Gathering of Love With God's Action in Nashua, New Hampshire,

Through His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus


2008-05-14 – Part 1


The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: What the Lord wants to make of each one of us is instruments of love in a place of love. Every one of us seeks what is best for our life. We’re always seeking what is best, but we haven't always found the right place! The best place to find what is best is within us. Externally, well, we’ll always continue searching.

But what are we looking for? We’re looking for the means to get through life. Our whole life, we walk, we walk and we walk with the goal of going forward. It isn't because time goes forward that we go forward. It’s as if time weren't carrying out the same movement as we are. The days go by but we, we have the impression that we aren't going forward at times, especially these days. We look at the outside world and we’re discouraged. There's something wrong everywhere in the world. In warm countries there are revolutions, there are wars. Governments everywhere are abusing the poor. In industrialized countries, people fight constantly to obtain the best place. We have everything we need but we want more, we want more and more. Now, let’s take a look at the economy: the economy isn't working. Wherever man is, there's human will; wherever there's human will, there's suffering. Human will is what man is made of. Human will has taught us to say, “Yes, I want this; no, I refuse that.” And well, we built this world with human will. But this world is in the process of destroying itself. What is it that keeps us going forward with this world that wants to destroy itself? That’s because we go along with it: we want whatever it wants.

But what does this world really want? This world wants power. We, what we want is to live our life with what we are, and so, this is why it doesn’t work: power and being what we are – these don’t go together. We, we want peace, we want our children to be happy, we want them to obtain happiness on earth, we want to experience part of that happiness. Power has no use for the happiness of humans; power is an enormous ego.

There's something that moves inside each one of us; what causes that movement is life. And so, the Life comes to speak to us; the Life comes to show us that only the Life can enable us to go forward from the point we have reached. Today, who can say he is life? There’s no one because life belongs to God; it was given to us, therefore we are not life. God is the Life, God gave us life, and therefore, it’s normal that the Life come to speak to every one of us. The Life has always spoken. Whether it was in the Old Testament, whether it was in the New Testament, the Life has always spoken. We thirst to hear the Life speak to us; we want to hear him speaking especially in the most difficult moments of our life.

When everything is fine we’re not that interested in going where we might hear someone speaking about our life: “Me, I get up in the morning, I have my work, I have my wife or my husband, I have my children, I have my house, my job, my huge bank account; I'm doing well.” It’s when, in our life, things aren't going well that we want to hear about our life. Then we want God to come and open our book; we want God to point out what isn't working for us: “I prayed to you regarding my cancer, I prayed to you on behalf of my child who is divorced, so take a look at my life and come and tell me what isn't right, but most of all, make sure things improve.” That’s when we want to hear about our life.

But this, this isn't applicable only to 2008; it’s always been like this. We need only take a look at the Old Testament and we’ll see that there were many, many people like us in the Old Testament, who asked to speak to God. Therefore, this means that they had the same problems as we do: they too wanted God to come and talk to them to show them what was wrong. But how is it that after thousands of years of wanting to speak to God and of God coming to speak to them, we still have problems? It’s as if God had spoken to us but nothing within us reacted before him. “Ah! Tell me, Lord, why isn't this working out? You talk to us and we still have the same problems. We’re still suffering thousands of years after you came to talk to us! Lord, is all this going to go on much longer?” Well, if we’re this cold, then we need to let ourselves to be warmed up from the inside.

We live in a world and this world leads us where it wants to lead us. We no longer want anything to do with this world. Just like in the times when the tribes, the twelve tribes of God didn’t want to live with others: there was a battle. They believed in one God, the others believed in gods. We, we believe in God, they no longer believe in God: it’s the same problem repeating itself from one century to the next. We’re always hoping that the century we live in will be the good one.

Jesus spoke to us about his Father's Kingdom on earth. He said, “There will come a time of no more tears, of no illnesses, of no injustices nor poverty.” We’re waiting for that time to come! “Lord, if you say that it has come, well, we haven't seen it!” We want to live in happiness because we want our children, our grandchildren to live in happiness; we want our brothers and our sisters of the entire world, not only in our parish, we want everybody to live in happiness; we don’t want to just get through another era of history, we want this to come true, we want our happiness to be eternal.

In the Bible, this is what they say: “May the chosen ones cry out to God and because of the chosen, God will come”; well, Lord, we’ll see to it that we are the chosen ones – we want to be the chosen ones, we want to believe in this. He calls us the chosen ones and he calls us the chosen of this time, and he calls us the apostles of the end times.

Most of you know the messengers. If you’re here, listening to a person who hears God inside herself, and she speaks because she can hear your hearts in this moment, this is because you believe that there are things happening these days that aren't normal. Why do we say they aren't normal? That’s because we want to escape the spirit of this world. It’s normal to hear God speaking within ourselves, it’s normal to see God's action in front of us. Ever since God instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist, we see God's action in front of us. This is what being normal means; this is wanting to hear God within ourselves, this is seeing God's action in his children.

If today we’re surprised, we’re surprised that a person or persons live their lives in God's very presence, that’s because we missed something: we stopped going forward. We were made to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and not to be here, living and watching what’s going on in front of us. We must participate in the Life of Jesus. To participate in the Life of Jesus is to live in him; it’s to have him with us every day, not simply once a week on Sunday and then, after the sacrament of the Eucharist has ended, that’s it, it’s over! Life in Jesus never ends, it’s always present: the Life of Jesus is in our joys and in our sorrows. To go forward with Jesus, that’s what being normal is. Jesus wants to show us what his Life is and in order to show us what the Life of Jesus is, he told us to place our steps in the steps of Christ. This is what he said: “You will carry the cross as I carried the Cross. You will love my Father unconditionally as I love my Father unconditionally. You will love yourselves as I love myself.”

Because Jesus is from his Father and he loves himself, we, we are from Jesus and we must love ourselves. Jesus loved his enemies and we must love our enemies. When we learn to love Jesus, when we learn to understand what our life with Life of Jesus means, it’s easier to love our enemies because our enemies take on another name: they take on the name of Satan's victims. When we become aware that our brothers and our sisters are victims of Satan, we become aware that we too are victims of Satan. If we had been aware of what Satan had done to us in order to prevent us from loving our brothers and our sisters, we would never have considered a single brother or sister as an enemy. We have behaved with complete ignorance and this led us to destroy ourselves: the first one to destroy himself or herself was you and me, and this led us to regard others as enemies.

Jesus, when he was on the Cross, he didn’t turn against God's children. Remember the words we heard – he's praying for the enemy, he's praying for those who crucified him – because Jesus could see beyond what the human being is able to see. Jesus could see how his children were being attacked by Satan. What Jesus saw, he wants to talk to us about it so we can love our brothers and our sisters unconditionally. The greatest suffering is lack of love. The lack of love towards ourselves has led us to lack love towards our neighbour, and it’s through suffering that Satan has kept God's children in this lack of love.

Let’s consider the life of Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa was a woman of love: she loved God the Father, she loved herself and she loved her neighbour; she wasn’t afraid to kiss people who smelled. Try to imagine: kissing people who haven't washed in months, years, and they have a crust on their skin! But she, she was able to see beyond that – she saw love. When she kissed them, it was as if she were touching something that we, we haven't yet touched: unconditional love.

Have you ever been with a person you loved very much and who had just vomited? We just have to think of our little baby: we pick him up and we really don’t want him or her to be in pain, and so that smell, we forget about it; that smell, it isn't that it bothers us, but rather we don’t want it to bother the baby. This is love – it’s to think of one's neighbour and not of oneself. When we carry out this movement, there's a warmth inside us: we’re in love, we’re in love with ourselves because our child is our flesh. We love our flesh! You see, Mother Teresa, she loved her flesh, and we could name many who lived this wonderful experience that comes from Heaven. This is what God wants to talk to us about. He wants us to learn to love ourselves, he wants us to learn to consider ourselves as someone who is wonderful. God created us in his image. We come from God and the flesh we have, it comes from the Flesh of God. The Son of God made Man became flesh. Was he flesh before he came to be in the flesh of the Holy Virgin Mary? Since the angels saw the Son of God made Flesh, then he was so before he came to be in Mary's flesh. The Immaculate Flesh, the Perfect Flesh was before God the Father.

Where were we? We were in the Perfect Flesh. That place where we were, it was filled with love. Even before we were here, in our mother’s womb, we were in Jesus; not one was missing – we were the flesh of the Flesh. All children who were on earth, who are on earth, and who will come on earth, have been in Jesus’ Flesh, in the Immortal and Eternal Flesh. Do you see why God the Son said to us, “Love one another, love all my Father's children unconditionally”? Therefore, to love one's brother, to love one's sister is to love, is to love our flesh. This is what God wants us to live. God speaks to us of love, God speaks to us of eternal life, and therefore, we need to know what he's talking about.

We prayed for our children, we prayed for our brothers and our sisters of the entire world because we had that need to love. Well, that need to love was emerging from us; the flesh that we were was crying out towards love because we come from the Eternal Flesh. So it was Jesus who was crying out, who was crying out to his children to return to what they once were. What is it that surprises us – to hear someone speaking of God, to hear someone speaking about us? There's nothing more natural than this – we are all made of the same flesh. We are all together and so, we must discover ourselves together, we must live the purification of the flesh together.

You see, in these times, the Lord comes to speak to us about our flesh; in these times, God comes to speak to us about what is going on in our thoughts – he tells us why we say a certain thing – he comes to speak to us about what we’ve heard, about what we’ve done and felt. Why does he speak to us like this? It’s as if there were something that was about to happen. Before us, there were people who spoke of a world of love because they had heard people speaking of a world of love, and we have all read about it in Revelation, we have read about it in the Acts of the Apostles. We have also read in the Old Testament that a time would come when God would speak in hearts. So why would he come to speak to us like this if it weren't because he wants us to live in an immortal flesh?

But to live in an immortal flesh, we’ll have to travel the same path as Jesus: “You will be made aware of all that my Flesh accepted.”

What does this mean? This means that Jesus took within himself every flesh and turned his Perfect Flesh into a Flesh of sorrow. Therefore, this is the Flesh he is coming to talk about, and this Flesh is all of us, everything that contributed to Jesus being on the Cross. But as he brought everything unto death, he left us something that is very beautiful: graces. On our behalf, he earned all the graces necessary for the purification of the flesh. So we need not fear that we will lack something when we will live the purification of the flesh!

God has prepared everything for us. He talks to us, and he talked to us about love, and he has done so for several years: “I love you, love me.” He began by talking to us about causes; causes are sins. He talked to us about choices: we’re the ones who choose to do one thing or another. He talked to us about consequences: our illnesses, our flaws, anything that is part of our lives today – the consequences of our choices before sin. Then, he talked to us, he talked to us about the 'self'. 

After having spoken to us about the 'self', he had us enter into what we have done with the 'self': the New Age Movement. Then, he spoke to us about his Flesh; he spoke about our flesh within his Flesh.

Now, he's coming to talk about the pain of love. He wants us to be able to understand what has caused all our pain: it is illness, it is the illnesses of our children, it is the suffering they endure, it is our suffering. He also speaks about the suffering of all the children of the entire world. He says that we have agreed to give our movements of life to Satan; oh, we did this without wanting to, and he, Satan, who possesses no movement, took our movements and used them against us. When he says ‘movements of life’, this is everything that makes up our life on earth, from creation up to today. When I eat and I eat with gluttony, this, this is a movement, this is life; but when this is harmful to my life, that’s because we were tempted by Satan. It is Satan who prompts us to eat beyond what we’re able to eat.

The moment we agree to eat beyond our love for ourselves, we’re falling into Satan's trap. Satan comes to rob us of a movement. Without our permission, he takes that movement and he uses it against us; in that moment, he's using that movement. Then, he gives us thoughts of fear: “I'm going to have trouble with my digestion, I'm going to get a stomach ulcer; I eat too much sugar, I might get diabetes.” Because we are life, we know that if we eat too much, we’ll get sick. We are beings of love. Therefore, we’re able to assess that over-eating is against us. “But I can't stop eating. I like what is in front of me, I want it.” But why do I have such thoughts? That’s because Satan took a movement of life and he's using it against us; that movement is alive: “Eat some more.” “Oh, this is so good! I'm still hungry. Ah, I feel a little nauseated, but that’s okay, this is good” – this movement of life, Satan took it. And he, as he possesses no movement – because don’t forget that Satan is nothingness, darkness, and therefore, there's no life in Satan – he comes to take a movement of life and then, he has us hear a movement of life: he uses what we are ourselves to keep us in pain. How can he do this? It’s as if a movement became his own movement and we think that it’s living. It’s as if: okay, me, I'm over here and then, I turn around, and my movement I just made is present – he takes it and uses it. In that movement that I made, turning from my right to my left, there's motion, there's life: and then, he adds his temptation; and then, he adds his poison; and then, he adds his jealousy; and then, he adds his hatred; and then, he adds his anger. He added something to that movement, which belongs to us: his temptation, his evil.

And so, God wants us to understand what we’ve done unwillingly so we can stop being afraid, stop doubting that we’re loved by God. How many people go to bed and it’s dark: they hear a noise, they don’t get up, and they start being afraid. Then, they even begin seeing shadows! Hey, I think I saw a light, two green lights moving around. It looks like someone moving! There's nothing there and yet, we have carried out a movement of fear. I went to bed, it was dark, I heard a noise, and this, this is real: and there's my movement – from right to left. “Oh, what’s that noise?” In those words are fear and then, I agree to listen to those words. Those words don’t come from my neighbour, they come from us. Now, that movement of life – because speaking is life and thinking is life – is my life: and here I am, agreeing to give it to fear, agreeing to give it to nothingness, to Satan, to the darkness. I do this innocently, unknowingly, but I do it because I'm responding to fear; and then, he uses this movement. As he uses this movement – “Wow, maybe there's someone here” – movement of fear, an impure movement of life, but it is, nevertheless, a movement that I accept. It’s my life that I allow to enter into a movement and then, there’s something that moves. Whatever moves brings something else: a noise. And where does that noise come from if not from my mind? That thought is mine, I don’t reject it. I have the power to say, “Hey, what’s this fear all about? Oh, I don’t want anything to do with it, Lord!”, but I accept it. Since I accept it, there's fear, darkness, a noise. And now, I'm giving room to Satan: movement of life. So he takes, he takes that movement of life: he robs us of movements of life. And then, he puts us before a movement to which we react: “Whoa! Now I think I see green eyes over there.” Here, in my little mind, I begin to imagine things and it goes on, and on, and on. My heart starts beating faster, I'm afraid, I perspire, I begin to tremble: movements of life. My heart belongs to me; it doesn’t belong to those movements of fear, but I consent to them. Involuntarily, I enter into that movement and he uses it, and uses it, and I perspire with fear. And I continue with this: I get up after having had a terrible night and then, to the first person I see, I say, “Do you know what I saw? Hey, last night I saw black eyes and green eyes that were in my room! They were moving around! I was so scared!” And after we have just said this, “Oh, that’s right! Me too! Now I remember, I saw the same thing once!” And the fear goes on, goes on lodging itself in our flesh. Then, in the afternoon, I see my child, who is only three years old, crossing the street. So I start running. Then, I grab him firmly and I bring him back to the sidewalk: “Didn’t you see the cars? You could have been hit; what were you doing?” He didn’t see eyes that were firm, he saw eyes that were afraid: we transmitted our fear to our child; why? Because fear has become a movement to us and fear, it didn’t come from the child of God that we are, but from Satan, who used our movements of life.

This is what God is talking about these days so we can see what we’ve done in our life. Why are there wars, why is there famine? We’re afraid, we’re afraid of lacking power over others; we’re afraid of not having enough food; we’re afraid of not having enough love. This fear appeared because we have consented to give room to Satan. So, Jesus wants us to give him every movement that has been harmful to our life. These movements of life, which we gave to Satan involuntarily, have been poisoned.

We were children made of love, of strength; we were children made of peace, of sharing, of joy. All these movements of joy, of sharing have been poisoned by everything impure that we accepted, and so Jesus wants us to give this to him. If we give this to Jesus, saying, “I give you my fear, I don’t want it, take it. I give you the cause, the choices and the consequences”, then Jesus, who took everything and brought it unto death, will show us that he has been merciful towards us. Reparation has already been made by God for all these movements, but he wants us to be able to realize this so we can give him our sick movements that they may regain their movement of life.

We are movements of life; we didn’t come into the world to be sick. If today we have diabetes, that’s because our movements of life have been poisoned; if today we have cancer in our life, that’s because our movements of life have been contaminated; if couples who have received the sacrament of Marriage, are separated today, that’s because they are within sick movements. We are movements of life, but we are sick movements of life: Jesus wants us to give this to him.

Jesus, he has taken care of our soul: the sacraments have been sacraments of love for our soul. Although we turned to the sacrament of reconciliation, Confession, well, we still fell back into sin; this is because we live in sick movements of life. He wants us to realize this. We have to learn to say no to everything that has been harmful to our life: “I no longer want anything to do with this; I want to stop worrying about my children, I want to stop crying over my child who is divorced, I want my eczema to stop breaking out because of my child who has cancer.” How can we help those we love if we don’t begin with ourselves? This is what God wants to do with us. We have everything we need inside us in order to give Jesus what has been against us, but we have to know what has been against us.

This is why the Holy Spirit enables us to hear the beating of our heart, which is our life. Our hearts have become hard due to all that has entered us. So, he comes to warm our hearts, he comes to teach us slowly how to be movements of love, and this will not take place in suffering. It’s painful isn't it, to know that we were the cause of our own divorce? It’s painful to know that we were the cause of our child becoming a homosexual? But how wonderful it is to know that Jesus has already made reparation for everything and that he's there to comfort us! And he says to us, “Do not be afraid, I am here. I have sent you my Mother to prepare you for what you are living at present. My Mother has been speaking to you about peace for many years; she has been speaking to you about praying with the heart for many years. Do not be afraid, my Father has prepared everything.”

Slowly, we learn to look at our life, to no longer hide: “Yes, I refused to have sexual relations in order to avoid having children. Yes, I accepted abortion. Yes, I took the pill to avoid having children.” It’s difficult to say this. We have always been afraid of the truth, we have always been afraid of taking a look at ourselves because we have never wanted to forgive ourselves; we have never wanted to let ourselves dive into Jesus’ mercy despite the fact that he had already seen everything. We can hide nothing from God because he took everything; therefore, for once in our lives, let’s be truthful with ourselves.

The life of love of our children, of our grandchildren, of our brothers and our sisters depends on us. If we don’t accept the purification of the flesh, we won't help those who come after us. We are living the most beautiful thing – the purification: purification of the soul, purification of the flesh, to journey where Adam should have journeyed, which was to love our God unconditionally, to love him beyond anything we might see and hear, to accept everything from God.

Now, we’ll take a break. And for those who wish to continue later on, we may continue with questions and answers. There are many questions regarding what we have heard and not understood, and so, we can share this later on. Thank you.