Message Received by The Girl of My Will in Jesus




Shine During This Time of Suffering


Hail Mary…

Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit…

Jesus: My Cross is before you. It has been a sign of love and it is a symbol of deliverance. All those who gaze upon my Cross see the love that I have for all children of the world. Nothing can replace God's unconditional love for his children.

Satan is on the prowl. He wants to sow dissension in the hearts of my children in order to cause division. When there is division, my children, there is no love. Love exists within unity, love is in the heart, love is the light. Can one separate the light? The light cannot be separated; it encompasses all things; it is a whole, it is love.

My Heart is whole, my Heart is open, and it allows all children who wish to give of themselves for their brothers and for their sisters to enter. Do not become divided, my children. Remain united before the Cross. Embrace the Cross; carry it upon your shoulders and walk along the path, along the path that I have shown you. Whoever wants to follow me must carry the Cross, must embrace the Cross, must live for God. To live solely for God is to live for your brothers and your sisters. I gave you my Life so that you might form but one Body, one Church, one love. Give yourselves, my children, as I gave myself.  Believe in what your Saviour is telling you: “I am the Son of the Immaculate Conception.”

Everything is in me. Do not be afraid, have faith. Did I not warn you, my children, that there would be danger in pride? Be little children, little children who are trusting. I have prepared your hearts in order that you might receive all the children of the world within yourselves. Did I not tell you to love your enemies? Did I not tell you to pray for those who persecute you? Did I not tell you to walk hand in hand in order to help all the children of the world? Be the last for I want to make of you the chosen children.

I am building a world with children who are filled with love for their neighbour, who, without faltering, are able to walk among scorpions, who are able to keep an eye on the sword above their heads that threatens to fall upon them. There is always a sword hanging over your heads, my children: it is pride. Be humble and it will not be able to affect you. Be little; have the heart of a child within you. Do not become divided; remain united in and through the Church.

I have seen my popes; I have loved them all. Even those who condemned my children, I prayed for them, I sent them saints. Francis was one of these. Shall I therefore condemn those who will turn against my children? Would I have changed? I sent Francis, my little, humble and gentle child, so that he might speak of love, of peace. Remember these words: “Where there is no peace, let us sow love.” I will send you forth to sow love.

I am speaking to you in your hearts so that you may remain as little children, which is how I want you to be. You are those of the Word. It is from within your hearts that I speak for all my children. Do not block your ears, for when one heeds evil one cannot hear love. Remain righteous, remain true. I will tell you a story.

One day, a little girl lifted her head up towards the sky, and what she saw there were millions of stars. One in particular was very bright and she said: “Oh! Look at how beautiful it is!” Those who were with her raised their heads and they saw many stars. “Which one are you looking at?” they asked the little girl. And she replied, “The one in the middle!” They looked and looked but they could not see the star she spoke of, for what they did see were stars shining just as brightly as all the others. She said, “Look at how beautiful it is!” And no matter how hard they tried, all the stars looked beautiful to them. After looking at the stars, they looked at her: “Why do you say that this star is more beautiful than the others, brighter than the others?” She smiled and answered, “Because all the other stars are shining on that one, and because all the stars are shining on it, it is very, very, very bright!” And so, the others remarked, “But they are all bright!” She replied, “It’s true, they are all bright, because when one shines, then others shine, and because those shine, then others shine. They form just one star, one single star, because they need one another. They are all beautiful in the eyes of God. If one of them was not as bright as the others, well, God would gather the stars together so that they could shine for it, for the one that was not shining as brightly.”

That is how God made the world. He gave his love to Abraham and he told him: “All generations shall be like this, my children. They will shine with love; they will give of themselves as you wanted to give of yourself to me by not preferring your son to me, but rather by preferring me. I will make all stars shine brightly like your heart has shone for me. I will not measure their lack of love for me; I will look at the hearts of all my children and they will all shine so that all may love their Creator. One day, the earth will be populated by children of love. I will never again look towards the children who lacked love for their Creator, for I shall remember what all the children of the world have given to me: love.”

And then the little girl said to them: “Did you understand?” All remained silent for what they had just heard expressed in words was the love they had for all the children of the world, good or bad. They had to love in order to never become separated from those who might need them. God is like this, my children. He climbed onto the Cross and he is raised up high so that all may look upon his love.

Today you are afraid, you are worried. Have you no faith in my Cross, in my love? This Cross – it is you, it is my Church. Have faith that it will triumph. Through the darkness it shines, it is beautiful because it comes from me. Do not be afraid. Have faith in your prayers. Do you not know, my children, that I listen to you? Do you not know, my children, that prayers rise up all the way to Heaven? When they are said with the heart of a child, they shine like the stars, for it is your heart that I look upon, it is your love for me that I hear. Do your work in and through the love of Christ. Judge no one, for whoever judges, judges me. I am the Mercy.

If I were to ask you, my children, to suffer out of love for me, would you do it? If I were to ask you, my children, to look around you and to embrace the misery of the world out of love for me, would you do it? Why be afraid of tomorrow? Why be afraid, my children, of what you do not know? I have asked you to love unconditionally, to embrace the Cross, to pray for your brothers and your sisters, to love my Church, to love my Pope Francis, to love my cardinals. Even if you know, my children, that there is suffering among them, I am asking you to support them as they need your prayers.

Satan is doing his utmost to create trouble within the Church. He hounds those who pray, my children. Did you think that he would leave you alone? He is a wolf among the lambs. He is the one who sows weeds while you sleep, but I keep watch over you, I give you graces of love. My Mother is with you. Mary, Queen of Hearts, is taking care of your little troubled hearts. Have faith that she is by your side, that she takes part in your sufferings. She is the Mother of Sorrows. Look at those children around you who do not pray. My tiny babies are being raised without faith.

My children, I am asking you to pray peacefully. Remain peaceful, stop troubling your hearts. Come home now, to the place where there is love, joy and peace. I will not serve you, those of you who do not love, be it only a single one of my children, the greatest scoundrel of all. No, my children, he means too much to me. I climbed onto the Cross for you and for him. Always be good.

I love you, you, my chosen ones. May everything be in your hearts so that nothing may be forgotten. I am your God. I am not a God who condemns – I am a God who loves. Amen, my children of love.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Thank you, Mother Mary; thank you, Holy Spirit; thank you, God the Father. Amen.