Gathering of Love With God's Action
Through His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus 

2012-01-06 – A Time of Surrender

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: What the Lord is showing us is our truth. What the Lord is showing us is what we must be: we must be faithful children; we must be pure in our thoughts; we must be loyal in our way of listening; we must be children of light in order to see what is to come with our hearts; we must act within the justice of God; we must be children of heart, loving our neighbour. If we lack these attributes, we will suffer; we will not understand that what is presenting itself to us comes from the spirit of this world, which seeks our ruin.

The population is growing and the earth is being depleted. Soon, within a few years, gasoline will disappear, and the leaders of this world know this. New gasses will appear but they won't all be that useful to the world. There will be minerals; these minerals will not always be controlled fairly. Man is becoming lost because he listens to Satan, the master of the world. Satan will do all he can to keep us in a state of suffering. A child who suffers is a child who is blind and deaf. The heart of a child who is unable to remain as he should be becomes heavier and heavier. A heavy heart is a burden, and something that is a burden in our lives is something that we don’t want to look at. As we don’t want to look at what is in front of us and of which we are the cause, we accuse others, we make those we love suffer.

Satan does all he can to divide families. Satan does all he can to bring about the downfall of the Church. Satan does all he can to set religions against other religions. Satan is the master of conflict, and this will increase. He has succeeded in turning us into a world without faith in our Lord, our God. Our God is our master. He is the light of the world, he is our warmth, he is our good. We have nothing to fear, God provides for all things. Why turn away from our God? Let’s not turn to false gods. False gods are not gods that are living. They have no ears to listen to us; they have no eyes to see us; they have no heart to nourish us with love. They are cold, they are made of stone, they are false, they have nothing to give to us.

Take a look at the false gods that are in our lives. Money isn't for us; money has done nothing but destroy us, and yet, we have turned it into the master of our lives. We have material possessions purchased with money and those possessions rule over us, control how we spend our time. Our jobs take up all of our strength; why? Because we keep gods in our homes. We nourish them, we place them first to the detriment of our children, to the detriment of our mothers, of our fathers, who are now old; we are cold towards our husbands, towards our wives. We don’t want advice from the wise of this world; we don’t want this because we can't see them anymore. We don’t want to hear about purity, about piety, about going without. We want nothing to do with tranquility – it’s too boring.

We want to be satisfied, satisfied and satisfied! Wasn’t it the false gods who promised us these things? And yet, we’re always dying of thirst because of our excessive needs. We are unable to remain in our impoverished hearts, as we don’t want to see the poverty of our hearts. We look at this world and we say: “Poor world, we don’t want to be like that.” And yet, we have made of this world our own work and we are living the consequences of this. God asks us to be poor in what this world offers and rich in his graces. God asks us to be prudent. When we calculate, we need to calculate the graces we need to do a certain thing. We must stop and say: “Lord, fill up my day.” After having done something, how enriching it would be for us to thank the Lord for it and to look at our Mother, who occupies the most important place in our home, and to say: “Mother, thank you.” Let’s not be stingy with our gratitude.

Let’s fill our houses with simple gestures. Let’s be patient when we accomplish works for our neighbour, when we accomplish those works out of love for those who will come here. And so, let’s start giving them what they need right away: they need patience, they need perseverance, they need gentleness. They need all of this. They need attention, simplicity, humility, they need love. Let’s not wait to give them all this; let’s do these acts of love as soon as we wake up in the morning. A bed that is well-made, with love, is an act of love for our neighbour, for how many have no bed, how many have no blankets!? Let’s be in the grace of the Lord, for we are in a warm place: “Thank you, Lord, for what you have given me. Thank you for this warmth, thank you for this comfort. In my heart, I have children, your children who are cold, your children who have nowhere to sleep. I carry them within me; I give them to you. I give you, o God of love, the causes, choices and consequences of all this suffering. It is death that maintains us in this state of inequality, it is death that leads us to separate from one another in this way. We refuse this, we refuse this death, o God of love. Send it to the foot of your Cross, for, in this moment, there are those who need, who need to feel protected.”

Yes, let’s say these words. We need to heal our sick movements of life; we need to let our God deliver us from these movements that imprison us. We must not wait. Are we going to wait for the Great Purification of the flesh to understand? When are we going to understand? When are we going to begin to live with our brothers and our sisters at every moment? I get up, I take the time to think of them. I don’t get dressed without thinking of those who have nothing to wear on their backs. Okay – here are some clothes; I pick up something I took off the night before; oh, it hasn’t been washed recently, it smells: “I present it to you, o my God of love.” You show me humility. I walk away from that pride, I wear it with love. I know that others are in need of this gesture of simplicity.

We must be a source of nourishment, we must love, we must accept, we must understand, we must live these gestures of love: walking away from our pride, walking away from that comfort through very simple, little gestures that are nevertheless important ones. We are united. Children are crying over those who have nothing to put on their backs. They too need to understand. Don’t cry. You were born into a world of comfort, but think, think that your gestures can nourish others. Accept what the Good Lord gives you; accept it with humility, with patience. One day, they will know what you are: a child who thanked the Good Lord and who thought of others, and who prayed Mary to fill the children of the world with graces so that they could be protected. Yes, we must live like this – by having Mary fill us with graces in and through the way we are. There are those who have much, there are those who have little, there are those who have nothing at all, but we must have one single spirit: a spirit of God, a spirit of love, a spirit of sharing.

We cannot leave this place to go to countries where people are dying for lack of food, but God will fulfill them, God will nourish them. Do we have faith? Do we really have that faith? God will fulfill them, but have just a single thought, a single thought that God isn't fulfilling us today, then others will suffer. “God, you’re taking too much time. I pray; I don’t see anything happening; I would like to do such and such; things aren't going my way” – this is a lack of faith. So, what have we just done? We have just taken nourishment away from a tiny little child who needed strength because his Mother has just died; she has just given up her soul because of a lack of food. Do you see what we’ve done? What is this great nourishment that God's children need? Spiritual nourishment – not physical but rather spiritual. Every thought nourishes, every action nourishes. We need to have faith.

Satan has put evil in our flesh, and evil has become lodged in our flesh, and this creates marks; and it is those marks that are attacked by the impure spirits, it is those marks. Therefore, they know where to strike: through impatience, through pride. Those spirits are malicious and they use what is inside us. But God is there; God uproots evil from our flesh. At this moment, God is uprooting evil: “Thank you, my God, for uprooting evil.” When he uproots evil, he just does it – he doesn’t wait a year, ten years – he just does it. And the marks are disappearing! Yes, the marks are disappearing and as there are marks which are disappearing, we become hope to others. We accept to take the marks of others upon ourselves, we accept to love our neighbour unconditionally.

We must understand what the Lord is in the process of doing with us. He is purifying our flesh, consequences are disappearing. That Fire of love is making us beautiful in the eyes of God the Father; we are becoming what God wants us to be. Our life is simpler, simpler. We see our refuge in a different way. We no longer try to put this over here, that over there. We ask God: “God, is this how you want it to be?” And we, we feel this in our hearts. He is nourishing us, he is showing us his light, and we understand what we couldn’t understand a month ago: this is the purification of the flesh. Our consequences, well, they are being burnt up by the Fire of love. The Spirit of God nourishes us and we are that nourishment for the poor, the poor of this world.

This is what God is doing with us. That nourishment is so beautiful, so beautiful! What is there to fear regarding tomorrow? What he is preparing for us, well, is graces. That’s what our tomorrow will be: graces. We have no need to fear because the masters of this world are those who have given themselves up to Satan. They can do nothing to the children of the Light, nothing. God is preparing us, God has prepared us. What he's telling us is that something will present itself and we all know what that is. He isn't talking about the chip right now but about what is leading up to it. Therefore, let’s be prudent, let’s have faith.

Q. Are you talking about the three days of darkness?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: He isn't talking about the three days of darkness. For this year, you can sleep soundly… It will be a year of abundance for us, for us. This will be a good year for the faith; it will be nourished according to what we are going to accept. There will be much sharing among the hearts that give themselves to God; it will become easier and easier. God will show us what he is doing and we will see this more easily this year. God has spoken. The Holy Spirit has nourished us. Everything is for us.

Jesus: Mercy! My daughter, I am God; I am not a being created by God. My Father is God; he engendered me. I am saying these words to you so that you may know who is speaking to you. I give myself to all those my Father has given to me. See my Will, which is to speak to you in your hearts. All that is at present, all that has been and all that shall be, and which is of my Will, shall be revealed to you. No, I am not repeating myself. In this moment, I am giving you graces in order to render you perfect. Yes, I want you to be mercy. I am asking you to love unconditionally all those my Father has given to me – they are in every one of you. Much will be asked of you, you who have given yourselves to your Saviour out of love, wanting to be among the last during the Great Purification of the flesh. You must live this time of surrender knowing that you are ready to do anything to live mercy. My children, do not lose sight of what is being requested of you.

You are called children of mercy and this comes from your yes. Yes, my little ones, how many among you think of living of gentleness, of patience, of tenderness, of kindness every day in order to nourish your neighbour? They are dying without love; they need love, my love. In mercy, there is all this and much more. It is important that you know this. Every day must be a day of holiness. This is what God is asking of you. Prayer helps you. My Mother stays by your side. You are not the only chosen ones – others are ready to give of themselves every day like you, my little ones. When you live in mercy, your life nourishes all those who are children of mercy, and I multiply your nourishment for them a hundredfold so that you, as well, might receive from them. O my chosen ones, how important this time is! Do not neglect what God is placing within you: this nourishment. Yes, this nourishment is essential to you who will live as children who accept to bear everything upon your shoulders, everything, my children, everything. 

All the no’s coming from those who do not worry about their interior, you will become aware of them. We will talk about this another time. They will become your own no’s. I say to you, I, your God, that you too will have to accept everything I have accepted. You need this time in order to be able to understand this well, in order to enter into this fully, in order to live this well. Everything that presents itself before you, you must live it in surrender until the day when my Father, in his Will, only in his Will, will enable you to know everything which will become truth to you. In your flesh, you will feel all those no’s to The Love – God – that turned against you and against your neighbour. My chosen ones, if you were able to understand what God is having you live at this moment, you would not step away from mercy not even for a single instant. God will help you to live this. I know you and I know your yes.

How can those who are in the grips of the spirit of this world understand as they never stop analyzing, comparing, or becoming agitated? They have such difficulty praying. You who pray the rosary every day, it is with my Mother's graces that you leave everything behind to come and pray to her. She is waiting for you on the mountain to give you graces of peace and of surrender so that your entire being might surrender. Your sacrifices, she is aware of them. She knows that when one accepts to walk away from one’s comfort in order to go to Her, this requires effort. It is so little in comparison to what I accept to live on your behalf. Do not forget that you are in an imperfect flesh, that it is from me that your strength comes. I am in my Passion and I am giving you my Life that you may be love for your neighbour. They are so poor, my little ones, so poor. Give, my children, give. They are hungry, they are dying of thirst because of their lack of love for their God. I, I thirst for them. Give yourselves to the One who, from the top of the Cross, let out a cry: “I thirst!” Yes, I thirst for them. I love you. Love the One who gives you his Life so that your life filled with mercy may become their life. Amen, my chosen ones.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Do you have any questions?

Q. Can we refuse for another person, like our child, for example?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: You got the answer earlier.

Q. Yes, but you would have had to repeat the sentence and I didn’t want to interrupt you…

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Every day, every day, the Lord has me live, has me live something that is so beautiful! Every day becomes filled with light and it enters, it enters my life and my life presents itself. It doesn’t belong to me; it belongs to my brothers and to my sisters; it is no longer mine, it belongs to them. As I agreed to be a source of nourishment, God gives me as nourishment. He makes me understand that, at every moment, I am a breath within another breath, but I don’t know where my breath goes; it is theirs and they use it. I belong to them. What they are is mine as well. Their breath is my breath. Where is mine? I don’t know, but theirs, I know where it is – it’s in me. Their fears, I know them. This comes continuously. Their pain, Jesus enables me to know it. They are in such need.

That uncertainty they feel towards their God, he has me feel it. And so, they need, they need to give all of this to Jesus. Only God knows the cause of this. And he had me say these words: “Jesus, I give you the the causes, choices and consequences. My life is in them and I am in them; I live where they live. Their pain, Satan uses it. I refuse pain, for I am aware of it, you have me feel it. There is pain – it is incalculable! It is death. O God, you send it to the foot of the Cross, your Cross. Thank you.” There are so many sick movements of life, so many sick movements of life! The world is a prisoner; God shows me the world.

This rises up so quickly inside me – it’s like a bolt of lightning, and yet, in that bolt of lightning, there are all sorts of situations: people travelling, people on planes, people in restaurants, people shopping, people having fun, people fornicating with demons, people blaspheming, people doing evil things, who kill. I see people in prison, I see people crying. Hospitals are full. The streets… there are people in the streets; it’s dark; they don’t realize that there are shadows around them. I see illnesses, fire. I see forests where people live, people who have nowhere else to live except in the forest: they have nothing. I see all this suffering, and then I look at Mary inside me, I look at Mary wherever she may be, either on the shelf in my living room, or at church, or outside, and then I beg her to obtain graces for them. She will never let us down, never.

And God… his power enters the flesh. He knows us, he knows all his children. All that pain, he knows it, he has carried it. He carried all that pain, my Jesus of love. And when we give our consent, when we accept to love, to love unconditionally, he uproots our mistakes, our weaknesses, for he has us feel them; he takes the weaknesses of others and they become our own weaknesses. Sometimes, we feel so selfish, like such liars, so poor in our hearts, and then we beg: “My God, I give you this, I accept it! Uproot this.” And then, he says, “Continue. You must continue, my daughter.” “Yes, Lord.” “And this is just the beginning.” “Yes, Lord.” And we do it because this is the purification. They need this so much. We must act, we must do what we are being called to do.

It isn't up to us to understand what God wants to have us understand – it’s up to us to surrender and to love this purification; it’s in our flesh. We share one single flesh. Oh! How beautiful: one single flesh! Yes, everything for our brother and our sisters, absolutely everything; doing everything the Good Lord asks us; everything for God; being together, living love! This is so beautiful, so beautiful! The Great Purification, what a moment of love! There's nothing more beautiful than this, nothing! This is so beautiful! The Lord is asking us to be like this – us, now. We have been chosen, right?

Q. … Jesus on the Cross, that was the height of love. Isn't that right? Love isn't just material joy – it’s to really offer our lives, to live in him…

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: We are all called to live this, even you.

Q. That means that we’re going to feel it more?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Everything will be according to our capacity: God will not ask us for more than we are able to give. It begins little by little, and we will manage to do this. Yes, there are graces for us. It’s important to use our rights as God's children – this is love, this is love. Now, it doesn’t matter whether it’s day or night! We can no longer say, “I'm being attacked.” No! These are not attacks! They are definitely not attacks anymore – they are nourishment.

Q. One single flesh… I'm having trouble understanding this…

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Look carefully at the flesh. The flesh: we have the dermis and then the epidermis, and on the surface, our skin. The skin allows us to feel things. Underneath all that, everything is conducted through cells. All our cells are there, and the human being is protected. The skin is protected from all bacteria, from all the things that can attack us externally. As a result, we’re okay on the inside. And so, what happens is that, at a certain point, we notice that, well, we’re getting older, aren't we? And what causes us to age is that our cells die and renew themselves constantly. Cells die and then they renew themselves, which ensures that our outer layer is always there. But there comes a time when it wrinkles, it begins to lack elasticity, it ages. But imagine that there are cells that are always healthy; after, at a certain point, they age, they die, and then, after that, others are renewed. Doesn’t this resemble our world?

That’s exactly what we are: children are born, children age, become tired, die, others are born. This is our world. This applies to everyone. And so, try to imagine that since Adam…, try to imagine all the people who existed since Adam, gather them all together and imagine that they form one body. Exactly that: they form one body, nothing is missing, they form one body. And those cells shouldn’t die, we shouldn’t become weak: the disobedience. We live this constantly in our flesh; we will live it until the day when death will be eradicated and we can be victorious. We will conquer death, but for this to happen, all deaths must be at the foot of the Cross, absolutely all. Our cells will renew themselves and we won't need any cream.

Q. How old do you think we will be?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: I hope we’ll live for thousands of years! Everything will be there at the foot of the Cross, because now what we’re doing, and what we need to do, is to send what made Adam and Eve – what made Adam die – all those cells that died, all of us! He felt them before us. And so, Eve, Eve as well, did the same thing, and this continued all the way to us. And this renews itself continuously! It’s always the same thing that is being renewed, continuously, continuously; the same flesh that continuously, continuously, continuously dies.

Q. With the refusals, this is going to stop…

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Well, we’ll need to consent to doing what Jesus did: to accept everything.

Q. He has already done this.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: He has already done this, and he wants us to do it. Yes, Dominique?

Q. Didn’t he say at some point that even if we had time – I'm not sure how much time he said – that we would never be able to refuse enough times to send them all to the foot of the Cross? Because there are so many things that we accept and don’t refuse. He said this during the novena, at a certain point, that we would never be able to refuse enough. It’s going to be hard…

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Oh, yes! Our own no’s – if we limit ourselves to only our own…, well, take all the time you want but you'll never have enough time.

Q. (Inaudible.)

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: No, because we need to take all no’s upon ourselves, not only our own, all no’s. And, in order to take all no’s, you have to be aware of them. But it isn't the same if you think with your body: “Oh, boy! I can't possibly become aware of everything – what is this going to do to me?” Of course you can't do this. We will do what we are called to do – this is so beautiful!

Q. (Inaudible.)

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Well, accept it because that’s what the Lord wants us to live. He won't take this away from us: causes, choices and consequences. Satan will do anything he can to maintain us in our pain, and then, he controls us. Therefore, when we have – this is what we talked about this morning, you wanted an answer – when we’re constantly tired, constantly tired, constantly tired, then he, Satan, wants us to feel that fatigue very deeply: it turns into pain. And then, that pain, he wants us to live it. When we refuse – “I give you the causes, choices and consequences” – I'm refusing death, I'm refusing the spirit of death. This is what we need to do. Of course, we still offer God what we are, like: “I have just bumped my toe on a chair. I give you the causes, choices and consequences” – I'm refusing the pain.

You refuse because it’s the spirit of death that maintains us in pain. And then, he, he will cause all sorts of things to happen to keep us in pain. In this way, well, when we are feeling that pain, our pain keeps the whole world in a state of suffering, we become a nourishment of suffering for everybody. And that’s when we say: “Thank you, Jesus, for sending death to the foot of the Cross,” or the impure spirit to the foot of the Cross. It isn't the fact that I hit my toe – it’s that Satan turns that pain against me so that I can be a source of bad nourishment to my brother and my sister. That’s what he wants. Therefore, let’s be joyful that we have understood this so that we can always send death to the foot of the Cross.

Q. But he can also provoke a movement to make us hang on to that pain.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Of course! You bet he can! But…

Q. That’s also an attack!

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Well, yes, but if you understand, you can look at it differently because you can say: “I give you the causes, choices and consequences,” but with such joy! “Thank you, Jesus, for this moment of love. I refuse death. Thank you, Jesus, you send it to the foot of the Cross.” In that moment, what are we doing? We become a nourishment for everybody.

Q. And refuse until we run out of breath.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Oh, yes! It becomes a joy!

Q. We refuse whatever isn't peace, joy, love.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: We refuse with love because those moments are nourishment that we bring to our brothers and our sisters. This is all very well and good, and it’s true, now we use our rights as children of God… but the Lord had to start with something else first. It’s like when he talked to us about the refuges. At first, he spoke to us about the external refuges so that we would be able to enter our inner refuges. The most important thing is what’s on the inside. And this refusing… we did refuse: “Hey! We refuse the attacks! We refuse the attacks!” That’s how we saw things. But no, now he's leading us towards something else.

Q. And we can refuse for our husband’s pain?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: You refuse the pain…

Q. Because it’s inside us?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Yes, but it’s because your husband’s pain is no longer his pain – it’s yours. That why the Lord was saying, “You will not be able to refuse for others.” You cannot refuse for others – “Thank you, Lord. Give me what others are experiencing now; it belongs to me” – and then, it’s no longer only theirs. Someone has just committed a murder, well, I'm the one who has just committed a murder.

Q. If we’re aware of it…

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: I take it upon myself.

Q. God says: Everything contributes to the well-being of those we love. This means that if you’re going through a very painful experience, you say: “Lord, I give you thanks. I bless you because everything you do is for the greater good of all.” In this way, you welcome it with joy, you carry graces, you give to the Lord: “Thank you, Lord, for having me live this difficulty because it bears fruit.”

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: However, death is not at the foot of the Cross. But that’s when God says, “Realize, my children, that through my name, through my power, I have the power to send it to the foot of the Cross.” With just a single thought, so quick that no words emerge, just a thought – you send it to the foot of the Cross! And this is so fast that he can't, the Evil One, he can't prevent himself from going to the foot of the Cross. He's forced to go. Why? Because our thought was so fast, faster than a bolt of lightning, and so, he has to listen. At the name of Jesus, then Jesus sends him to the foot of the Cross, but the flesh must play a part in this, the flesh must participate in this movement.

Q. When you’re caught in the middle of something and it starts to hurt, you don’t think about these things.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: But you will notice that you will… it happens so fast, so fast!

Q. When I go to bed, I say, “Oh! I have to give this and this.” But only once I go to bed because I didn’t have time before, too many things were going on. But then, I refuse and I can do this until one o’clock in the morning.

Q. Does it count anyway even if it happened before?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Yes, yes, yes, yes. But you will see that with time… with time, you will be able to think about this all the time.

Q. Shall we give thanks to the Lord by thanking his Mother?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Ah! Mother Mary!