Gathering of Love with God’s Action in Crabtree, Quebec

Through His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus




Jesus: To all my children of earth, God proclaims his presence: he speaks to each one of you, here, who are in the presence of the Voice.

I have given this child my blessing, she has been anointed by the Trinity. We have made an instrument of her so she may speak to you, so she may reach you in your daily life.


Many of you, my children, live your life without realizing the importance of your presence by our side, the Holy

Trinity: It is just as important as your life in the Life.

Your presence within yourselves makes you realize that you are in the present moment: that you are alive.

You must become aware of who you are.

God has accomplished his work: he brought love among you so that you might all live in love.

A life without love is a life without essence.

When there is no loving plan, your present does not possess that essence which imparts to it the will to live.

It is necessary to discover that you, you are children of love: love must be part of your lives.

To speak without love is to show those who are listening to you that you have nothing to bring to them, that you have nothing to give;

each child is expecting from you a reason to be in your presence.

If a child presents himself to you by giving you a gift,

you are going to take it in your hands with the desire to unwrap it to see what that gift contains;

when you open it and see that there is nothing inside,

you are disappointed: you were expecting something.

My children of love, when you present yourselves to someone,

he expects something from you;

if you present him with a being who speaks only of himself, who reveals his projects to the other, his own desires,

the other may listen: he receives nothing for himself;

so your conversation becomes a useless conversation for the one who is listening:

you have not given him love,

you keep for yourself that which would fill your life;

but you yourselves, my children, you are empty,

you do not realize that inside, you have not given yourselves love,

for when one does not give: one does not receive.

Do you like to live like this, without sharing, without offering?

Your world is an empty world that does not give of itself.

People can talk for hours, but if they do not give you love, you feel nothing:

all those hours of listening have left you cold, indifferent.

When you watch your programs on television, this is what forms inside you: a void.

You think you are being satisfied by those images, by those words: while they bring you nothing.

There they are, those programs, before your eyes, making you hear sounds;

but those sounds do not give you love: they are empty.

Can you get up after having watched for an hour, two hours, and feel filled with joy, filled with love and wanting to give what you have received?

If you exchange words, this is but external, you have received nothing internally

so as to give of your presence.

Love is a gift:

        it gives of itself in order to bring you joy, to bring you peace, to show you that you are an important person.

        Love likes to reveal that you are unique, that you are a pleasant person.

        Love reveals the gentleness inside you.

Do you feel this when you watch your programs?

Now can you understand, realize, my children of love, how many hours you have spent before a void?

Your life has not benefited from love, it has not been able to give love,

for in order to give one must receive.

When you come to mass to receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist:

Jesus is giving himself to you, he is in your presence;

he is letting you know that you are children of love,

he is there with his entire Being to give you life: his Life, his divine Life,

to nourish your life so that you may be love.

My children, in the first volume, I spoke of love;

those who have read this book, they  have been able to see :

        how in love I am with you,

        how in love I am with all the children of the earth.

        I had the word “love” written on nearly every line, out of love,

        so that you might realize that this word must be a part of your lives.

        I repeated this word several times because you have forgotten :

        who you are,

        who gave you life.

You have known a God who allowed himself to be crucified upon the Cross,

my children; this act is an act of love, an act of offering :

this entire movement could only have taken place in love, only for love.

It was inscribed in the first volume, you may find it on every page: it is love.

The Love gave himself to have you with him, in him for eternity,

he wants to make you discover your presence: your life.

You have lost the beauty of your interior :

When a child comes into this world, he is love, he has not committed sin;

he possesses the beauty of his interior, he possesses the lowliness of his life;

he does not need others to tell him that he is love, for he knows he is love,

        over time, my children, you have lost your inner beauty;

        your lowliness was converted into pride;

        you have taken yourselves for children who do not need to be told :

        “that he is little, that he is love and that it is his duty to be love”.

You have gone forward with your lives by trying to discover your interior, but love is still there inside you :

it is present, it cannot disappear, for it is you: it is you who are love.

But because of your habits, because of your world, you forget the love inside you,

and you allow yourselves to be filled with emptiness.

When you are shown images that do not contain God’s love,

you do not nourish your need for God’s love;

you adopt bad habits,

you begin to see your neighbour through eyes that have been fixed on images void of God’s presence;

you become the reflection of what you look at

and your words become words that are foreign to you;

observe your comments,

you repeat them because you have already heard them :

they are words void of love, words learned from what you have heard,

they do not come from your interior: from love.

You see, your life has veered into the meaningless.

My children, I speak through this instrument of love for you, to show you that I am in you;

if I speak through this child :

it is because I am present,

I am the Life and the Life is within you

I am present within you,

I speak within you,

I am the Movement of Life.    

My beloved, the Voice says to you :

listen to your interior,

go within,

I will speak to you about love,

I will speak to you about yourselves,

I will tell you who you are.

You, my beloved, my chosen, the elect of my Father,

all will be nothing but joy for you, nothing but hope :

this is what life is, true life in God;

this will bring you endless joy,

for I am a Source of Living Water,

I am the Eternal One,

I am a source of living Nourishment.

My loves, become aware that very soon those who are within you will have to make a decision.

I know that, at this moment, many among you, who are present here, have become aware of your importance to God. You see the light, you go forward in these days of darkness with your eyes fixed on your interior, there where the light is. I make you go forward towards my Promised Land.

I am not speaking to you to make you believe that this will happen in several years;

some say that I, I speak according to my own time.

My children, I have no time: I am the Alpha, I am the Omega, I am the Presence,

it is you who live with time: Live in faith.

When I told my apostles that my Father’s Kingdom was close at hand, this was true;

they were preparing for their presence in God, they were journeying towards my Father’s Kingdom,

and you, you are my Father’s elect, those who will see the Son glorified by God the Father within themselves.

Do not try to analyse time, do not try to analyse these living words, live in God, live in the present.

Do you not know that you are in the presence of God, in the presence of The Love, of Eternal Life, of the Son of God?

I am announcing a time of love to you at the very moment that you are accepting to live inside yourselves: in the presence of The Love.

You are already accepting this time, this time of love;

take advantage of this moment: of the present, each second of your life;

if you are waiting for another moment in time, it is that you are not living the present moment,

you are fixing your gaze upon what is going to happen,

your thoughts are concentrated on what is going to happen

and your mind does not benefit from your presence in me: at the very moment when I am with you.

My loves, you want to know happiness?

It is inside you, it is in your presence: it is eternal this happiness.

When you accept to live in God within yourselves, something wonderful happens :

        you discover your presence in God’s presence

        you begin to see with my eyes and you notice that God acts around you

        you realize that people who are not in Jesus’ presence do not have the opportunity that you, you have: to live in God, and at each moment that you discover this happiness that grows,

        and you discover how much happier and calmer your life is!

        You may have physical pain,

        but it begins to take on a different form,

        it becomes a pleasure for you to offer Jesus your suffering

        and it becomes less difficult each day :

        Your interior begins to benefit from what you are accepting externally

        and love begins to grow, and your happiness as well.

My children of love, am I therefore going to tell you

to wait for my coming within you so you may begin to be happy?

It is now, at this very moment that you are alive that you must discover your loving presence with your God.

When you know that God is in love with you :

        you also know that he is in love with all his children, with your children, with your parents, with your

friends: and that is when your confidence in me develops;

        you know that I take care of them: your joy increases;

        you discover once more that your happiness is developing: because you are in me and that I love you;

        you know that I can do anything for you, and I can do anything for those you love: and so, those who are

at war also benefit from the graces I place within you and this makes you warm inside to know

that I take care of them;

        you have hope for happiness on earth and this begins the moment that you, you enter into yourselves :

this is what saying yes to The Love means.

Everything is nothing but simplicity :

        like a child who is born into the world, he is love because his life is within him;

        he is not complicated,

        he does not need to think of later on,

        this baby, he lives his life in the present.

Live like this, in the love of your being.

I am within you, I speak to you to make you realize that you are alive, that you must accept your life inside you, and I make you realize that if you continue accepting that others present their emptiness to you, you will be unable to taste the happiness inside yourselves;

it is not those programs that will give you happiness, it is what is inside you: your presence in my Presence.

If this seems complicated to you it is because you have just begun to discover it;

those who find this less complicated, it is because they have discovered their presence in me :

they already savour a happiness, their happiness.

My children of love, I am the Happiness, I love you and the word love is for you.

It was inscribed in these lines to show you that you are present.

Each time you will see this word love, think that it is you in me, me in you;

it will not be repetitive to you, it will be a discovery :

your presence in God.

All has been calculated: my children, God knows what he is doing, God knows what is good for you.

Let yourselves go, let yourselves be taken up, let yourselves be enveloped, for God is The Love :

he is three times Holy.

I love you, my loves, remain in me, I want you for eternity in this happiness which has already begun for you.

Do not forget, my children, happiness is meant to be shared, to be given; it is free: it is you.

Be what you are: love.

I love you my children, I love you.

Through my power: receive love through my graces, I bring them down upon you through these blessings.

My sons of love have this power through their priesthood. Draw these graces from my sons.


Father André Nault: May almighty God bless you, may the holy Virgin bless you, may the holy archangels and angels watch over you and protect you. I, I bless you as well as all yours: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


All: Amen.


The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: God is asking me to give a testimonial. I said to him: Lord, what am I going to say? And so, this morning, he said to me: «You have no need at all to know this. The words will come to you, they will flow into you because if you try to form the words ahead of time, they won’t come from your heart but from your mind, and so, they will have understood nothing.»

When we talk in public, this must be done only in God;

if we talk amongst ourselves for the sake of talking, we give nothing: this becomes a really useless conversation.

God has made me understand this for the past two years.

Monique and me, we often work together and when we would talk during meals,

because during the day we don’t need to talk, it’s the Lord who talks all the time, so he fills the day up!

even if this doesn’t take long, maybe an hour, an hour is a lot! but sometimes we would take an hour,

and well! when we would start talking, if the conversation didn’t please the Lord, he would say

that we were talking for nothing and that it was better to shut up :

so sometimes the tears would flow, because we were ashamed of having talked for no reason.

Oh! we weren’t talking against you, oh no! but we would talk about ordinary things, and that’s it: just really ordinary things! and the Lord would make us understand the uselessness of that conversation, because he would say that we weren’t helping the children inside us.

He taught us this slowly, each day because Monique, she lived nearly four months at my house;

and so, I would have conversations with her during meals,

but slowly, he was teaching us with loving words, with a lot of gentleness,

he was teaching us how to behave and we started two years ago and we’re still learning.

One time :

Oh Lord! he wants me to tell you this story! oh my God!

We were talking, Monique and me, about a day we had experienced: a gathering;

yes, we had talked about the gathering, but we were discussing what we should avoid so that you wouldn’t find it too long;

because you know, when people come to listen, we have to keep track of the time;

but we know that the Lord, he takes:  a certain amount of time for one thing,

but there are a few minutes between things: ten minutes here, five minutes there: how could we make sure you didn’t waste your time?

And so, we were talking, and then we said, – Lord, you don’t want me to say this, eh? Lord! –

this is what we said: the time for the sermon is essential, we have to listen to it, but our human weakness had figured that it was a little long.

This is very hard, you know, what I have just told you!

When we talk about something we don’t want to talk about and he asks of us: we wonder how we’re going to do it.

We said that the sermon had been a little too long.

It’s not funny bcause we sure cried a lot afterwards, eh?

Because I have the Holy Face in my chapel – well, I say my chapel because it’s a place, like here, that I have reserved in my husband’s room –

and then, we said: Lord, you want to pray? Well, I’m the one who prays, but I hear the words from inside,

so I started to pray, but it was my conscience talking to me;

nd so, it started to pray, and then it told us what was right, what wasn’t right: the things to avoid;

and then, it was telling us it was there to guide us: the conscience,

that sometimes we don’t listen to it during the day, but it’s really there: that we must listen to it.

And so, after this conversation, we felt quite safe, we were far from expecting :

it said to me: «I heard your conversation, and then it said that we had behaved badly;

It told me to go to confession: and so, I realized how important what we say is,

because our conscience is in our presence, it’s the one that guides us;

so when we say bad things, when we say something :

– oh! very innocently, because it was far from being mean what we were saying, but even at that –

we have to weigh our words, especially when they’re about our neighbour.

You see, Father Nault, before, he spoke to us about sins;

but that one, I don’t think it was a mortal sin, but it was a venial sin, right Father Nault?

Was my sin a venial sin? Yes, eh? Ok,!

The fact that my conscience told me that I had done something wrong, then I was realizing that I was in a state of sin;

and so I had to confess that sin

but this made me very sad, I cried a lot, you know!

I was so ashamed, ah! really ashamed!

But, I don’t know which one of the two was the hardest: to present myself in front of my confessor!

Now that was hard too, because at the same time I was discovering that I had to humble myself,

I had to forget myself.

I could have gone to someone else, eh? But sometimes, the good Lord, he asks us to surpass ourselves,

and when we accept to surpass ourselves: we grow in our abandonment.

We abandon ourselves more and more: these are tests;

it’s because he loves us, it’s because he wants us to feel happy inside.

This won’t happen without some difficulties: every day, it’s going to take the full awareness

        of what we do,

        of what we say,

        of what we hear as well.

We must also accept that Jesus is changing us.

It’s nice to say: «Lord, I abandon myself, I will do what you tell me to do»,

but when inside us, we have to humble ourselves in order to grow: this is another story!


You know, when you reveal yourselves in public like this, it’s because

God wants us to grow together

he doesn’t want me to grow alone,

he wants us all to grow together like a big family,

because he wants to turn us into a single family.

At night, he blesses and in his blessing, there’s one for his family, "I bless my family",

and I know that when Jesus says this, it’s all of us, all the children of the earth :

he considers us like his great family.

We are one family and for this, we have to discover ourselves, to discover who we really are;

when we learn to discover ourselves: we learn to discover our faults.

When we accept to say them out loud, well, we see a light inside ourselves: and so we go forward;

and then when we repeat our fault, well then: we realize it more easily,

and that’s when we begin to let Jesus transform us.

There’s only Jesus who can create this movement, there’s only him,

and we don’t stop discovering it every day.

Look, today, I didn’t know what I was going to say, oh no!

But him, he always has something to say, he always has something to make us discover every day:  it’s never-ending. When I write for Jesus – I stopped in May of 2002 writing by hand – everything was piled up there, and there was a lot of it!

Ah! I said: «Lord, there won’t be anything left to say.»

Ah, but no! Now I look at the writings and for the Lord: one word represents a teaching, and this, this is all the time!

The Lord is limitless.

Something happened to me: I had been listening to the Lord. I had written for – out of respect, I won’t name the person – for a person and this person had not yet achieved his full development,

and so I said: «Lord, why did you make me write a message while this person hasn’t yet arrived?

You wrote it as if he had completed his development.»

And so, I took this as a mistake on my part, in my weakness, not Jesus!

I know he doesn’t make mistakes, Jesus, but I do!

So, I said: «Lord, I’m unworthy.»

And then, I asked the Lord: «I need a vacation Lord because this mistake here is my fault, not yours.»

 And then he said: «Go get the Bible.» I took the Bible, he said: «Now go to a certain page.»

He was telling me the page number, he was also telling me the chapter;

and I was looking, and then he was saying: «Write», it was the chapter with the verse :

– oh, it’s a phrase, only a phrase – and well! that phrase :

was a teaching: he did that to me four times, just a simple little phrase!

There’s one that I remember, it goes: Your mother is outside with your brothers :

that phrase became a teaching.

Do you see that Jesus is an endless source?

He’s a source of Nourishment, he’s Perfection.

This is why we have to let ourselves be transformed by Jesus, - and he knows what is good for us – at his pace, not ours and also we must accept to let ourselves be purified, not always according to our way, oh no! especially not that!

it has to be done with humility by accepting to suffer as well,

but we grow, we learn to discover love, the love that is inside us and the love for our neighbour.

What is important, is to know that we are part of Jesus.

This is why we mean a lot to Jesus: we are love, we are part of him, he is The Love.

He carried us before our mother on earth.

I heard this week, in a writing, I wrote it down: how much we mean to him!

He said that he would never stop declaring his love for each of us, because we are part of him, we are his love.

When we discover this: this is what happiness is, it’s not what we think it is.

Me, I pictured happiness like something someone would bring to me that would make me happy, that’s what happiness was: that is false, that’s not what happiness is!

It’s inside us: it’s like a fountain that makes us discover everything that belongs to us and that is inside us, that is alive inside us, and that slowly comes out :

it comes out and then, we let this discovery wash over us: that’s what happiness is!

This is God’s presence inside us and this will never end, never, it will be eternal.

It’s a movement of love.

One day, he showed me: we were coming home from Lac Saint-Jean,

        my eyes were closed

        and then, I saw the universe

        and there were – I think – planets,

        they were all there, it was huge!

        but everything was moving: it was part of one movement

        it didn’t stop moving,

        but it was sort of enveloped in something :

        it was his love: it was a movement of love.

We are part of that, because he’s the one who creates this, that movement.

We have to learn to live in the very movement of God every day.

I love you for having listened to love speaking to you: not me, but not because I don’t love myself now, it’s that the important thing is on the inside, not on the outside,

and I’m part of you and you are part of me: we are in this movement of love;

this is what God wanted you to know tonight: he put this movement inside me, for me and for you and I accomplished his Will, his loving Will,

and if tonight, you participated along with me in listening to Jesus revealing love to us, it’s that we are all part of Jesus, our good Jesus of love as he has often told me, my Jesus of love.

Thank you very much.