Gathering of Love With God's Action in Mc Leods, New Brunswick,

Through His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus

2007-09-17 - Part 1


The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Once upon a time, there was The Love, The Love who came to be among us; he came to speak in hearts to remind them that they were God's children.

They listened to that Man, they came to love this Man and they followed him.

But, among those children, there were some whose hearts were very heavy; they were incapable of keeping the living words in their hearts; they were incapable of grasping the depth of those words.

They continued following the others, they watched the others and they tried to love that Man as deeply as the others loved him, but there was always something stopping them.

Why were they asking themselves questions? It was because they hadn't found, they hadn't found abandonment, they hadn't found what they were: they were children of God and they weren't aware of this.

Because they were trying to hold on to those words with their sufferings, because they were incapable of abandoning themselves, they wanted to comfort themselves with what they knew.

They took the words of that Man with their own words; in this way, it was easier for them to follow what he was saying; they were mixing their words with the Word of The Love, the Word of the Life, and they went forward until today.

Today, we live in a world in which we believe in the Word of God, but by adding in our own words.

What the Spirit of God wants to make us understand is that, all together, we’re God's children, but that we’re different through our thoughts, through everything we have been incapable of understanding.

Who among us can say that we have truly understood the Word of God? Who among us can say that we have lived the Word of God? No one among us because we have suffering within us.

We have accumulated this from year to year, from year to year, sustained by God's love.

We try to get through those years with our wounded heart, we try to understand our children, our brothers and our sisters, those of the entire world, with our wounded heart. We want to live in God's law, in the Ten Commandments of God, with our wounded heart. We want to live the teachings; in our flesh, we want to feel those teachings, those of Jesus, with our wounded heart.

And so, Jesus comes to speak in our hearts; Jesus is coming to tell us that he's with us, that he's in us, that he never left us alone.

Yes, he went to his Father; yes, we have received strength from the Holy Spirit; yes, we believe that Jesus gives himself to us in the Holy Eucharist; yes, we believe that God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, is in us when we receive the Holy Eucharist, but Jesus wants us to understand that he's more than that.

If we look at the air all around us, at this moment we can see light; turn that light off with that switch and it will disappear, but Jesus, he doesn’t disappear like that; he is the light, he is our breath, he is our life, he is love, he is movement, he is everything that makes us life: we live in Jesus.

Who is the Creator if not God? He's God, so what we have around us, this air, hey, it’s Jesus! Close your eyes – you’re still in Jesus.

Jesus is everywhere, he's omnipresent, he's here, he's everything we see and he's here, inside us; he's everything we are.

So, he knows the least of our thoughts; everything we hear, Jesus, he hears it; everything we feel, the tiniest little feelings, are not unknown to Jesus, because Jesus is the Light, Jesus is our life, Jesus is the Son of God.

He came on earth, he became flesh out of love for us; God the Father loved his Son and he loved us. If we’re here, that’s out of love for God the Father; if he gave us his Son, it was out of love for us – but we weren't even on earth yet and he was giving us his Son: God the Son was the first to become flesh.

In eternity, Jesus IS, Jesus is God, and he was engendered and not created: he is a Pure Spirit, he is an Eternal Spirit.

All power is in God; everything created around us that is matter is from God, in God; God need only to will something and it is.

His movement is not our movement; us, we need steps to see the movement taking place.

But who is the movement if not God? His movement is pure, his movement is eternal, his movement is infinite, and he need only will something and it is; so, God, when he wanted his Son made Man: he was.

And so, even before we, we existed, the Son came to be because God couldn’t love who we are before his Son: we are from the Flesh, from the Eternal Flesh.

Before creating the flesh, the Flesh had to exist: perfect flesh, flesh of love in the Father's likeness; so, the Son made Man was presented to the angels.

We weren't the ones who were presented to the angels first – it was the Son made Man. We are in Jesus at this moment – Jesus made Man presented to the angels contained all matter, and so, we were in the Son.

All that is in the Son is for the Son; he gives his Father what his Father put in the Son, so we belong to God the Father: he created and he loved.

God the Father loves us, God the Father takes care of his children, God the Father wants his children to be perfect as he is perfect.

He watches us, God the Father; he sees our sufferings, he sees what we, we think as well.

All that we are through thought becomes movement: think of something that isn't love and you will live the consequences of it, for this will pick up momentum and nothing escapes God: what we think becomes a fruit for us that is either good or bad.

God looks at our fruits – he doesn’t find that they are all good. The time has come, a time of love, when God the Father wants all the fruits to be fruits of love.

He gave us his Son on the Cross; he wants us to give ourselves on the Cross the same way his Son gave himself. For this to happen, he wants us to give ourselves to his Son, he wants everything about us.

He wants our slightest thoughts, all we agree to hear; all that we have agreed to hear up until today, he wants this. It’s the same for what we see, our words, our gestures and our feelings.

If, through the power of the Holy Spirit, God comes to speak in our hearts and makes himself heard to us externally, this is because he cares about us and he wants everything about us; he wants our will, he wants it for himself in order to give us his Divine Will.

God's Will is nothing but love, God's Will is nothing but kindness, it wants nothing more than goodness. God's Will does not need to stop and say, “Is this good or is this bad?” God's Will is a path, God's Will is eternal life.

And so, we don’t need to stop – we need only live, to live with our thoughts, with our eyesight, our hearing, our words, our gestures, our feelings, like a child of God, a complete child, not an amputated child.

We live like amputated children: can we offer our thoughts to God as good thoughts? This is not so: we’re forced to hide some of them and it’s the same for our eyes – we cannot hide anything from God.

Ever since we emerged we have seen things and so, there are things we wouldn’t like to show God, and so, we’re forced to tear this away from what we want to offer.

And so, we tear away a part of our life: are we going to present ourselves to God with parts that are missing in us? If this is the case, we’re going to suffer because God will say, “I gave you everything; why do you not give me everything of yourself?”

We’re responsible for what we are through the yes, and there's only one yes that belongs to us, but it has to be the yes of a child, a sincere yes.

When Jesus said, “Yes, Father, your Will, not my Will”, then this was a loving yes, a yes that was complete; he hadn't forgotten anyone, he had taken all his Father's children since Adam and Eve up to the last one who was to come into this world.

In Jesus’ flesh, no one was missing because he was the Eternal Flesh, and so everyone was there.

And, this is how we’re going to present ourselves before God: as complete – because we’re children of God, we’re living members of his Church.

Every one of us, we nourish one member, another member nourishes us and so on. We’re important to everybody just as all the others are important to us.

The words of Jesus are living words; there isn't a single word from Jesus that didn’t nourish all children of God the Father; we have all been nourished by his Flesh, we have all been nourished by his Blood.

When we receive the Body of Jesus, when we receive the Blood of Jesus, we’re receiving ourselves; we’re receiving the Purity, and we, we are all called upon to be pure.

He has already accomplished himself, but we, we’re not yet accomplished; so, he speaks in hearts to make them full of his Presence.

God said, “I shall gather together my people from all over the world; I shall speak in their hearts. Hearts of stone will change into hearts of flesh. They will know there is only one God, that I am in them.” And this is what he's doing.

The moment Jesus came on earth, his movement was beginning; he came to speak in our hearts and he continues to speak in our hearts; he will continue until the moment when the last person has given his complete yes.

If we live in a world that doesn’t believe, among those people there are children who have faith; among those people there are children who, despite storms and the wind, go forward: sometimes they cry, sometimes they shout, but they go forward. Despite illness that is abounding, despite epidemics that are increasing, despite war that is more and more violent, well, God's children go forward.

There are those who take their brothers and their sisters who have fallen, and they’re ready to put them on their shoulders while they themselves have pain in their shoulders, and they say, “Come, so I can present you to God because you’re worth as much as I am; if I pray, you who have fallen, you pray as well; what I receive isn't only for me, it’s for you as well, so take your share”, because this is what Jesus will tell us when we’ll be before him: “I gave you talent, I multiplied your talents, you could not have used all of them because they were also for others.”

It’s together that we must live in Jesus, that we must benefit from those graces.

Jesus placed himself on the cross and Jesus sustains us.

Jesus, when he was on the mountain, he spoke, he spoke very loudly to the people so they could hear him. When he would raise his voice, it seemed as if he were on the cross: to make himself heard, he would stand and he would hold out his arms so everyone had their eyes fixed on Jesus.

And so, it would emerge from him, his voice would be everywhere and they heard; his voice was like thunder. There were many people who were there; was it normal that those who were down there, very far away, could hear as well as those who were very close?

Because when God spoke, he didn’t speak for the mind, he spoke for the heart; so, they could hear, they hoped to live his words, they were nourishing, and so they ate, they ate the Word of Jesus; they drank it in, they drank in his words.

And, it isn't any different today; Jesus speaks to us, Jesus gives us his Blood, he gives us his Nourishment and we drink it in, we eat it.

But the words don’t resonate as they should resonate within us! We must give Jesus what doesn’t come from him, because we have heard many words that weren't from Jesus.

When my brother speaks to me and he speaks to me of love, when he speaks to me of justice, of truth, that’s Jesus who’s talking to me; but if my other brother speaks to me, speaks to me judging his neighbour, slandering him, this isn't Jesus who’s speaking to me because those words scare me, they develop doubt, worry, they develop anger, they develop uncertainty: “I no longer have confidence in myself, I'm incapable of forgiving, I lack faith in my prayers.” And so, this doesn’t come from Jesus.

What did Jesus tell us? “I will nourish you, you will no longer be hungry; I will give you to drink and you will no longer be thirsty; I will heal you, there will no longer be illness; there will no longer be poverty. You will have faith that one day you will go to my Father's Kingdom.”

Then, let’s look at ourselves: we’re afraid of dying, we’re afraid of lacking food, we’re thirsty for the truth because all around us there are nothing but lies; I lack love and others lack love.

So, this means that the words of Jesus aren’t the only ones inside us because what I'm feeling is inside me, it isn't in my neighbour. It’s inside me, so my nourishment isn't pure, my water of life isn't pure.

Jesus is coming to heal hearts, Jesus is coming to heal our thoughts, he's coming to heal the little being that we are. Through his almightiness, he's coming to change evil into good, but we’ll have to do our part.

The sacraments were given to us by Jesus; we have turned to the sacraments; our soul, our soul has been pure thanks to the sacraments.

What have we done for our flesh? We have left it in the hands of evil; we come out of the confessional and we already start judging. This famous flesh doesn’t always listen – human will whips our flesh: it is subjected to sin.

You can take all the vitamins you want, take all the formulas in the world, you'll still get old and come to know physical death; this is the consequence of sin.

We weren't like this before the original sin; Adam and Eve were perfect, they weren't put in paradise for just a lifetime, for a lifetime of one hundred years, of two thousand years, to then pass away in a body destroyed by old age.

They were supposed to be radiant as the Son is radiant, but they were not so. They themselves preferred to choose between good and evil while they had everything: they had the Divine Will.

And so Jesus, he came on earth to tell us, “You belong to my Father, go live on earth in his Will as those who, in his Kingdom, live in his Will.” So, what Jesus said is true; God is truth, he didn’t come to tell us fibs.

So God, in little steps, wants to show us what to do; he wants us to give him the least of our thoughts, all those that are in us and that are in all our brothers and our sisters inside us, because Jesus won't force us to give the thoughts that harm us. We’re the ones who have to give them to him, and the more we do this, the more Jesus takes the bad thoughts and gives us peace; and the more this is done, the more we won’t allow other people’s thoughts to affect us.

It’s Jesus who will change the world, it isn't us, it isn't the wars, it isn't material things – it’s love, it’s love that will change this world.

So, Jesus uses the small remainder to bring his Father's children back to his Father.

Why us, in these times? Because it was necessary that we touch the depth of our suffering on earth to show us that our human will hasn’t made us happy.

Our human will is important to us, “I want to decide, I don’t want to be a slave or a puppet.” And so, it was necessary, it was necessary that this movement be before us, that this movement of destruction created by our own choices be before us.

When we take a look at our children, we see our own movements: they’re losing their faith even though we love Jesus. We tell them not to take drugs and they still take them; we baptize them, and they turn to other religions and they want to be unbaptized; we talk to them about God and they talk to us about energy.

God is a pure Spirit in three Persons; he isn't just Light, God – he's God in three Persons; he's power, he's love, he's what is most perfect, he gives to us, he demands nothing from us; he offers us all that is his. All he wants from us is a yes, and he doesn’t force us to give it to him.

God isn't a hypocrite, God doesn’t use subterfuge; when he wants to heal his child, he heals him with all his love knowing that this will cause no harm to others, nor to the child.

You see, we’re in pain, we want to stop that pain and so we pray and we ask God for this. Well, if God were to grant this in the blink of an eye as we would want him to, this would stop a movement of love: children who might need us in our distress in order to come back up to the surface, so they can believe in something, wouldn’t have this. A child who needs to believe in eternal life might not see his father dying with a smile, saying, “I am going to my Father and one day, you will come too.” A child who is dying might not be able to save a mother and a father.

When God acts, he acts out of love, he acts for eternity; therefore, the child who, apparently, is healed and finds himself before his life, would see that he missed this movement or that movement to save this or that child; God would say to him, “But you’re the one who wanted me to heal you.” And the child would be sad because he would see that there had been a suicide, he would see that there was a child who preferred hell over Heaven: he would carry this with him for all eternity? This isn't love.

God is love, he chose each one of us so we could all be together, and all God's movements, all God's thoughts, all that comes from his Will is perfect.

So, let’s thank God for what we’re living, let’s thank God for the graces he grants us every day; God didn’t make a mistake and he doesn’t make mistakes.

We cry out to God: “Come, Lord, our children are corrupted; what are you waiting for? When are you going to appear, when are you going to come and reveal yourself to them?”

And so, if this were so, how many children would say no because they’re not ready? For each one of us, we have a mission; each one of us, wherever we are, in time, in eternity, we have this mission: to relearn to live in the words of Jesus by drinking them in, by eating them, throughout our daily lives.

For Jesus isn't coming to save our little self; he's coming to save his Church; he brought unto death all that would have brought death to his Church and all has been accomplished; and so, he turns us into accomplishment within this movement.

And this movement has begun and it won't stop until the moment when God says, “Amen, my Will is accomplished.”

We are the Will of God, and so we must go forward in the faith that our children are under the eyes of God.

We must pray for this war to be in God's graces, for this war to be movements of love for us and not movements of destruction.

Those men, those women and those children must go to God's Kingdom, and so, they need good thoughts, not useless words, not looks of judgement, not movements of indifference, not feelings of fear. Jesus doesn’t need these movements – he wants to use us for love and not for what we, we believe.

We tell ourselves, but what is my mission? Our mission is to sustain one another before God, it’s to pray, it’s to pray like children, it’s to go to mass out of love, with interest, by putting our hearts into it, by being certain that when we go forward to receive Jesus, it is all children who are going forward, even if they have been mutilated.

Aren’t we all mutilated? If we have a pure soul to receive Jesus, it’s only through God's graces. If we go forward towards Jesus, it’s because he's the one who sustains us despite our wounds. And so, let’s go forward, let’s go to mass with all our heart.

When we get up in the morning, let’s get up like children of God. Yes, sometimes it’s difficult because my boss isn't in a good mood because of me, my work colleagues are incapable of looking at me with love; yes, I have trouble walking because I have arthritis, my hands are all swollen; but we’re alive.

We live in Jesus, we have a cross, let’s love our cross; it’s Jesus who carries our cross because we have given him that cross, but our brothers and our sisters, our children who haven’t given their cross to Jesus, well, let’s carry them!

All for you, Jesus, for your greater Glory.

Jesus is victorious over evil, the cross is victorious over evil.

The cross is made up of us and what the cross is made of is: our thoughts, what we hear, our words, what we see, our actions, our feelings; this is our cross.

When we will have given everything to Jesus of love, our cross will glow because it will be like us; we’re called upon to be light, isn't that right?

Jesus and Mother Mary have said, “You are children of the light,” and so, the more we give what doesn’t come from Jesus, the more we will be light. And our cross will light up the darkness, our cross will guide the crosses of our brothers and our sisters.

Our children, our children will look at our cross, and they will begin to love their cross since they know they have a cross because they have a wife or a husband they have trouble putting up with; they know this is a cross. When they have a sick child affected by cancer or another illness, like Aides, they know this is a cross.

But a cross without Jesus is a heavy cross; but if their eyes are on us, if they see that through our sufferings we keep our faith, that we give our slightest thoughts to Jesus, that we go on praying with a smile, then they’ll see what they have never seen: love – a love that lives, a love that walks, a love that dances or that works.

This is what they need, they need love; they don’t need reprimands, they need us to confirm that we love them as they are, because when they were little, the first time they made a mistake they judged themselves severely.

They believed that mom and dad didn’t love them: and so, a movement against love entered them, and then, they saw the look on their father’s and mother’s faces, and they were sad: another movement that wasn’t love entered them. So, they doubted they were love, they grew up with this.

Today, they no longer believe in love, they no longer believe they are love; and so, they’re so thirsty for love that they will go and ask for it externally. And, as they’re hungry and thirsty, they take whatever they can get.

And then, when that enters them, they feel like an effervescence inside themselves and they’re satisfied; but they’re never really satisfied because this isn't love.

And so, they’re so demanding of themselves, not of us, but of themselves. And the more demanding they are of themselves, the more unsatisfied they are with what they see and hear. So, they don’t need our feelings that resemble theirs because what we are is what they are.

What our mothers, our fathers were is what we are because this was passed along from the first time there was a movement without love.

And now, Jesus has just said, “Tell them to go and rest.”

So we’re going to stop for a few minutes.