

God the Father: Loves, I love you. I am the Eternal who wants to gather you in the very Heart of the Love. All is from me, the Divine Will.


Jesus: Before your coming on earth, I offered myself to the Heavenly Father to make reparation for the offence that you would commit against Him. All children were included in the offence that the first child, Adam, committed. I, the Divine Will, saw everything and I could not remain insensitive to what you were going to do to Him, you, the children, who have not respected your brothers and sisters. I love you so much!


It is out of love that I speak to you, given the fact of your great rebellion to love, which you provoked by not remaining faithful to the love of my Heavenly Father. I contain all of you, you are mine. Through my Sacrifice on the Cross, you have become my suffering. I, the Love, said yes to my Father for your redemption; it is at this very moment that you were all in my Sacred Heart. By this gesture of love, the Love caused you to appear before the eyes of the Father as children full of repentance in view of all you were going to do to Him. Not a single gesture was in this movement of love. Be assured of my love towards everything you have done, you are doing and you will do.


You, my children of Canada, you are in this movement of love and all the children you carry in your hearts are in this movement as well. You owe it to yourselves to be present within yourselves. By granting yourselves forgiveness, you make of yourselves children of Mercy. Yes, it is necessary to ask for forgiveness for all the offences that have been committed since the arrival of the first settlers in this much-desired country. They installed themselves as masters believing they were in their rights. Even if your ancestors are the ones who came to this country out of the desire to live here, you, their descendants, are part of this movement.


My children, all those who immigrated and formed the Canadian nationality are my children, in the very same way as the aboriginal people. You are from me, you are part of my All which was offered to my Father out of love to make amends for the sin Adam committed against my Father ; you see, not one of you was alive at the very beginning of creation. The earth was created so that all children may live there in loving harmony; all were meant to live there without borders. But Cain offended God by killing his brother; he was chased away from his birthplace because of the seriousness of his sin. God the Father removed him because he could not continue to live in this place where he had lived as a child of God. As God did not want him to be chastised by others, he was protected by the mark on his forehead: all were meant to recognize the hand of God on Cain. He was the first child to withdraw from the country he loved.


The land where I placed my first children: that was their native land. In the beginning, all lived together in a place that I, God, had given them. Remember Moses who left the land of his birth, there, where the children of Israel lived; I, their God, made them leave this country to bring them to another land. As my children could not be happy in this land, I guided them towards a land that would become their native land. It is I who choose the place where you must live. The place where every child comes into the world is his native land.


Do you know that the original place is in the mother’s womb? When a child comes into the world, this place becomes his native land. The earth belongs to me, it is I who am the Creator, I am the sole Master of these places. I have not created places particularly for you. All that is mine, I give it to you, but because of human will, the children of this world have appropriated what was mine and they have set up borders. By dividing my land into precise regions, they have neglected to give one another love, turning themselves into children owning what I had created.


My children, the spoken language has also become your property, in the same way as the place where you were born but, because of this lifestyle, you have become independent from one another. Consequently, all those who claim to belong to a country become totally independent beings and they become independent from those who want to live there. They call themselves masters of the place where they are living. It is like the children after the flood: they made themselves masters of the place where they landed. They believed themselves masters of all, becoming ungrateful for what I had given them: life. I had to show them who was the Creator of all things, of all that existed. I divided these people by multiplying their languages so that it would be possible for them to separate, making of them children who needed to belong to their God of Love. In order to prevent them from harming one another, I created needs within them that led them to acknowledge themselves as my children.


My loves, I have given myself for each of you. Do not take for granted what belongs to my Heavenly Father, he is the sole Master of all things and all he has belongs to me, his beloved Son. You have known my surges of love for each of you: they are sources of hope for all those who want me. I want you in me within your being, a very small being, not seeking victory over evil. No, my children, it is for me alone to conquer the evil that has made you slaves of yourselves. The human will is struggling against evil and this has caused it to destroy itself. Without my Sacrifice, no one in this world could have been happy, because good and evil exist together. Only the Son of the Father can give you back hope for a life of eternal happiness.


I love you and it is out of love that I come to speak to you so that you may resume the path that leads you to behaving as children worthy of God. The promises made to the Fathers of Israel are also for you. Would I have laid you aside, I, the Saviour of the world? No, my children, you are all my chosen, the elect of my Father. You owe it to yourselves to consider yourselves as having all been saved from sin. It is up to you to acknowledge yourselves as children of God.


The world you live in is in the process of returning to the Source of life: my Life. I am the Saviour of the world and I am coming to tell you that not a single one of you will be excluded from my mercy. In order for this to take place without suffering, you must give love to one another. Only through forgiveness will you regain the dignity of the children of God. I, the Son of God, have carried all your sins; it is up to you alone to acknowledge that you are in this movement of redemption by loving one another.


My children, you are not permitted to harm yourselves, to cause yourselves regrets. Give yourselves movements of love by acknowledging that you are all brothers and sisters without reproach for one another. Make peace within yourselves. If you carry movements within yourselves that are not given to Jesus, you carry suffering. When you think of all your brothers and sisters who have been subjected to prejudice because of people who have made themselves masters of their possessions, you are hurting yourselves. You see, these persons are also your brothers and sisters: they have suffered. Your brothers and sisters could not give themselves love because the love in them has become weak; they have gone as far as accusing one another because of their sufferings, they could not forgive.


My children, no one can accuse someone of being the cause of their sufferings without holding movements of unforgiveness within himself, for when a person carries suffering, it is because he nourishes the evil that causes his suffering: and this, because of his human will.


It is wrong, my children, to say that you are victims of injustice, for if you say this, it is because you are not at peace with yourselves, and if you are not at peace with yourselves, it is because you are in conflict with who you are. You are love, you come from my Father. Your Father is the Love; he is the Author of what you are. Love can only be gentleness, patience and tenderness. Love is free, it loves to give and to forgive.


I want to speak to you about forgiveness. All those who want to be love must forgive all those who have caused them pain, no matter how small the pain. If a pain is not given to Jesus, it is because it is present in this person, it is this person who carries it. I ask you to forgive one another, to love one another. It is only I, the beloved Son of the Father, who will make you become love for yourselves and for your brothers and sisters. I am the Love. I ask this of you with all my infinite love: give yourselves love, give love to your neighbour, and support your brothers and sisters who have not been able to give their forgiveness to those who have trespassed against them.


I am the Mercy who speaks to you to announce that love alone will reign in the hearts of all the children of God. My Father’s kingdom will come on earth as in Heaven. Behold the Son of God is coming to reveal Himself to my Father’s chosen ones. Amen. May all be accomplished.


My children, dwell in love, there you will see my Glory. Every step you make leads you towards your happiness along with your brothers and sisters, when you give them to me. Continue seeing yourselves in me, Christ: this is the Will of God. All is from me, all is for my Father. Only your yes belongs to you. Loves, I love you.

