
My Life for You

Every day, the Lord takes all his children and he presents them to the Father; they receive their daily bread. Yes, my children, every day becomes a new day for every one of my Father's children. Through me, you receive what you require to live on earth. Your works belong to me, whether they are good or bad. It was I who gave myself up on the Cross for the sake of love, and at every mass, the Offering is presented to my Father: I am the Offering. I give myself to my Father out of love, and you, who are my members, are presented, just as you are, to my Father.

My children, you who are unfaithful, you who are suffering in your souls because of your poor choices, I take all that you are. I am within you. I do not condemn you, I am the Saviour of the world. I came to you to offer you my Life: it is for you. Am I not the Life, the Way and the Truth? You come from me; you cannot be unless I am.

My children, be merciful towards yourselves; do not judge yourselves while believing that you are beings who cannot turn to God. Do you not know that you are too fragile because of your fears? My Life is nothing but mercy. I have forgiven you everything; it is up to you to forgive yourselves. Be filled with the truth: you are saved. Follow the path before you; it leads you to where there is hope. Am I not the One who took all your sins and who became the Sinner? I brought all your sins unto death. All is accomplished, believe in me. Satan, the Deceiver, is doing all he can to distance you from me.

Yes, you have walked away from the sacrament of Marriage; yes, you have turned to civil union because you were unable to receive Communion at the Holy Table; yes, you are priests and your actions create scandal; yes, your entire being refuses the truth; yes, what seemed just in the past has now become a source of pain to you and you have left the Church, and today, you absolve yourselves of your guilt by accusing the Church of not understanding this world that has evolved; yes, religion seems insignificant to you, for modernism displays before your eyes a world in which everything is possible. However, my children, look at what you have become: families are torn apart, children are separated, hearts are wounded; the masses cry out for justice and the powers of this world do no listen to them – they are at the mercy of their every whim; the earth is in total chaos; money is the master of your lives; love is shoved aside in favour of material possessions. But I am here, I am Mercy, I am your Beggar of love.

I have love for you; I do not want to reject you; I have loved to the point of dying. Look at me: I am on the Cross for you. When you are sick, I have graces for you: they are sources of strength and of hope for the happiness of those you love. I have enabled certain children to become aware of heavenly powers: there are angels on earth. How many have witnessed their presence? How many have witnessed an incident during which people would have died if it had not been for the protection of angels? It is Satan the Liar, the Deceiver, who is putting you in a state of lethargy, and you judge events without knowing anything about them. He is deceiving you, my children. Your mind becomes a mind that he manipulates. Your judgment is in darkness.

Today, there are those in the Catholic Church who confuse Divine Power with the powers of deities. God alone is God: “Who is like God? God.” With these words, Saint Michael conquered Lucifer: the fallen angel became the prince of darkness. Darkness exists, my little ones. Satan reduces you to the state of a child unaware of his own words, of his own thoughts, of his own hearing, of his own gestures and of his own feelings. All those who are without peace, without joy and without love for themselves or for their neighbour, are being manipulated by the Master of Lies. Where are the lies? In the mouth of the one who has given power to the prince of darkness: he is the one who uses children who have received life through God. Satan can do nothing if he has no power. His power comes from that which has life and you are alive, for you are in me, the Life.

You are able to think, you are able to see, you are able to listen, you are able to speak, you are able to carry out actions and you are able to have feelings. Therefore, these things are given only to those who are alive, but not to death. How is it that the prince of darkness possesses the power to deceive you? He possesses it through you. Without your realizing it, you give him whatever is within you and you become his slave. My children, I say to you: “Come to me, I love you. Say a simple ‘I love you’ to me even if you are in a state of sin. I am Mercy.”

I know that there are those who are living with the husband of another or the wife of another – am I going to refuse you my love? I am The Love and I love you. Before you were alive, I was the one who lived what you were going to live. I did not participate in sins, but I accepted them in my flesh, I felt them and I presented myself to my Father with your sins. My love for you was such that I, the Sinner, perspired blood. I did not absolve myself of my guilt before my Father by saying to him: “It was not I, Father, who committed these sins; it was those whom you gave to me.” No, my beloved, I presented myself as the only Sinner; I was maintaining you in my love. My mercy is inside you. Turn towards my mercy and with simple words, say to me: “Forgive me, Jesus. I do not know what to do. I am living with my choices and I do not have the strength to come to you. You, who are mercy, understand my weakness; I give it to you.”

My children, this time that you are living on earth is leading you towards your eternity. That is what this is all about – it is not about a short moment spent on earth. One day, you will be faced with your life and your decision will be eternal. Yes, my children, you will choose between eternal life and eternal death. My beloved, eternal life is to know joy, love and light; all is eternally without pain, without tears, without envy, as everything fills you with happiness. Eternal death is to be alone forever, without hearing words of love, without carrying out or receiving gestures of love, without relief: nothing but pain, never feeling comfort again. And hatred nourishes itself with the one who has refused eternal life, for hatred is the nourishment of poor choices.

My little ones, I, your God, beg you: do not turn your back to me – I am here for your eternal happiness. Be good to yourselves; do not live in a state of bitterness. Judas wanted nothing to do with me; he refused to believe that my mercy was for him. He preferred to hang himself rather than to say, “I love you, Jesus.”

These words are simple and they are so truthful that sometimes one misses the obvious: it is all there but you see nothing. Be aware: you were created for love. Love yourselves in spite of yourselves. I love you, I, your Saviour.