriment of  

      others, and this, in all aspects.

   – They will no longer disapprove of those who want to take drugs, this will lead people to consuming drugs. Be careful, drugs cause you to lose your identity, Satan wants you to forget who you are.  

      Many will fall into this trap, leading them to neglecting their soul; they will become easy prey for Satan who wants their soul.

   – They will uphold the laws for abortion. They will say that the human being is worthy of having the freedom to choose what is good for him, that all that could have a negative effect on his full

      development goes against love, that life is a source of happiness that begins through oneself, in oneself, and that living in his body by giving it what is beneficial to his future, is giving his interior

      what is necessary to his happiness. Children of my Life, life begins with you: whoever gives life knows that he is alive.

   – They will allow same-sex marriages. They will say that people of the same sex are free to marry in the Church or outside the Church. By providing this choice, they thwart our teachings. Marriage

      was instituted to unite what God created: man and woman, so that they may unite for procreation. God is the Creator and his children are on earth to give him what belongs to him: his children.

      By allowing children to do as they please, while these same children are unaware of the harm they are causing their soul, they are opening the door to the union of those of the same bloodline,

      of which my Church has disapproved in considering birth defects.

   – They will give women the right to become priests. Our holy Vicar has shown the Church which role men and women play within the Church. He clearly described their role in the very heart of the

      Church. Men are appointed to the priesthood, while women are the support of our active members within our Church. By not listening to what we, we have deposited within our Vicar John Paul II,

      the Church will follow what Satan wants, while God wants it to be fully thriving.

   – They will no longer support peace amongst nations. Violence, hatred and confrontations between our children will spread throughout the entire surface of the earth. There will be no peace within

      those who will follow the Antichrist: it will be the decline towards hell. The number of those who will experience the death of the soul is great. Those who will not listen to our children of the Light

      will not be capable of living through these events peacefully.

Children, we are asking you to love one another, to sustain one another, to love us more than yourselves, and we will nourish you ceaselessly with our graces of love and peace. Amen.


The Divine Will