The Human Will Is Against Love When It

Is Not Abandoned in the Divine Will




The Holy Spirit: Through the power of the Love, God accomplishes his Divine Will. When a child gives himself, he gives his yes to God. Everything within him lets itself be taken by the movement of the Love. He, then, accomplishes the Will of God. He sees to it that everything is for God alone, as this child who speaks to you; she pronounces the words that are within her. It is I, the Divine Will, who makes her hear the words within her which she repeats.


God the Father: This time is a time of love. Although this time is difficult for some of the world’s children, it is none the less a time of love. Acts of reprisal are committed against my children, against those whom I myself have created. They are at the mercy of children who believe themselves masters of their actions. These children are also my children whom I have created and they only want to listen to their human will.


My children of love, I ask you to love one another, to become united with one another and to see to it that everything about you is worthy of being called child of God. You are all God’s children but since you listen to nothing but your human will, I, God of Love, cannot give you the graces you would need in order for you to behave as children of God. Wanting to listen to nothing but human will is to allow evil to run your life. Any child who lets himself be controlled by his human will performs acts conceived by his own thoughts, acts performed by him and acts which lead to wrongdoing, for that which is not nourished by my graces, and which is not in my Divine Will cannot be good.


You see, human will is inclined to want to revel in itself. All that comes from a human is nothing but what he is, because his actions are for himself and for what he knows of himself. When he performs actions originating from his human will, these actions are individualistic. He becomes an egotistical being.


Pride is the sin that caused my angel to be chased away far from my sight. My children, I am speaking to you about my fallen angel: Lucifer. He did not want to adore my Son; out of pride, he refused to adore my Child God who was to come to your world. This world was doomed due to Satan’s pride. Everything was nothing but vanity in this angel’s downfall, and it is with nothing other than vanity that he manages human will, with the desire of inciting it to wrongdoing. He gives himself power over your human will, he does not respect who you are for he has not respected himself, he has not respected the beauty of God’s creation.


It is I, God, who created the angels. My Son of love was to come to earth in your presence in order to show you God’s Presence itself amongst you. You were not supposed to be saved, you had been created perfect, but the fallen angel did not want to adore the Son of God made man. At the very moment of his no, he was plunged into the bowels of the earth. He took with him a countless number of angels and these angels, my children, descended with him into hell, and they do whatever they can to incite you to perform acts of evil.


Due to Adam and Eve’s sin, you live with good and evil, my children. Your human will is a weakness for you. It co-exists with two choices: good or evil. The years have lead evil to gain the upper hand over good. You who believe that you live for your own well-being, by wanting to do your own will while putting aside my Will of love, you destroy the good within you. You do not notice that Satan along with his fallen angels do whatever they can to destroy good.


Look at what your world has invented! This technology, through which you make yourselves masters, has created bombs and methods of destroying you as your human will has destroyed you. You have created what will destroy you completely.


My children of love, I am speaking to you because I love you, it is I, your Creator. It is I who placed my breath of life within you. Shall I stop talking to you? As long as there is goodness within you, as little as it may be, I will continue talking to you.


At this very moment, this instrument of love speaks to your soul for it is I who dictate the words for her soul and for your soul. God is living; he is living in each one of you. Although you cannot listen to him inside yourselves, your soul is God’s work. She needs God’s graces in order to live and to love life; without me, she could not live. If your soul dies, your body loses the movement of life.


So, my children, since I am a God of love, I give your soul graces of love through children who give themselves completely. All is within you. Why turn yourselves into children who destroy their own life? I prepare you inwardly through my children who give themselves completely, so that you may be ready for my coming within you. Yes, my Son, Jesus, will reveal himself to you. Whoever sees the Son sees the Father. Whoever sees the Father sees the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We are three persons who form but one God. We dwell within you. You will also see your Mother; she does not leave her Son, Jesus.


Jesus: My children of love, do not be astonished by these words, they are nothing more than love for you. Many children, and they are so numerous, refuse to hear my words. They call themselves children of my Church, but they backhandedly reject the words God has dictated to my chosen children of these end times. They are afraid, they do not want to get involved for they believe in only what they have learned. What they have learned is not what they have within them, for I have announced that my Father’s Kingdom would come to earth.


When you say the Our Father that I myself taught my apostles: “May your Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven,” I announced my Father’s Kingdom within you. These words are living, they are familiar to these children of love, but they refuse, they forbid my other children to nourish themselves with my words of life, my words of joy.


It is a joy to hear that God will soon present himself in each of earth’s children to ask them if they want to choose love and renounce hatred. This choice will be presented to you. You will all have to respond to this request of love. I cry out in each of my children: “You must listen to your God, you must renounce your human will.”


Abandoning oneself to the Divine Will is to accept that evil leave you and it is to accept that evil no longer exists around you, for when I will present myself to you, this will be the announcement of the end of evil on earth. And all the children who will have accepted to continue co-existing with evil will have to disappear as well, along with evil, which will disappear from the surface of the earth.


This, my children, is my Justice. Children who will harm my chosen children will never again exist. Although some refuse to hear my words on the outside, at this very moment my words are being imprinted within my children. It will not be possible for them to deny what I have said before the great choice. This choice is within you. It will be revealed to you and you will have to respond to it.


My children of love, there is war. My country of love, where I was born, is undergoing a great tribulation. This nation has been chosen to enter the Promised Land, where honey will flow, where the trees will bear fruit in abundance, where the rivers will be bursting with fish, where the air will be nothing but sweetness. My people will be at the head of all the world’s children. They are God’s people, the people of Israel; you will all be brothers and sisters.


Oh! My people, I love you so much! Why this rebellion against yourselves? I have come among you to show you my Father’s love. You had received inscriptions of love, which had become imprinted within you throughout the ages. You have broken these inscriptions of love because of your human will. By not adhering to my Father’s laws, you have refused to hear the Son of God, and, today, you are paying the price for it.


Because of your stubbornness over not wanting peace, you create evil around you. You create adversity that causes suffering for my people. You do not give yourselves to your Father. You demonstrate to your ancestors how prejudicial your attitude is to the call of your God.


I make my children cry out to ask you to cease these reprisals amongst yourselves. These confrontations are detrimental to you. You alone will have to answer for your gestures. Although you are my people, you will not be able to enter the New Jerusalem unless your life is in compliance with my laws. No law made with the human will can render you justice. Be then, children of Israel by being loyal to your ancestors.


And you, people of darkness, you who confront the nation that showed the entire world its power, you want to demonstrate that you are superior by not wanting peace. You have created your own destruction. You are not aware of Satan’s influence over you. Through your domination you want to crush the children who are against you. You want to show to yourselves how your behaviour is equalled by your strength.


You are not what you claim for he who takes up arms to show that he is stronger, more powerful, is nothing more than weakness, than ignorance, than destruction. We cannot build anything based on hatred, on violence; this is a movement that destroys itself, and it disappears only to reappear as ugliness in the eyes of those who only want peace. You are my children, you have the breath of God within you. My Father has placed life within you; you do not respect who you are and you do not want to respect the lives of others. You proclaim that you are the power in view of the fact that you have confronted the nation that claims to be the richest, the strongest, the most powerful, but, through your attitude, you prove that you are dominated by another who wants to impose his human will upon you.


This nation refuses to heed my Word that I have given to my holy Vicar, John Paul II. He requested peace but human pride refused it. Today, the children of earth are witnesses of this disobedience. You, people of Iraq and Iran, and you, the United States, you are on your own. God watches you and he has nothing but compassion for you, oh unfaithful children. He has so much love that he asks all his children of the Light to pray and to sacrifice themselves for you, vain people.


Why make of yourselves children who want to perform nothing but their human will? You cause suffering to my children of the entire earth. You alone will present yourselves before your gestures against my children. And you, my children of the Light, you who consent to listen to my holy Vicar whose voice is in my Words, be blessed.


Many graces are granted to you, to your children and to those you love. I ask you, oh! children of love: love your brothers and sisters, follow God’s commandments, do not judge my rebellious children and pray for them for God loves you. He wants to grant you graces of light so that you may escape the clutches of the angel of darkness.


Oh! Little children, do not let Satan and the fallen angels incite you to become afraid, anxious; remain at peace. My holy Vicar has asked for peace. Keep peace within yourselves, do not worry, as this causes within you an interruption in the flow of the graces I am pouring into you. When you lack confidence in God, God stops his movement of love and he waits for you to regain your confidence in him because God respects your freedom. My children, do not try to find out what tomorrow, or the next day, or the days after that will be. Each day you must live your life in God with love for your neighbour. When you live in God, you abandon your life to God, and those you love within you benefit from your presence in God. You demonstrate that you are children of God and that you love your neighbour.


My loves, I come to bring you love, I am not speaking to frighten you, to worry you. Keep hope within yourselves for I am the Love, I am the Joy, I am the Good, I am the Sweetness, all within me is perfect. I give you what I am. I will nourish you as I nourish nature and as I nourish my whole creation. Despite the fact that your human will performs actions that destroy nature and my creation, I who am the Life, continue nourishing you because I am the Life, I am the Love.


Be true to what you are. Everything is wanted by God for you. I want to fill you with love. Remain peaceful. Pray with your heart while being confident that God loves you. Pray like children, tiny, little children who trust their Father.


How I love you my children, love yourselves and love your neighbour. This moment is a precious one for you, it reminds you that I have announced a time of love on earth and I tell you that, my children, very soon you will know this time of love on earth. God is coming within you. Prepare yourselves inwardly. I bless you. Through the power of God, may you become children of love. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit blesses you in his Divine Will. Amen.


I bless you through my priest’s consecrated hands. Any child who reads this blessing perceives the Light. The Light is in my consecrated son. He is a witness of my Action for my children. The blessing is sacred. Only God can act through my holy son of predilection. The instrument of love cannot give what she does not have. The priest has received all from Christ Priest, for he is within him. In his Divine Will, Jesus goes through his priest in order to bless all his children.


Blessing of Father Réginald Tardif: “May the blessing of the Lord, he who is Father, infinitely Father, and his Son Jesus, the Lord, and the Holy Spirit, bring down upon this text his abundant blessings, and may this blessing be a source of peace and joy for all those who read it.”