Gathering of Love With God's Action in North Bay, Ontario,

Through His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus 



2007-10-17 – Part 2


Jesus: If the grace of the Lord is granted to you, it is to bring you light. The light is upon you, the light permeates you so that you may be very little before God.

Little children of love, the Will of God is to teach you how to live your lives on earth as beings of light. The light is upon you, the light teaches you to be a star before God. A star, my children, is a movement that sheds light upon those who look at the star. It is there, in the dark, and it guides those who want to find their path once again.

Be little lights for God; I shall lead you to where you must be for the sake of others.

When you allow yourselves to be swept up in my movement of love, to your God, you become tiny little movements, and little movements are, to God, essential in these times, for I act through you to go speak to little children who do not listen to me. I know their hearts hardened by this world; I also know their hearts that cry out, their hearts that hunger and thirst for my truth. Let me lead you to them so that they may see the star that you are in these times.

A star is there, a star is present, a star does not need to speak; it shines and makes its presence known, and those who see it know that it is always there, always dependable. Let me transform you into children loyal to God.

A child loyal to God trusts in God, he does not worry about tomorrow; a child who has faith in his future trusts in God the Father. When a child trusts in God the Father, he places all his thoughts, his hearing, his sight, his words, his actions, and his heart in the hands of Jesus, the Son of God.

To place everything in the hands of the Son of God is to grant all the room to the Word; to grant all the room to the Word is to carry out movements in Jesus; to carry out movements in Jesus is to be there, like a yes to God; to say yes to God is to give, is to give everything that is in each of you; to give what is in each of you is to perform an act of giving; and to perform an act of giving is to give your mind which causes you suffering, your hearing which causes you suffering, your sight, your words, your actions and your heart.

God wants all these movements which make you suffer, so that he can remove the evil from them, purify the flesh, and heal and liberate.

It was sin that caused you to make bad choices and this has led to consequences affecting your thoughts, your hearing, your sight, your words; and your actions have made your heart suffer, and the flesh, the flesh is always in pain because of all this.

I am the One who will purify the flesh, for I am the Son of God, I am the One who is and I am the One who shall be. I am the Word; it is up to me to do the Will of my Father, it is up to me to turn you into perfect children in God's image.

Due to Adam and Eve, children are suffering in their flesh, because the moment they listened to Satan, the moment they looked at Satan, the moment their thoughts turned to Satan, the moment their words were directed at Satan and they spoke to Satan, the moment their actions responded to Satan, their hearts, their hearts became aware of evil, because in that moment, when Eve performed that gesture, Adam came to know all this.

Eve's flesh was in movement with Adam’s flesh and Adam, when he became aware of all this, should have said, “My flesh comes from God and it must be obedient to God; my hearing, my sight, my thoughts, my words, my actions and my heart belong to God. Woman, all must be given to God.” As he did not do so, this movement must be made known to children so that they might carry out this movement. Year after year, after year, after year, the flesh has not been aware of this movement.

My Father has chosen this time for the flesh to know this movement, and this movement must be made known to God's children so that all flesh may live this movement, and this movement is to give everything to Jesus.

I am the One who came on earth to take every impure movement upon myself; due to these impure movements, the soul has suffered and has not been able to nourish the flesh.

When I introduced the sacraments – so that the soul might recover its state of purity – the soul nourished the human being through the graces it received during the sacraments.

The human being had to live all this; all this has led him to where he is today: before the movement of the purification of the flesh. It is I, Christ, who died, rose again and was glorified by my Father, who enable you to know this movement within yourselves.

Little children, you who are inwardly aware of God's power, rejoice that you are living this time; this time is a time of revelations, this time is a time of graces and all is being accomplished as my Father so desired.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, all was made known to the apostles, and through the power of the Holy Spirit, children were made aware of what my Father wanted for this time; it is up to me to act as Heaven so desires and not as men of earth desire.

I come to speak to you in your hearts, on earth, just as I am speaking to you at this moment. I am a God of love, a God made of simplicity, for I am Freedom. Freedom, my children, is found in love: a love that is free, a love that is respectful, a love that wants to give and to give again, continually, continually, to God's children, to the smallest of all.

Did I not come to present myself to the children of earth by entering Mary's womb, to be presented in the arms of the Mother of God to each one of you? I did not come to sit upon the throne of one of the world’s kings; my throne was in the arms of the Virgin Mary. There, I could hear her Heart and her Heart was beating out of love for God, for it was nourished by God's love. Thus, I come to speak in your heart, your heart that is nourished by God's love.

What I do, my children, is done out of love, out of love for my Father. He created you, my Father, and you owe everything you are to my Father, and I am coming to return to him that which he has given you – life and flesh – the soul belongs to him and the flesh belongs to him.

How can I give him your flesh if your flesh is impure? Your flesh must return to a state of purity so that all may be accomplished, and only the Son is able to accomplish this movement. You are my Father's work; I want you to be all love for him because he is all love for you.

I am the Eternal Flesh, I am the Purity, I am the Immortal Flesh, and I encompass you all; I will present you to my Father as I presented myself to my Father.

Children of love, all is accomplished. I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am the Divine Will, the Word in God, and I AM.

You who are in me, you who are alive solely through me, I am turning you into children who are pure. At this very moment, I am healing, my children, I am liberating the flesh that has accepted impurities which come from Satan; I shall eradicate all evil from all flesh.

Children of love, allow yourselves to be swept up by this movement of love, all must be accomplished. It is up to me to take your thoughts, which you will give to me, and purify them; it is up to me to take your impure gazes and to cleanse them of all impurity. I want to eradicate evil from you so that you may be attentive to God; I want your words to be nothing but words of love, all movements to be nothing but love.

Children of my Will, I am the heart of the Church; you must have the Heart of Jesus in your being to feel my Father's love.

Your ability to hear this at this very moment is made possible by the power of the Holy Spirit; those who believe in this are allowing a light to envelop them so that their entire flesh might be a movement of love for their brothers and their sisters.

You see, little children of love, it is important that you grant to your Jesus of love movements that will be given to you; it is the Holy Spirit who will make you aware of what you will have to give to me, and all those you carry within you will feel the effects of this.

Little children, and the little, little children of those you love shall receive; all my Father's children shall also receive. Do not worry about tomorrow, all has already been accomplished.

I am teaching you to live, through graces, in the present moment; God grants you many graces when you go through the Mother of God. You have much to learn, my children, but God is here.

Time belongs to God, time does not belong to the children of this world. When you live in the present, you live in the grace of God, and tomorrow, or the day after, and the one after that, and the one after that one, become to you a time of graces and you are not afraid, you are not afraid of what is to come, for what is to come is willed by God for you.

Now, my children, she will open her eyes.


The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: We will live moments of purification; these moments of purification have already begun.

It is a grace for us to understand what is coming with the Will of God; but if we try to analyse all this without God's graces, this is too painful for us, and that’s when we become afraid for ourselves and for our children and for our grandchildren, that’s when we’re afraid of the future, for those we love and for those we don’t know.

We hear about war, we hear about suffering all over the world; we were told all this in the words of God.

In his love, God instructed the apostles and the disciples to show us that what was going to be part of our lives had already been accomplished.

If we were told all this, it was because God knew this movement, God saw this movement, God was aware of every movement; therefore, we were already there, in God, and everything had already been accomplished.

It’s up to us to live this with what we are here on earth; we won't be able to change anything but we can live this in peace and in joy, while always asking the Mother of God to help us, so we can be in Heaven’s graces.

Let’s not look down on ourselves when we aren't in God's graces because God knew about this, God knew everything about us. If he's had that much patience with us, then let’s have some for ourselves by asking him for some, so he can give us graces of patience towards ourselves, which will have an effect on those we love.

Yes, there are many events that are made known to us through Heaven. We heard about the towers that fell in New York and how this caused many children to suffer, but this shouldn’t affect us. God knew about it, God had warned certain children to pray over this, just as he continues to do so today – he tells us that there will be many earthquakes.

The reason Heaven tells us this is prayer; without prayer, how many children wouldn’t be able to survive all this? If children were warned before the towers fell it was so that they could pray, so that we, we would be able to get through it.

God is a God of love, God is a God full of respect for his children, he respects every one of us. He knows that we’re going to read the messages and he knows that some are going to be afraid, but he gives others the strength to pray so everyone can understand that what we know isn't based on curiosity, but is a grace, the grace to recite our rosary without knowing anything more.

Let’s have faith that God is using us and let’s no longer ask for more than what Heaven has just told us. We must not want to know when this will happen or where all this will happen – this doesn’t concern us, but we have to pray.

Mother Mary appeared to three children at Fatima; she had them see hell, she told them to pray the rosary for the war to end, for there to be no more wars as well, for the soldiers to come home as soon as possible – this was for prayer. She didn’t come to teach them so they could be afraid, but rather to tell them, “Pray, my children, pray, my children.”

When the Holy Virgin went to Lourdes and appeared to Bernadette, she asked her to repeat the words so that people would understand; she said, “Penance, penance.” She asked them to pray. This is what she wanted them to hear because there was so much suffering in the world due to sin, due to materialism: people didn’t want to deprive themselves.

Heaven willed all this because Heaven knew and saw what was going to happen. They weren't informed so as to remain fearful, but they were asked to pray in order to help others.

When she appeared at La Salette, to Mélanie and to the little shepherds who were with Mélanie, she gave them a message, a message about what was to come. She told them that the Church was going to suffer, that her Son's priests, that the nuns and brothers would stray from their faith, from the love of the Son of God. She asked them to warn people to stop blaspheming, to stop working on Sunday, so that there would be no suffering, otherwise children would suffer greatly.

Heaven came to speak so that children might pray, and Heaven is still doing the same thing; Heaven is warning us that there will be even more suffering; it is begging us, Heaven, to pray.

The Holy Virgin has been appearing at Medjugorje for more than twenty-five years and she says to us: “Pray, my children, pray, my children.” She talks to us about the Gospel, tells us to follow what her Son taught us, always with the aim of praying.

Heaven uses children just like Nicole and me, just like you who are present here, to help our brothers and our sisters who don’t pray. It warns us that there will be a great deal of suffering; it’s up to us to pick up the rosary, it’s up to us to not try to find out more than what Heaven is telling us.

It talks about the refuge. What is this ‘refuge’ to us if it isn't Jesus who is our refuge? We must enter into Jesus, we must keep our peace. If we aren't at peace, then we’ll always be worrying about our children and we won't pray with the heart of a child, for we’ll always be worried, we’ll always ask ourselves what tomorrow will bring to them, we won't trust in God.

It’s as though our prayer had no effect on the hearts of love of our children, because when we pray, well, we have our children pray. Is it possible for us to pray without our children feeling the effects of this? We are the Flesh of Jesus and they are the Flesh of Jesus.

Eve came from Adam and we came from Adam, and our children came from Adam; therefore, the last person born today had to go through all of us in order to go all the way back to Adam, who came from Jesus. And so, may our prayers be like the prayers of children and let’s not be afraid.

John Paul II, when he died, he kept us in his words – “Do not be afraid” – and Benedict XVI is doing the same. Despite all the suffering that Benedict XVI endures every day, he isn't afraid, he speaks in the Name of Jesus, and his heart beats in the very Heart of Jesus; he doesn’t live for the spirit of this world, he lives for God.

In spite of the fact that they knew they were going to die, how many before us gave themselves to God because they didn’t want to listen to the children of this world? They loved their brothers and their sisters, but they loved God more, because they knew that if they loved their brothers and their sisters before God, they would suffer.

The cross is our freedom. If we want nothing to do with the cross, we will have no freedom: we will be prisoners to our human will, which listens to the spirit of the world, and the spirit of the world has Satan as its master.

We are children of God, we aren't children of this world; it wasn’t the world that created the flesh nor the soul, it was God. There's only one God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Therefore, let’s leave it to Jesus to take our heart; let’s have faith. No matter where we might be, we’re in the right place because we’re in the Heart of Jesus.

Today is the day that we are living; whatever happened yesterday has nourished our today, and today is preparing us for tomorrow, and this, this is for eternity. When we live in Jesus, we live eternity – and this, this is where we belong!

Thank you, Lord.