Gathering of Love With God's Action
Through His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus

2012-03-02 – A Time of Surrender

♪♪♪ Hymn

Jesus: I gave you my life, I taught you to love your God, to not look back, to not rest your gaze upon what does not exist. To be with me is to discover abundance, it is to be true to yourselves before God in order that your neighbour may eat and drink from the very source of The Love. I carry out my works in you; I give you what you need so that you can do what you are called to do.

My little children, tonight God has brought you together, and he is gathering all the children of the world in your hearts so that all the children of the world may be present. There is so much to learn, my children, before the Great Purification of the flesh. There is so much to be lived, my children, so that children may be ready to open themselves up as you, you open yourselves up to God's call. Nothing can come from you. You still have your human will, my children. At times, it spills over into your daily lives without your noticing it.

I who am in you, I who give myself to you, I who nourish you with my Life, I take your sufferings and I give them to those who have given me their yes as you have. You need one another in this time of surrender. I want to take everything that you are. I want to take your sufferings and transform them into an offering, into an offering of life. I want to take what you cannot see, and which is within you, and transform it into courage so that you may give yourselves over and over again for those you love. Oh, my children of love! I have taught you to love your brothers and your sisters, I have taught you to recognize that the only enemy you have is evil: Satan and his acolytes.

Your brothers and your sisters, my children, are not your enemies; they are prisoners of evil. From them emerge gestures against you, from them emerge words against you, gazes against you, feelings against you. All of this is because they have made bad choices before evil, and evil, which has poured its poison into them, uses them against you. How many times have I said, my children, “Love your enemies, love those who persecute you, love those who make you cry, who throw you to the ground, love them.” These words are words that prepared you to hear the truth, to accept the truth, to live the truth. It is difficult for the children who are in this world to understand that you give yourselves to those who persecute you, that you give yourselves to your brothers and to your sisters without holding back, for I am in you. It is not you who give yourselves, it is I. I take you, I cover you, I show you what love means, what it means to give one’s life for those one loves. With your human will, you cannot see what I see in you, you cannot understand what I know about you.

You are my chosen among the chosen. There are children all over the world who give themselves as do, you who hear. They are in you and they benefit from what you, you hear as though they were here. I cover them with my love, I keep them in my Passion, as I keep you in my Passion. Yes, my children, receive the graces of my Passion tonight, receive this strength. Come forward by placing your feet in my footsteps, your pain in my pain, your yes in my yes. Everything that you are, you are so for my Father. I am the one who transforms who you are, I am the one who presents you to my Father. Oh, I know that you are thirsting for these words! I am the Living Word.

I am the One who uses this voice to reach out to you, to have you enter my Passion, to have you live what I want you to live: which is to lead you to a place that you are not able to reach while you are on this earth, which has known the One who died on the Cross to save the people of this world, this world that has said no to my Father and yes to evil. For, by wanting to know good they accepted to know evil, they accepted to live with evil, to frequent evil. You have accepted all of this, my children, just as the children of this world, just as the children throughout the ages have accepted this. There is only my Mother who lived a life of goodness, who refused to take part in evil, for whoever wanted to know evil, accepted, from that moment on, to know what was not meant for him. Evil is not meant for you, my children. It took centuries and centuries, thousands of years, my children, to make man understand that evil was not meant for him, for evil came about through the yes to Satan.

Adam was unfaithful to God, his Creator: the first flesh created on earth that engendered evil. There was no evil within Adam. Evil was not known within Adam as he was pure of thought, for he had the thoughts of God; and his gaze was pure for he had received the gaze of God; as was his hearing, for he heard through God's hearing; as were his words, for his words came from God; as were his actions, for his actions were pure, they were the work of God. Evil was not present in his love, that feeling which encompassed all feelings. It was necessary for him to accept and in that moment when he accepted, evil entered man. Evil took on his image. He now had a divisive spirit; he had eyes that judged, ears that were already filled with slander, words filled with lies, actions of unfaithfulness, and a heart empty of that which is love, true love, for now he was divided between good and evil. He, the perfect created one, was now the image of unfaithfulness. He had just accepted everything on behalf of all children who were to be born on earth.

I, Jesus, I, the Son of God, not created but engendered, Goodness, Perfection, I, the Spirit of God, the Light, the Knowledge, the Fulfilment, unconditional Love, I came to earth to take everything upon myself as though it were I who had brought about evil. I did not take part in it: I accepted it. Yes, in my life, I came to know everything you have come to know, everything that man has come to know since Adam, and all the evil that those after you will come to know because of you. Every child is responsible for every other child. Adam is the being chosen by God to bring life into this world, and every being was chosen by God to bring life into this world, and so on until the last.

There is nothing that my Father does not know. Every child has received from my Father all that he needed in order so that life could exist on earth, so that every being could be before my Father. The children of the children’s children, of the children’s children and of the children’s children, and so on until the last, you have all been chosen by my Father. You have all received from my Father everything you needed so that life might be nourished, so that life might be pure, so that life might be love. There were no conditions, everything was perfect. You were all chosen in and through my Father's perfection, not through imperfection but rather through my Father's perfection. Because there is evil within you due to your acceptance of it, everything my Father has given you is within you along with that evil.

Who among you is able to understand my Father's love? Who is able to understand that a Father can give everything to his chosen ones, his children, knowing that you would say no to his love? Who is able to understand such a Father? No one. My Father is your Father. There is no Father who loves like my Father. He loves you, my children. He has so much love for you! His power, he keeps it within you, for he did not take his love away from you. His love is within you and it has not diminished; it is perfect. My Father's love does not change; it is the love of God, of the Eternal One; it is the love of the Almighty. Who is like my Father? My Father, your Father. There is not a single word known to you that can describe my Father.

When I came to earth, I used your words. When my Father made himself heard in that moment when I received Baptism by my Will, his words were words of love for his Son, for the One who was being given to you, and I was introduced to every child whose name was written in the Book of Life by God the Father: “Here is my beloved Son, listen to him.” I came to earth and I took on human nature so that you could understand my words. In and through my words was my Father's Will, just as tonight my Father's Will is in these words. It is my Father who wants you to know that his unconditional love is inside you. In spite of your no, in spite of your lack of love towards yourselves, you who have been chosen by my Father, desired by my Father, loved by my Father, you have this love so that you may learn to love who you are.

Great is the child who understands these words. When one learns to love oneself before my Father, one learns to love my Father's choice. Through my Father's love, you learn that his love has loved the child who was chosen by my Father.  Detach yourselves from who you are in order to understand these words. Look at yourselves through me in order to be able to understand that my Father loves the being he has chosen. You, my children, love the being that you are. If, my children, you do not do this for yourselves, then do it for my Father, do it for my Father – he loves you so! Be faithful to your Father. A filial love, my children, is a love between the child and the Father. Taste this love. Ask my Mother for the graces to be able to love who you are, and do this for my Father. That love for yourselves will come; you will love your neighbour, you will help him to love my Father, his Father.

You, my loyal beloved, receive these words within you: they are from the Son for his Father. It is my love that cries out tonight so that you may understand that I love my Father, that I accepted everything. This suffering, I embraced it the moment I desired to take everything upon myself. My yes was in my Father's yes, my Father's yes was in my yes. We formed but one yes, and we form but one yes, and we will always form but one yes. Oh, my children, how I love you! How I love you! You are my Father's love. I would relive my entire Passion just to have you within me and to say to my Father: “Father, I love you!” Yes, I uttered that “I love you” while I covered you in my Blood, while I redeemed every life so that every life might be unconditional love for God the Father.

Do you see now, my children, how much I love you? How can I not love you? You are my Father's love, you are my Father's beloved. You are love, my love, which I present to my Father: “Father, look at your children! How I love them! My love for them is complete, for it is your love that I see in them. I immerse myself in them, Father, to say to you: I love you.” Beloved, beloved, how is it possible to not declare one’s love to The Love? How is it possible to not have you know love, you whose name is love? “Child of God” is love. No one can bear the name “love” if he is apart from The Love. You are all love. That is your name.

Even before you came to be in your earthly mother’s womb, all of you bore the name “love” and my Father knew every one of you. He never mistook one for the other – he is God your Father. He knows who you are, he chose you. Look at yourselves here tonight: you have been chosen since all of eternity, you were in my Father's thoughts. Would my Father be confused? He does not mistake one child for another. He knows that a certain child is like this, that another is like that, that another is like this. He gave you his love and his love is infinite, it is perfect, it is known to him. My Father knows who he is! You are his love and he loves you so. He accepted everything. He accepted your choice. Paul, André, Gisèle, Michèle, Marie-Êve, Lucille... Oh, my children, I could name so many: Martine, François, Rémi, Geneviève, and so many others, my children, so many others!

He accepted whatever came from you through love. It is love that gives a name to everything. He accepted your smiles, your looks filled with kindness: that is love. When you behave as children of love, that is my Father's love and he is watching you. He knows to which extent you are love. Your worth, he is aware of it: your worth is that of love. One does not grow tired, my children, of hearing The Love! Even though, in the beginning, when you read the first part of “Love for All My Children,” oh, the word “love” was used a great many times, and you said, my children, that this was far, far, and yes, far too much.

May I tell you, my children, that in eternity there will be a great deal of love? You will hear love, you will see love, you will listen to love, you will speak of love, you will act with love. Yes, you will waltz to love, you will sing words of love, you will walk alongside love, you will be happy with love, in love, for love, and it will always be like this throughout eternity. Will you find this redundant? There will be so many colours, my children! You are aware of colours on earth. Oh, if you could only see the colours of love! The range of colours is much greater than the one you know, for in the colour red there are many reds. Love likes to play with red just as you like to play with yellow and blue, black, green.

I love you, my beloved. My Father loves you. How beautiful you are! Have you noticed the colour of your eyes? There are many types of light reflected in your eyes, and together those reflections of light form images, and those images are so numerous, my children, that you are not able to count them. In eternity, there will be even many more than what you see. You need only count the cells of your flesh, if you are able to, and you will see that there are even more colours than that. Oh, my children, you know nothing about love! My Father is love.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: The Lord is giving us graces, and these graces are given to us so we can understand that the Passion of Jesus is love, it is love being presented to God the Father. That’s what the Passion of Jesus is all about: it’s the Son's love for the Father! It is the Son who takes love, who envelops it in his Blood and who presents it to the Father. That’s what the Passion of Jesus is all about! It cannot end as long as there is one of our brothers or our sisters who is unaware of the Father's love. As long as there is even one person left, the Passion of Christ will go on for his Father. That’s what love is; and this, this is love being revealed to us a little bit at a time, a little bit at a time. Love is so beautiful, so immense!

So, the Lord had me write again.

2012-02-26, and he begins:

“My daughter, I gave myself up in order to have you in my Kingdom. I am eternal and you had been created for eternity. However, because of disobedience, you had lost your eternity, and it was my death on the Cross that redeemed you. Today, you live solely for your material possessions and you say to me: ‘But Lord, what are you doing? You are not having us live the Great Purification?’ My children, you say these words to me even as I lead you towards the Great Purification. You are my chosen ones and because you are my chosen ones, I ask you: ‘What are you doing? Are you not living these moments in order to lead your brothers and your sisters to the Great Purification?’ Yes, my chosen ones, your duty is to me. I am the one who redeemed you, I am the one who opened you to my Father's Kingdom, and you answered yes to my call.

“At the moment, this time of surrender is having you live what you will experience in future. This time of surrender is a time willed by my Father so that you may give yourselves to all your brothers and all your sisters of all religions, of all languages and of all nations. Believers or non-believers, God wants all his children of the yes. It is necessary, my chosen ones, that you give yourselves, not only for your own country but for all the children inscribed in the Book of Life. A country in difficulty needs the love of the world’s children. How can a country receive all the graces required for its development if the prayers of the chosen ones of that country do not extend beyond the borders of their country?

“I gave myself up for all my Father's children. A country can only exist if it nourishes the trust of all those who dwell in it. If that country remains removed from the love of its citizens, it is quickly rejected by the masses who do not see a reason to remain in that country. Such a country sees nothing, hears nothing, for it lacks the reason for its existence. That is why God gives graces to children: so that they may pray for the children of the world, and then the country is covered in grace. Would I have given myself up only for the children of Israel? It was for all God's children and it was God who created you. Love God, serve God; he loves you, he gave you his Life. Give your life in turn for them, my Father's children.

“Yes, I say this to you: All those who follow me shall enter my Father's Kingdom. Beforehand, they will come to know my sufferings, they will live my Passion. They will be rejected by their own; they will be with me as the Father was with me. They will be my Father's blessed ones; they will leave everything behind for me, the beloved Son of the Heavenly Father. I say to you: He who loves me shall leave everything behind out of love for me. And I say to you once more: Do not look behind you, follow me; my path is your path. My life, I give it to you. Your life is in my Life – it is no longer.

“My children, whoever follows me is not afraid of losing everything; there is nothing left to keep him on earth. He renounces himself. He places his feet in my footsteps. His thoughts are thoughts of love that please me. His gazes are turned only towards me, I who am on the Cross. He listens only to his interior as he has consented to leave the spirit of this world. He lives only for the love of God, which causes him to melt out of love for his neighbour. Some have given themselves for the sake of love to their neighbour, like Mother Teresa, for example. I say to you: Give yourselves out of love to your neighbour; he is dying because he does not live on love for his God.

“Look at him in and through the life he has chosen for himself or that was imposed on him. Worried, he does not know the fullness of peace; he lives only in fear of what could happen to him. Critical, he has nothing but reservations with regard to my presence. He believes that I am a severe God who punishes him, who does not come to his aid, who does not listen to him. Unhappy, he plots against me, his God who wants him to be happy. Angry, he takes my Name in vain. Impatient, my Name taken in vain is upon his lips daily. Disappointed, he accuses me of negligence because I do not support him in his projects. Dazed, he no longer wants anything to do with me when he is fighting illness. Disconcerted, he no longer believes in me when a beloved passes away. Indifferent towards God, he kills himself working for money, which causes him to live on illusions, whereas his happiness is inside him and not on the outside. Discouraged, he takes his own life because he no longer wants to live in pain. He rebels against power. Unfaithful, he gives in to all sorts of pagan methods to obtain what he believes is good for him. Selfish, he no longer sees his neighbour who is hungry and thirsty for love. Vain, he does not understand that he needs the love of every brother and of every sister in order to live on earth as a good neighbour towards himself. Oblivious, he is heading towards his own ruin that he himself desired. Materialistic, he is a slave to daily life, for in his mind anything that is easy represents happiness. Immoral, he loves his pleasure no matter the cost. Idolatrous, he feels proud of what he has, of what he is doing, and yet, he is not able to see this. Rich or poor, your neighbour does not realize that only God can give him back the dignity of being a child of the Divine Will: all for God.

“Yes, my chosen ones, your neighbour needs you. It is your mission to live out of love for your neighbour, not for your refuge. My chosen ones, although I asked you to prepare for this time by having you understand the necessity of building a refuge, it is your inner refuge that is the most important of the two. It is inside you and your neighbour needs to be in your refuge. You must put your refuge (neighbour) before everything else. Give yourselves on his behalf. Remember my words: ‘I am building a world of love. I am the one who is building it, not you. You, what have you done with the one I gave you?’ These words, they are familiar to you – you must remember them.

“It is vital that everything you do be done for them. It is up to me to enable you to move mountains. I am giving you graces so that you may give even more of yourselves to your very dear neighbour. The more he moves forward, the deeper he sinks into the spirit of the world. That is why I am having you live this time of surrender: in order to open within him, your neighbour, a pathway by which he will enter. This time is leading him towards what is to come: living the Great Purification. When he will stand before what he is, will he, out of love, consent to living with me on earth as in Heaven, or will he want to go on living with his human will? Do not forget that what he has lived is what this world has shown him: that is all he knows. He does not know what you know.

“You are the ones who consented to hearing me, you are the ones who said yes. Even before you were born on earth, you had said yes to God your Father. You received everything from my Father in order to live your yes. Today, you and those from around the world are together in living this time of surrender – not for the sake of your material needs but rather for your neighbour’s sake. It is not this instrument who has enabled you to see what you are – it was I, Jesus, who speak in her for all of you. Was she aware of my plan of love? No, I am the one who died on the Cross; I am the one who taught you through my apostles, through my disciples; I am the one who give myself at every Eucharist. It is I, through the power of the Holy Spirit, who give myself. I place myself in the priests’ hands out of love for you. Nothing comes from her; she is obedient to my word within her.

“My chosen ones, carry out your duties as children of God well. You are free; I am not forcing you to live your yes. I am reminding you of what you wanted to be on behalf of your neighbour. Be careful! Satan is doing all he can to keep you from carrying out your mission. I love you. Love your God.”

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: The Lord, our God, is asking us to give ourselves. The Lord, our God, has shown every one of us how to live in our inner refuge. Living in our refuge is wanting to know love, to enter love. It’s wanting to accept what God wants for us and this, this is something that can't be accomplished from one day to the next – it takes time. With time, we learn, we learn to love, and the more we learn to love, the more we want to learn to love; and the more we want to learn to love, the more we discover that we don’t love enough; and the more we discover that we don’t love enough, the more that love inside us rises up within us; and the more love rises up within us – oh, it’s like a wave! “I want to love, Lord. Show me how to love. I want to give myself for the sake of love. Show me how to give myself for the sake of love.” And the more we enter that wave, the more it rises up again; a new wave comes along and we have the impression that we never love enough.

It’s wanting to love God, wanting to discover that love, and to discover that we cannot be in love with God without loving our neighbour, without giving ourselves, and then we discover that love! And when we discover that love, it warms us from the inside out; it rises up, and it warms us from the inside, and then, we’re in love, we feel like singing for God, we feel like doing things for God: love, love, love, and love some more. We make a loaf of bread? Oh, it didn’t turn out? It doesn’t matter, we’ll make another one. This is love for one's neighbour. And later, we discover another person who is speaking about nutrition: “I don’t know her.” Thank you, my God. Are you showing me a person who loves me? She doesn’t even know me and she loves me? She wrote a book out of love for her neighbour? Does she really love me that much? Thank you, my God. And then, I say “Thank you, my God” over and over again, and this, this is love revealing itself once more.

And it goes even further than that: I discover more love, more love from one person or another, even the love hidden in people who spread slander. We’re learning to love. When we know that a person is speaking against us, and then we discover that God wants us to love him even more: “Thank you, my God!” This is yet another thing I wasn’t aware of; I'm discovering love once again. To love those who speak against others, against me: “Thank you, my God.” That’s when I can see that Satan is hurting my neighbour, and so then I have to pray for him, I have to love him even more, for his sake. I will love Jesus even more so that Jesus overflows with love, overflows with love! And then, where does it go? It flows, it flows, it flows; it’s like a stream that flows… for whom? To reach the person who is speaking against me: “Thank you, my God.”

This is an unconditional love, it never ends. That’s it! That’s what God wants us to experience, and that’s what we’re discovering: it’s that love. And then, we can… “Ah, yes, Lord. I can reach out and feel it just a tiny bit; that tiny speck of the shadow of love that I asked for isn't much, Lord, but now I'm just, just, just beginning to perceive it.” And we continue and continue – loving unconditionally, remaining silent when someone takes our place: “Ah, yes, Lord. I will be quiet, I will listen to him. Oh! That’s so beautiful – he's talking about love! The things that I learned through God, well, she knows the same things! This is so beautiful, Lord!” And then I can hear the words God is saying to me through another person! This is yet another wave rising up.

You see, we must love prophets. Do you know how painful it is to hear that one prophet isn't able to accept another prophet? It’s painful. And now, Jesus is teaching us how to love: “You are a prophet just as they are prophets. Because they are prophets, I have given them love for you. When you hear that love, you recognize it because I have chosen you to be a prophet. Therefore, how can you not love the prophet who speaks in and through your love, which, as you are discovering through me, is my love?” And this, yet again, is love. This is beautiful, this is beautiful! This is the love for one's neighbour, this is the love of God the Father revealing itself, and it contains all sorts of colours.

The love of God the Father is infinite. And he uses all sorts of ways to have us understand that he has put his unconditional love in all of God's children, whatever the circumstances. Why? He gave up his beloved Son so that his Son could take all the pain we feel that is caused by not loving his Father. Did you know that it’s painful for our own love, of which we are unaware and which is the love of God the Father, to not love The Love as he should be loved? Did you think that we were indifferent to this? Listen carefully: We received the love of God the Father, and the love of God the Father is in us, and God the Father did not take away the love inside us; therefore, love is alive.

Love has but one spirit: the Spirit of God. Love sees, love hears, love speaks, love acts, love feels; therefore, the love of God the Father is in us, it lives in us. That love keeps us alive, that love shows us how to have the Spirit of God in us. “I do not have that spirit, Lord; it is feeble.” So, everything about the child of God, which is what I am, is suffering; it is suffering because it cannot understand that love: one single spirit. My love that is alive inside me suffers. That love suffers because it is alive. It wants to be fulfilled, but it isn't able to be fulfilled. It would like to know God the Father, it would like to see him, it would like to immerse itself in his Spirit but it can't; and so, it suffers, it suffers, and it brings more suffering upon itself.

My love, which is suffering, would like to cry out to me: “You don’t know how to turn your eyes to your God, you don’t know how to think like your God, you don’t know how to recognize who you are.”  And this is how my love talks to me. However, I am handicapped, I am vain, I am filled with anger, impatient, I am idolatrous. I am present in the faults of all my brothers and sisters – in “all” my brothers and sisters. Why? Because my love separated itself; my love separated itself from you, and because my love separated itself from you, your love separated itself from me. Therefore, I am handicapped; I lack the light, I lack eyes to see, ears to hear; I lack the means to act, to love. I cannot love as I would like to love. My love is in pain and I'm in pain.

It hurts to see that my children don’t pray as God asks us to pray. I cannot explain to them how to do this because I have lost sight of it; I have lost the thoughts of God; the hearing, the gaze, the words, the actions, the feelings – I have lost them. I suffer and, out of love, God sent me his Son so that one day I may become a child of the Divine Will once more. But I consented to suffer and to see, to suffer and to hear, to suffer and to speak of love, to suffer and to carry out actions out of love for God, to suffer and to feel God's love. I consented to immerse myself in Jesus’ chalice, to mingle my blood with his, to give up my heart that it might disappear in the Heart of Jesus, to die by going through the Heart of Mary. Remember that we agreed to do this.

Of course, our love suffers, I suffer. My flesh, yes, it suffers, but does my love suffer more than my flesh? Yes, my love suffers more than my flesh, but it is my love that consents to living the Passion. Why does my love consent to living the Passion? Because that love comes from God the Father, not from me – this is the love of God the Father. Who gave up his Son? It was God the Father. Who consented to allowing love to remain in us even after the “no” we uttered? God the Father. It was always that love. It’s the love of God the Father and it’s in us, it’s part of our lives – we consented to this. We consented to allowing that love to reveal itself to us, and today, we’re living the consequences of this. Yes, we’re suffering, but this is a beautiful consequence, isn't it? And we will persist until the very end. We will know what the Passion of Jesus is because of the love God the Father has placed in us.

You know, there are those who might say: “Then I don’t want anything more to do with that love.” Well, you’re  consenting to die for eternity because that’s the love that is eternal, that’s the love that is waiting for you in the Kingdom of God the Father, as that love will recognize the love which will become fused to it to form but one love. My love, your love form but one love and it is that of God the Father. Yes, we will suffer some more, but it is a blessed suffering that leads us to knowing the Father's love. Are we going to refuse this? Are we going to wait, being the last ones in line again? No. We have moved forward and we will keep moving forward step by step. Yes, we are building the refuge; we still have to build the attic and there are little things left to do, but this will be done in and through our love for our neighbour – “in and through” our love for our neighbour. We must nourish love. With what? With love.

Love nourishes love and this is the only way we have to return to normal. It isn't normal to not be love – it’s normal to be love. Why? Because we were created as love. We will keep on going but let’s not forget what we’ve just heard. And how important this is! It’s love that is making us build these refuges; it’s love that is making us bake bread; it’s love that is making us discover new herbal teas, new blends. It’s love! And yet, it’s so simple, isn't it? It’s love that makes us knit; it’s love that makes us drive our car. It’s love! We must never forget this. We’re here but at the same time, we’re with people from all around the world, who are with us. This is love! We will never stop talking about love, right? Thank you, Lord.

♪♪♪ Hymn

Mother Mary: May that sound continue to play – such is the beating of your hearts. Little children of love, you have consented to allowing the love for brothers and your sisters to come to life within you. This was within you but you were not able to understand my Son's Sacrifice; you were not able to enter his Passion. A Son who gives himself to his Father – such love could have only come from the Son of God for God the Father. He has given you more than any child could ever give.

Gather together, my children, and live eternity. You will never be able to give back to him what he has given you: love. I gave myself to every one of you through grace. I opened my love and I had you enter within me, I who am your Mother, so that you could understand my Son's love for you. How could you, who have rejected faithfulness to God the Father, understand the love of God the Son for the Father? I have welcomed you into my Heart, my Motherly Heart, to protect you from yourselves. Satan wanted to destroy you. He did not want you to hear these words, my children: words of love, words of sincerity, words of faithfulness. He did not want you to be united. Satan has done all he could to keep you apart.

I, I have welcomed you into my Heart, I have gathered you together, and I have soothed you with my words of love, with my hymns of love. I have led you to understand that in prayer there is strength, that in prayer there is a language of love; and that language of love is a language that enables you to move forward in spite of suffering, to continue in spite of illnesses, to always move forward in spite of attacks that arose from the evil that was inside you and that is still inside you. My little children, tonight I am giving you the grace of strength so that you may continue to receive within you the evil that is within your brothers and your sisters, they who lack strength in the face of attacks that come from Satan. Receive this grace, my children, so that you may continue to move forward.

There will be a great storm, my children. You are being told this so that you may continue to pray with love, with a lack of interest in material things, in pleasure, in worldliness, in perversity: everything that evil has shown you and that envelops your brothers and your sisters who do not turn to prayer, and which you, you accept to experience out of love for them. Mother, your Heavenly Mother, is asking this of you. Pray, my little children, from the heart. Be faithful to your yes. This grace, you need it and you will need it in future. The present is leading you to learn what you need to learn and which only God knows.

I am Mary, Queen of Hearts. I am the Immaculate One. I am the One who remained standing at the foot of the Cross. My Heart, my children, which is all love for my adorable God, has known suffering. That sword, my children, is still in my Heart. Be my little children of light. These times are so important. You have experienced many events which have led you to this time of surrender. Everything was willed by God. The love of God the Father for each of you has led you to surrendering. Surrender, my little beloved, be children of mercy. Take everything upon yourselves, accept everything as though all evil were known to you, and only you.

Strength is a grace, my children, which comes from love. The more you love your brothers and your sisters, the more the grace of strength will make itself known to you. This is the love of God the Father, this is unconditional love, this is the love that dwells within you. That suffering you are feeling, my children, will slowly diminish for love heals you, delivers you. Everything has been accomplished: it is up to you to live this accomplishment. Remember the following words: “Father, all is accomplished. Into your hands I commend my spirit, my love which is your love.”

Little children of love, your love is the love of God the Father. And soon – and it is your Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate Conception, the Queen of Hearts who is telling you this – you shall say the following words: “All is accomplished. Into your hands I commend my spirit, Father.” May these words be to you, my children, words that nourish your hope, your faith; as a result, love will abound.

I love you, my little children of love. Thank you, my children.