It Is My Will to Give You Graces of Love




The Trinity: My Girl of my Will in Jesus, you are within us, the Trinity, give yourself out of love. We have chosen you to be our instrument of love among our children, so that all those who want it, may be in the Divine Will. My dear little children, abandon yourselves in us, it is we, the Trinity, who are asking this of you; through your whole being, the Love wants to speak to you regarding his action.


Little children of the Love, say yes to our incessant requests, we are in the process of letting you know that the time when all actions and thoughts are carried out with your human will, is coming to an end ; now is the time when you must deny yourselves in order to die in Jesus, the Christ. There is no greater love than his, do not be afraid; this is not about giving up all that is good for you, it is giving up what makes you suffer. Do not remain doubtful before this request, we know what is good for you, only you will suffer if you do not want to listen to us. We, the Divine Will, do everything to let you know that this is the only way to know happiness.


God the Father: My children, I am God, your Heavenly Father, I am the Almighty, listen to me. I am telling you that this time you are living on earth is important: you must choose between your human will and the Divine Will. Your soul is awaiting your choice; it knows that we want your happiness right away. Why do you want to manage everything in your life, don’t you know that I am your Father? I know what is good for you and I am the only one who knows what is necessary for your future so that you may be happy. The moment is critical for all of you, you must now come to a turning point in your life; I am the one who is making you aware of this: the one that consists in going within yourselves to die in my Son. So that you may all abandon yourselves in him, you must live from my graces of love; through my graces, you will be able to make your choice with love.


My little children, I am your God, I have so much love to give you! What are you doing? Don’t you know that I have given you my beloved Son so that you could be as happy on earth as in Heaven? Through him, I have made my Will known to you: the one of having you all in him so that you may come to me, your God. Go die in him to obtain happiness, this is my Sacred Will for all eternity.


My Will must be done on earth as in Heaven. I am warning you through this instrument of love that you must behave as children worthy of belonging to God. The time when you behave as children who are ignorant of my Will is over; I am making known to you all that is good for you. Now you can no longer claim to be unaware of my Will since I have been speaking to you openly through messages I dictate to my instruments of love; I am the one who has them sent to you so that you may know what I expect of you.


My children, how many among you do not want to believe that I speak to you through messengers ; these children do not want to behave as though they were ready to learn from me what is good for them. They believe they know all that is necessary to journey towards happiness and, during this time, they remain without accepting within themselves my graces of love which are necessary to them. It is I who prepare you with my graces to deny your human will. My children, I tell you: “Only those who will die in my Son will have eternal life.”


I am your Heavenly Father, this is why I want you to know my Will. If you want your daily life to be in happiness, take the trouble to read what I am making known to you through my chosen ones of these end times. Is it not I who have chosen the time appropriate to you for the coming of my Son to earth? And, through my apostle John, I informed you that my Son will return to earth for the final great judgement; all, living and dead, you will all be before God’s countenance and I will separate the good from the bad for eternity. Before this happens, my reign on earth as in Heaven will come, because I have created all of you as God’s children so that you may be love on this earth.


Understand this carefully: my first children, Adam and Eve, were created for love, and not for them to know hatred on earth; I want you, I, God the Father, as God’s children, as I wanted you to be. I am informing you through this instrument that I have wanted to forgive you everything by accepting that my Son Jesus carry all your sins to death: it is up to you to say yes to your Father. Forgiveness must come from the deepest part of your being, but as your human will is within you, you have difficulty giving up the evil that has made you commit sins; this is why I am asking you to go and give everything to my Son.


My children, God the Father could have gone through members of the clergy and religious communities to inform you of what he expects of you, but due to your lack of faith, you would not have believed what they would have told you. Little children, look at yourselves, you no longer practise the sacraments, you have left my Church, the one that was built with my Son’s Blood. God is eternal, I know all things and this is why I make use of this child who has renounced her human will completely in order to speak to you. It pains me so to see you like this before my expectations! What are you doing? Do you realize that you are denying my graces, which come directly from me, your Father? There will be nothing but suffering for you if you do not stop to think about my requests; you alone will languish, not this child who listens to my Will. Why make of yourselves vain children who do not want to believe that I speak to you through her?


What would this child have gained by turning her brothers and sisters against her, she to whom I have given a family that loves her and that she loves? You who want to know happiness on earth, if you were to find it, although small, would you be ready to give this happiness up for your neighbour? This child knows love, this is why she gives herself. I give her what I want to give you: my Divine Will. She has denied her will to come and die in my Son Jesus, out of love for me, her Father. She has forgiven her brothers and sisters for all the offences they have committed against his humanity, and she has forgiven them for all the offences they commit against me. Yes, my children, when this child forgives her brothers and sisters for all the offences committed to her person and to those she loves, God forgives. Through the graces of the sacraments, this child of my Divine Will receives graces that transform her into a child of love; constantly, she lets God transform her. Her human will has no longer any hold over her, this is why she gives herself.


Other children are experiencing this change more and more. I protect them from the temptations of sin because, without me, they would succumb to temptation: human weakness is great. My children, Satan, the angel of disobedience, wants to harm you, he does not cease making you stumble into temptation: he hates you all. He does not like to see you deny your human will, for his hold on you diminishes and he cannot harm you. At the moment, he rages before the children who deny their human will; it is I, their Father, who delivers them from evil because they have said yes to the Love.


I am warning you, there will never be another time such as the one you are living presently; this time is chosen by me to teach you to renounce your human will. At this very moment, graces are being given to you; they enter into you through children who love you in the Divine Will; they give themselves for you, making my love known to you. This is why children who are not aware of these messages are being transformed in love because, I, I know them all, I know which one of you will say yes to my Son’s request of love. I also know who will say no to my beloved Son; it would have been better for them if they had never been born. But those of you who do not know that you have a yes within you, you yourselves must utter it; as I am a free God, I cannot force you.


My children, I have taken care of each child on earth. Despite the fact that Adam and Eve disobeyed, I have never ceased giving you graces of love so that you might continue to be love, but your stubbornness to want to do your will has made you heedless with regard to your life of love. Sins against the Love proliferate, this destroys your life; it has become indifferent to God’s love and this, despite my gifts of love. You have become children of evil; yes, my children, you have accepted the Devil as your tutor, he has clutched you in his claws and he controls you; you can no longer claim to be unaware of evil for you see it everywhere.


Your eternal life is in danger. My Son Jesus came amongst you to speak to you about God the Father, he has given you teachings of love and you refuse to do his Will. You, the rich, you want to be masters of your life, you believe you can buy happiness with your money, and you, the poor, you have agreed to do as they do. You no longer want to deprive yourselves for the hungry, the cold, the lonely, the unhappy, because pleasure and luxury are your priorities; you believe that you are capable of reaching happiness. Money rules the world, you have Mammon as your god.


Now I am speaking to you as your earthly father would speak to you, since you do not want to listen to your Heavenly Father: “My children, I will give you one last chance to correct yourselves, since you have not understood that all that I have done for you was for the good of all. You must not take this text lightly for it sheds light on what I am doing presently. You all know that I am your father and, as your father, I have the right to tell you these things which are necessary to you so that you may behave properly, otherwise you will be punished.”


My children, I cannot speak to you like this because I am a God of love, I want you all to be aware of the love I hold for you because I want you to love me as children of love. It is not by threatening you that you will love me. It is true, I want to warn you of the danger that awaits you if you do not listen to me, but you will not be punished by me; it is you alone who will punish yourselves for you alone are masters of your yes or your no.


Just like my first children, Adam and Eve, they themselves chose to not listen to me, and because of their disobedience, they lost everything I had given them in order to be happy on earth. Now, you as well have a choice to make: I am asking you to obey me by giving up living on earth with your human will, to become once again as I have always wanted, children of my Divine Will. All those who will be in my Divine Will will have everything from me. I know each child who carries a yes to the Love within him.


And you who carry a no to the Love within you, you refuse to come die in my Son Jesus; I cannot continue pouring my graces of love into you since you do not want my love. I know of your hatred towards the One who saved you from death, you who want nothing to do with my Son. I, his Father, cannot acknowledge you as my children; due to your choice, you will know the result of your own behaviour.


My children, from your birth on earth, I have placed graces of love into you in order to help you journey towards my Kingdom. I have given you your daily bread by providing you with love. Yes, I have nourished you with my graces of love so that you might have all that was necessary for your daily life; without my graces, you could not have come to your own aid.


All good things come solely from me; you must be good on the inside in order to want to do good and to have what is good; this is why I have poured into you graces which made you good. Think about all that is good within you and you will see that I have always taken care of you, even the most evil have goodness within them. Only the Love gives graces of love because God wants you to take care of yourselves and of others. Am I not your Heavenly Father?


I who love you, I see all that you do with my graces of love. You neglect yourselves and you neglect your neighbour; some go as far as wanting to destroy him. Some children of this world are so depraved that they kill without remorse. Money has become your reason for living. There cannot be two gods, only I am your Creator. You owe it to yourselves to be children who want nothing but love in order to live in God, God alone can obtain anything for you.


Coming to die in my Son is to obtain everything from me, your Heavenly Father, who did everything possible on earth so that you might be happy. Why not take care of yourselves by coming to live your life in the Divine Will? My Son is your home: whoever lives in my Son already lives in my Kingdom.


When you build a house, it is to live in it; you have to take care of it. If you neglect it, it will deteriorate and one day you will no longer be able to live in it. My children, your soul is in you, it lives in your interior. You need my graces so that your soul may be in love, otherwise your interior, neglected in this way, will be destroyed forever. If you do not come into my Son to profit from graces of love, which are necessary to you to live your life as children of love, your soul will fall into hell for eternity and it will be because you will have wanted it so.


Your internal life is in the process of deteriorating. I, who love you, want to take care of you, my children, you who want to live as children of love. I know you and I know which of you want to be love. I pour into you, my beloved ones, graces of love that help you presently to renounce your human will so that you may come into my Divine Will. All those who will say yes to the Love will live eternally in my Divine Will: they are, as of now, benefiting from my graces of love.


All those who will say no to the Love, and I know them all, I cease pouring my graces of love into them. Only the graces they will have received from God through the yeses of my children of the Light will for a time still be in them, but once no trace of my graces of love remains, they will no longer have any love within them. They are the ones responsible for this gesture, this is my justice: so be it.


I have warned my children through my Daughter Mary, of all that was to happen, she has been appearing to you for such a long time! And you, who object to my words that I dictate to this instrument, you cannot claim that this is unjust; I have warned all my children of the danger that could affect them if they did not listen, and this, for a long time. Through my first prophets, you have known my words ; my commandments were given to you so that you could behave as children worthy of me; I gave you my Son to redeem all your sins; through the Holy Scriptures, you have known my love for each one of you; through my saints, you have received examples of love; through my Daughter Mary, you have received warnings regarding your behaviour; through my messages, you have all been warned of what was coming: today, you cannot claim that this goes against love. It is the Love himself who informs you that only those who fear my justice are in my Son.


All the children who presently no longer receive graces of love are children who want nothing to do with my Son; they hate him, they want to destroy what he has accomplished on earth: the Church. I cannot ignore their diabolical intentions which they are preparing to carry out at this moment. The cessation of my graces for them, it is they alone who have wanted it so, not me, my children. My Heart of a Father is so sad before their categorical refusal. You will say: “But they did not see the Son of God within them asking them to renounce their misdeeds in order to come into him to live in the Divine Will.” I am God, I see all things, I know all things and I know their answer; I know that they will spout insults at my beloved Son. My children, if I were to wait for that moment, you would no longer be in this world so that you, you could experience this moment within you. At present, they are plotting your demise; I know everything they want to do. Am I going to wait that the end of your life is nothing but complete disaster before I stop them? My little ones, do not be afraid, I know what is good for you.


And you who do not believe what I have just made known to you through this instrument, you will realize that my words are real. I am not speaking to frighten you, I am your God and I know better than you what is appropriate for you. Do not keep within you these doubts that are forming, this does not come from the good that is in you, but from the evil that does not want to leave you. Do not forget that it is since Adam and Eve that evil exists in all my children; it is because of disobedience that you do not live in my Divine Will.


Loves, I love you, give yourselves love by accepting what comes from me. Don’t you know that I am your good Heavenly Father who wants you all to be happy? I created Heaven and earth so that you might be united to one another in my sacred love. Your reward for coming to die in my Son Jesus will be great. I bless you all. Amen.


Your Heavenly Father