Gathering of Love With God's Action in Markham, Ontario,

 Through His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus


2008-02-03 – Part 2

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: We will begin now.

Q. My first question is: In the Divine Will, should we honour the Virgin Mary as Co-redemptrix? And my second question: What can we do to stop abortion?

A. Jesus: Children of love, when I came to earth, I carried all the children of the world. In my Flesh, I experienced suffering: nothing was unknown to me. When I suffered my Passion, my Mother looked at her Child. My Mother gave her Child constantly to God. I am God. She was offering her Child to God and her Child returned her love; because she was receiving love from her flesh, she understood my offering of love. The Presence was in her and the Presence made of her a child who was present in the Presence. It is as though, children of love, you took a glass of water: the container is the glass, the water that enters the glass fills the glass. The container and the water become the same thing. As a result, you cannot separate the water from the glass, what you see is a whole: the container and what it holds become a unit. To the one who sees the glass, everything becomes a unit. 

The Mother of God is the One who bore the Child-God. When the Child-God was in Mary's womb, they formed but one. God was nourishing Mary, Mary was filled with graces. In that moment, Mary came to know God's children; she was already participating in the Passion. Remember, children of love, that when you heard Simeon say to Mary, “… and a sword shall pierce your own soul too,” Mary knew, Mary accepted, Mary was keeping the Scriptures in her Heart. She, Mary, knew what would happen to the Light of the world: the Light of the world would come and the Light of the world would not be recognized; he took all sins upon himself, he became the Being of sin; his bones were laid bare; he was lifted up from the earth. All these words were in Mary.

Mary knew. She participated in the Will of God. Mary constantly said yes to the Divine Will; she took delight in the love she received. Love was within her, for she was nourished by The Love. Mary, in the Divine Will, knew all and she said yes to God continuously. Her human will was inactive within her. Her flesh knew no temptation, and yet, she was faced with temptation. Satan attacked her, Satan wanted her to disobey. She was in the image of her Son: she always obeyed God and this was so to the very end. She was a participant in her Son's Passion. How she would have liked to have been on the Cross! But God had chosen her place for her: standing at the foot of the Cross.

Children of love, the Mother of God the Son was chosen to be an example to you. Are you also ready to endure all with the help of graces? Mary, she was filled with graces, and you, children of love, allow yourselves to be filled with graces. Everything belongs to God. You must live these times with God's graces, for you, you as well, will go to the very end: knowing the Passion and living it so that, through your yes, you might be fully obedient to God. Honour the Mother of God, love her – she is your Mother.

Children of love, you on earth, do you love your mother, the one who bore you? Any child who is at peace can only answer yes. The child who cannot answer yes is caught up in his suffering. Any child who answers yes is a child of love who loves his mother. Love your earthly mother and honour your Mother; in this way, you shall live eternally. When you love my Mother, when you pray to my Mother, you love my Mother who is your Mother, and my Mother prays so that your mother may always be by your side.

I love you, my children.

Q. I would like to know what God's Will is – are there ways to find out if we’re doing his Will? How can we discern if we are in his Will? I'm going to need some clues since I don’t think I'm going to be hearing any voices.

A. Jesus: Child of my Will, what are you trying to do – are you trying to find the answers ahead of time? I am asking you to live your present with what I will put within you, so that you might fulfil yourself in my Will, so that you might recognize that, for the sake of love, you are my Father's child. When you are love, you are in me. When you do what is best out of love for me, you are not in your will, you are in my Will.

Children of love, how can you say that you carry out the Will of God when you think that you are carrying out your will? You would not even be able, children of love, to feed yourselves using your will. It is The Love that enables you to feed yourselves; it is the Divine Will that, from age to age, from age to age, has always provided you with nourishment. I am the Divine Will; I have planned everything to enable you to return to the Divine Will. Allow me to transform you. It is not up to you to make the effort to say, “Am I doing your Will properly now?” In that moment, it is your will that is making itself known.

Live your life in the present; love your God with all your soul, with all your strength, with all your mind, with all your heart; love your God by respecting his Name; respect my laws of love; on Sundays, come to be nourished – then you will know that I am the most powerful of all, for I shall give you graces that you may honour your mother and your father. You will carry out my Will: you will not steal, you will be able to respect life, you will not cheat by stealing what is not yours, for your eyes will always be upon yourself, knowing that you are faithful to the commandments, to the sacraments, to love. You will move forward and you will be proud of what you are before me – the Church – by not uttering a single word against your neighbour. You will always be in me, faithful to what I give you: the grace to always stand before my Father who wants you in his Kingdom for eternity. You shall not bring about death, for this is up to me. I am the Life and when you are in me, there is no death. You are eternally mine.

My children of love, recognize my Father's law. I hold you within me. Only you will be able to separate yourselves from me eternally by saying, “I hate you.” As long as you do not say this, you will be in me; but if you do say these words, I will respect your choice.

Q. First question: Is salvation possible for people born elsewhere, in countries where there are no Christians, for people who are raised in other religions? Can we have hope that those people will come to know salvation? Second question: Can we hope that salvation will come to communist countries?

A. The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: When we came into this world we had one origin: we come from the Eternal Flesh. The Eternal Flesh is Jesus, the Son of God made Man: the Man-God. We exist because Man-God exists. We come from God the Father and, through the Son, we exist. Are there borders within the Body of Jesus? He is a whole, he is the Almightiness, he is The Love. We are love, and therefore, every child in the Flesh of Jesus is love.

We came to earth because God wants his yes, because we are the yes of the Son. We are love, and therefore, on earth we must be: love. But the human will became known to us through the Tempter: Satan. Are we going to cast stones at our first parents, Adam and Eve? They were flesh just like us, they were in that yes just like us. Before they came to earth, God knew; before we came to earth, God knew; but he said yes because of Mary, the One who would become the unconditional yes. He saw only her! Amidst all of us, he could see Mary, he could see faithfulness, and so he wasn’t able to refuse us, and he gave his agreement.

Our first parents are the ones God chose on our behalf, and this continues to be so, and will continue to be so up to the last person on earth. And God the Father alone knows the number of children who have been chosen, and this will be carried forth to the last person. But our human will has had us travel from one country to another, from one border to another, from one religion to another religion: human will, human will, human will, how you are led astray by Satan! We needed God's Messenger to always remind us that only he, the Son of God, will be able to bring us back to his Father. The Scriptures speak! Everything is in the Scriptures – from the Book of Genesis to Revelation – everything has been revealed to us. We’re living what has been written and revealed by the Holy Spirit. Yes, whether children are born here in Canada or whether they’re born in Russia, they’re our brothers, they’re our sisters, and they have love inside them.

When a mother gives birth to her child, when she takes him in her arms, when she looks at him and says to him, “I love you,” which language is she speaking? Love. And who is The Love? God – none other than God. Therefore, God will show her, that mother, how he took care of his love, which he desired for her. Yes, he willed that mother so that she could take care of her child, who belongs to God. We who are mothers, who do the children we bear belong to? To us? That’s wrong – they belong to the One who has all power over life and over death because he is the Creator. And so, God is going to say to that little mother: “Come, come closer so I can show you how loving you have been to my child. There is a place here for you; it is the place you left behind; it is time to come home now.”

God teaches us to see and to hear with his Heart. It is only the Heart that opened itself up out of love and that has remained open that can give us such nourishment. Love our brothers and our sisters, wherever they may be, so that each and every one of us can fulfil himself through the yes. Yes, we have faith that all has been accomplished. We know that we are saved because we see you on the Cross. Amen.

All: Amen.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Thank you, Holy Spirit.

Q. How do we fully abandon ourselves to God?

A. The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Abandon doesn’t come from us, abandon comes from God. It’s up to him to render us abandon but it’s up to us to say yes. He will always respect us. Ever since we’ve been on earth, ever since the first breath, he has been giving us his love. The Holy Spirit breathes on us and he makes us aware of what is inside us – obedience, abandon – and for this, he will make us aware of something: humility, which is what ensured that Mary always remained a Child of the Divine Will.

Humility is like a path leading us directly to abandon. Therefore, let’s ask Mother Mary for the grace of humility through prayer: she will nourish us with graces, for she was filled with graces. We must also remember that we are praying when we’re walking, drinking, eating. When we do things, they are prayers because we are in Jesus. We don’t have only the rosary and all the other prayers – we have ourselves: we are prayer. Is prayer more powerful than the Flesh of Jesus? Mother Mary was prayer.

“Hail, O Queen of love. You are full of grace. You lack nothing. The Divine Will has filled you with his graces of humility and we have never seen disobedience within you. You were chosen among virgins because you are the One who always remained in the Divine Will, refusing your will. You said yes to the Divine Will. You carried in your womb the One who is. In your womb, grace was formed and you have bestowed it ceaselessly. You were an example through your person because God has always borne witness on your behalf. Your life on earth was a movement of love: you never, never stopped praying for your children who were sinners. You wanted them all in the Kingdom of God. You asked death to refrain from showing itself so that your children might not be frightened. Every movement was in the present, which you nourished with your graces, for when you were with your Son on earth, you were in his movement of love. You always placed your feet in your Son's footsteps, and when the Trinity came for you, it crowned you Queen of the universe and of Heaven.”

And so, this is our life because we yearn to be like Mary: hence the ‘Hail Mary’ – we recite it every time we fulfil ourselves on earth, following Mary's example. We are prayer and God never stops giving us graces through the One who was full of grace. She asks us to love one another as brothers and sisters, and she wants us to share with one another whatever good we accomplish. We need only desire this and all is accomplished. This is the yes that says to others yeses: I'm here, I'm holding on to you. If there is a yes that is known and other yeses that are unknown, the yes, in order to be true, encourages the other yeses. This is what prayer is. Alleluia.

All: Alleluia.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Thank you, Lord.

Q. A person in the audience explained what was happening at his house with a crucifix. And, he said, “What does Jesus want me to do with this? I'm just a poor sinner.”

A. The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: When we receive manifestations within ourselves, we offer to God what belongs to God. We always remain open to God's call and God himself guides his children.

Whatever Heaven grants to us is always with the aim of having us grow and to always say to us: “You are too little to understand. Therefore, leave everything to your God, abandon yourself – I am in the process of teaching you this. Love your neighbour and pray for your neighbour. Open your heart and utter your yes. Reveal your Father's Will by remaining little. Do not try to show yourself but forget yourself and God will have you move forward because he has searched your heart. He saw that you belonged to him, as he wishes you to be.”

In and through everything that is happening, God carries out his Will. He will show us many things, and much will be asked of us. All this will be done through graces on behalf of all our brothers and our sisters of the whole world. No one’s hand will be forced, all will come from God. He will teach us to be abandon, to never try to figure out what tomorrow holds, but rather to be ready for tomorrow. What is coming is God's Will for this world.

We are receiving much so that we can be in his strength, so that we can be witnesses of his Will. We aren’t able to bear witness by our own efforts. Only Heaven can enable us to bear witness, and so, let’s leave to God what is God's, but let’s thank Heaven. There will be a great deal of love in us because the more manifestations there are, the more love there will be, for we will not reject what comes from Heaven. We will keep our piety. We won't try to live this through what we are, as this would be based on nothing more than our senses. We are able to recognize what comes from God through humility. The more we remain humble, the more God reveals to us.

Those who want to be in front of everybody to show themselves off are not humble. They are children of God but they are letting themselves to be taken in by the Tempter. For the Tempter is going to use God's children, as he has always done, to lead God's children astray.

We hunger, we thirst for the truth and we find the truth only in the Gospel. Let’s learn our Gospel by living it. Let’s not be prophets – only the Holy Spirit chooses, only the Holy Spirit speaks. We are able to recognize a prophet through his silence. Amen.