Gathering of Love With God's Action
 Through His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus

2012-02-22 – A Time of Surrender

♪♪♪ Hymn

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: The Lord comes to welcome us in his home. He comes to take who we are by taking care of all our wounds. We have so many wounds inside us.

Jesus: All the people of this world are incapable of seeing themselves as they truly are. They are sinking deeper, and deeper, and deeper into their consequences. And the more they live with their consequences, the more they live in their darkness; and the more they live in their darkness, the more they do not want to escape from it. They have decided the course of their lives: anything for their lives. Time marches on, time marches on and they keep running. They are so out of breath that they do not realize that they have not reached the goal they had set for themselves. Every person runs at his own pace and no one concerns himself with what he has done to his neighbour. Does his consequence nourish the consequence of another? We will speak of this, my children. Beforehand, my children, I shall read, through my instrument, what I wanted to give you.


“You are writing in your God. Everything that you are is willed by God. Everything that my children must be is willed by God; it is up to them to give their yes. I do not force any child to do my Will. When a child does not do my Will, he suffers because of his choice. He lives with his consequence. His entire being lives with his choice and his flesh is marked by all the no’s uttered to God. When a child lives with the consequence of his no, it is because he has lacked love before the love of God, before his own love for himself and towards the love for his neighbour. He did not do God's Will, he did his will to the detriment of love. That is because he chooses to do his own will, and his will allows itself to be nourished by his emotions. He no longer sees love, he no longer hears love, he no longer lives love; he is blind, deaf and indifferent to love.

“Satan easily sows his hatred against that child who has chosen his will over the Will of God. He dominates him through his emotions, which come from that child who is oblivious to the love that comes from God. He does not stop to enter within himself in order to ask himself: ‘Is what I am feeling love? Will this make my love for God, for myself and for my neighbour grow?’ He allows himself to be overtaken by his emotions, which make him selfish.

“I gave myself up for those I love. My yes was to do my Father's Will. Satan wants to destroy the yes. He did not adore the Son of God. He made this choice himself. The no had never been uttered before this. Lucifer gave birth to himself through the no and he became the no. He is rejection, he is against God. He has no will. The will is willed by God. He cannot be anything other than what he desired: a rejection of obedience to God. He is nothingness and nothing more, and he will never again be an angel. He is called the fallen angel to show you that he was once an angel, and that, through his refusal to adore the Son of God, he is no longer an angel. In that moment when he refused, everything he had once been for God would thereafter turn against God, and he is as such for eternity.

“My children, I say these words to you so that you may give yourselves on behalf of your neighbour. I am opening you up to the light. I am having you enter my yes, the one I uttered to my Father. At the time of the Great Purification, you will see all your consequences and you will feel the cause of your consequences. Those who give themselves on behalf of their neighbour, I know them: they are children of mercy. They will take the consequences of their brothers and of their sisters as though they were their own. They will have a strength which comes from love to help them live those moments when the purification will take place in the flesh in order to eradicate evil and purify it with my fire of love.

“My children, I gave myself up for the sake of love, I took all of your consequences. I accepted them as though I were the one who had made bad choices. I embraced the cross, I carried the cross, I accepted everything: the insults, the spit, the lashes of the whip, the thorns in my flesh, the nails, the lance. I accepted everything out of love for you, in order to sustain you in that moment when you will have to undergo the purification. Do not reject my words: they are being given to you out of love. It is my Father's Will that you know what you are going to live. Do not be afraid; I am the One who took everything, lived everything. My death is a joy to you; it gives you the strength required to live that moment of love.

“My children, how many do not want to give themselves to their neighbour? They think only of their own needs. Those children do not bother to pray that they may live the surrender they will require. They want to do only their will, their will, always their will. They are full of themselves. They do not seek true love, the one that brings peace; they are constantly searching for whatever might bring them joy. How many are unable to see themselves as beings who are good in their own eyes and in the eyes of their neighbour? They never stop underestimating themselves. Those children are angry, greedy for compliments, blind before those who love them. They heap judgments upon themselves, and in the face of their suffering they accuse their neighbour of being the cause of it. Their choices lead to consequences that are heavy to bear. Their will takes a turn towards feelings of inferiority that they nourish voluntarily. Any will that does not surrender to the Will of God leads only to painful consequences. The children who live consequence upon consequence are numerous. They are in such pain. Suffering engenders suffering: one consequence nourishes another consequence, and this multiplies.

“I repeat: it is important to pray. Become children of prayer so that you may be fully surrendered to my Will. Those who are surrender understand my teachings, and those who do not surrender ask themselves questions, for they do not enter the light, they remain in their own knowledge: their consequences. They do not realize that it is their behaviour that prevents grace from coming in through the door, which allows surrender to enter. Once grace has entered, their will no longer matters – the light is there revealing my Will to them. Those children must learn to look at themselves.

“It is said that only the little shall enter my Father's Kingdom. A little child is not vain; he loves to learn from those who show him love. A little child trusts the person who is love, for the love that is in him is encountering love. He remains calm on the inside, for what is external becomes a source of joy to him. Through trust he encounters love, and the peace within him makes him happy. Everything is in him. If he does not want to come forward, it is because he feels that the person who wants to draw near to him is not little. He will not give himself as he feels no peace, no joy within himself. That person, by his own choice, is living the consequence of his lack of surrender to the Will of God, and this is what keeps him far from love.

“When you are like a child, God gives you what you need to understand your interior. And so, when a person speaks, the child knows that the words he is hearing are love. All words of love are willed by God through graces. All graces come from God. God knows all his children and he loves them. The Love is whole; he loves in and through his Being, he loves in and through his love. The love of God cannot be measured: it is.

“My little ones, he who claims that he does not know and does not understand – even though the words of love are making themselves heard in order to lead you all to the Great Purification – has something within him that prevents him from understanding; he has something within him that causes him pain before so many revelations. He is in his consequence. God is giving him what he is, God is showing him what he is. Everything comes from God. God does not punish – he loves his children.

“The Pharaoh, who was holding the people of God prisoner, did not want the people of God to leave Egypt so that it might live before the Will of its only God. He wanted the Hebrews to continue serving him at the cost of their lives. His will was so strong within him that his entire being stood firm before Moses’ request. He did not want to do what God asked through Moses; he stood firm in his power, he who proclaimed himself god of that people. I knew his interior and I had him live his consequences. He was cruel to the Hebrews, he made them suffer, and the more he made them suffer, the more I hardened his heart: his consequence, he was living it. And the result of this was suffering for himself and for the people of Egypt.

“In spite of what I had done for the great, great Pharaoh when Joseph interpreted his dream, in spite of what I had done through Joseph which enabled that people to have seven years of abundance, this Pharaoh did not want to allow the children of Israel to leave. He did not have gratefulness within him; he was living in and through his wickedness. That people lived the twelve plagues of Egypt: the consequences of a king who wanted to do only his will. I showed him that I was God above him.

“My children, be humble before your God and you will understand that what I hide from the great I reveal to the little. I call you my children and you know who you are: the children of God. Everything is for you. This time is a time of surrender to my Will. You must believe in what God is revealing to the children of God. You have all been chosen and you must help one another to live in surrender so that when the Great Purification arrives, you may enter into mercy, and the faith you will have in mercy will be the deliverance of all God's children. Yes, you must all be mercy. If only one person lives mercy, then this brings others the strength they will need to utter their yes.

“In the past, because children began to quarrel, to become divided, to kill one another, consequences emerged from that chaos. Look at the consequences this has brought about for the children of today: they love one another solely through their excessive needs while destroying their interior. Yes, they are destroying their interior by not giving it the joy that soothes, the happiness that flourishes, the love which reveals that everything that is gentleness comes from within. In their need, they are the only ones who matter: that need created by this world, this world that has shown them that it is right to think of increasing one’s standard of living and one’s physical well-being. They do not know what tomorrow will bring, but they plan according to whatever presents itself and which is a result of external efforts.

“My children, may all that is part of your lives come from what is within you. This is what you must use to build your happiness. But this world in which you live claims to be able to help you build your happiness by showing you, through all sorts of means, what your future holds. Lies! Not even the most well-informed person can know what tomorrow holds. Who is able to tell you if you will still be on this earth tomorrow? No one knows this, no one.

“I AM is among you. I, I know, and I say to you: do good works. That is what will make you happy, and then you will feel a sense of satisfaction for having contributed to your neighbour’s happiness. Do not do good works, and when you present yourselves before your life and you see all your selfish choices even though you had everything you required to carry out good works, you will say to yourselves: ‘How I would like to start over in order to do only good works!’ Works are accomplished on a daily basis with what my Father, your Father in Heaven, grants to you. And what he grants to you: his joys, his acts of kindness, his acts of sharing, his gentleness, his patience, his attentions; in short, everything that God gives to God's children so that they may give it to you in return. Everything comes from your Heavenly Father and everything is within you on behalf of all God's children. May what has been said enter you. 

“As you are on the verge of seeing yourselves along with your works, do what is good for yourselves and what is good for your neighbour. Whatever comes from my Father, he gives it to you for your neighbour. Whoever claims to do what is good does what I, the Crucified One, have done: I carried out my Father's Will. He loves you; he did not create you to live in suffering. It was you who made choices that brought about consequences. If there are illnesses of the mind, of the body and of the heart, if there are wars and revolts, if there are floods and fires, if there are rising and falling temperatures, if there are divorces and separations, if there are prisons, etc., it is because of your bad choices before your love for your neighbour.

“There is no love without surrender. We must know to give up what is important to us if what is important to us is making our neighbour suffer. There is no love if one seeks pleasure when one’s neighbour is in need of love. Where does one find love? In pleasure, in abundance, in leisure activities, in the future? Love – it is in the present. It is not something that can be built – it is. What can be built is happiness, what can be built is harmony with others, what can be built is the family, and this is the Church reinstating itself. I founded one holy, pure and apostolic Church. Apostolic means: self-giving, to be at the service of others, to learn to forget oneself for those one loves. I taught my apostles that to live is to enter into the life of Christ; it is to be true before God the Father. There is happiness in forgetting oneself, for one discovers one's interior in the eyes of another person, joy in the smile of another person. In that moment, one knows that love is present.

“My little ones, render unto God what is God's. I will ask you to return to me everything that has been given to you that I may multiply it. I am the Master of my works. It is up to you to show me your works, which are my works. I love you. Love your Heavenly Father: he gave you his beloved Son.”

Jesus: He gave you the most beautiful thing of all: your interior. How can you not love your inner life? You have everything you need to be good children before your brothers and your sisters. Your brothers and your sisters are with you. When you love them, you reach the point where you become part of them; you become them, they are you. It is not possible for you to not see that you were created just as they were. There is so much love to be given to one another!

O my children, give of yourselves! Continue to give of yourselves, continue, continue! Right now, at this very moment, you have that desire to give of yourselves because you are together. Would you, right now, please turn and look at one another? Look at one another, my children. Discover a smile, discover a look, discover love. You see, my children, how good it is to love one another? It is your interior that is emerging and that is being welcomed. Are you able to tell whose interior emerged and who did the welcoming? Him/her, her/him, him/him, her/her? It is not possible for you to know this: you gazed into another’s eyes, you received a smile. Now, my children, try to remember if it was you who started or if it was the other person. Are you able to answer? You see, that is love!

That is what it means to give oneself for those one loves. That is what it means to learn to recognize that you were created for love. You were not created to live alone; you were created to be together in a world of love in which everything will be nothing but beauty for the children of the Beauty. My children, you will live the consequence of this: it is good to discover kindness. How good it feels to discover that you are surrounded by kindness! And as a result, kindness abounds. Were you off somewhere else or were you, yourself, waiting there for kindness to arrive? For the one who does not have an answer, that is because he is kindness. He is always ready to give of himself, he is always ready to discover that the purpose of his life is to give. He has so much love within him that it explodes at every fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a second. Beauty reveals itself at every moment. That is what it means to be oneself.  

My children, you are slowly learning to be yourselves, to leave this selfish world behind, this world of lies, this world that has not discovered who God is. There are children who are waiting for your smile, who are waiting for a look, who are waiting for a word, a gesture; they are thirsting for truth. Those children, my children, are among the children you frequent. They do not see themselves in this way. They are living with their consequences; they are living with what they have chosen. Finding that they were unable to continue living with what they are, they became discouraged, they turned their eyes towards the 'self.' They did not realize that what they were looking for was love. Because they found the 'self,' they went astray. They tried to live in a world in which everything was easy; they did not want to walk along that narrow path. It is on the narrow path that you discover that you have shoulders, it is on narrow paths that you discover that your feet are tiny, it is on narrow paths that you discover that your heart beats very rapidly, it is on narrow paths that you discover that you need rest, peace, joy and love.

How good it feels to know that you must move forward in order to learn that after you have fallen you must get back up and continue on with courage. Strength makes itself known, endurance makes its presence felt, perseverance abounds, you begin to wear kindness as your uniform. Everything becomes filled with light; there is no longer any darkness, for whenever the path narrows, you are filled with love. This is hope for a better world; this is the faith that is true, that exists; this is life, true life. One can feel, one can feel these works. Everything is real, this is not your imagination; there is no room for what does not exist as everything is filled with what you are.

Tomorrow you shall live in God's graces, for you will know that God exists. You believe in him, you know that he gives you what you need to walk that narrow path. When everything is easy, you see that that is not meant for you. There are no works achieved through ease; works are carried out in and through goodwill.

You see, my little children of love, you have this strength within you, this courage to always move forward not knowing what tomorrow holds. You leave everything up to God, you are ready to live your day. There is such joy with you, my children! I live with you and you live with me. I am teaching you to walk in my footsteps. You who live on an earth where there is evil, you trust in me. You see nothing and yet you see everything. You know nothing and yet you know that God does everything for you. What you are learning is turning you into children always ready to give of themselves in order to render unto God what belongs to God. And God gives to you a hundredfold, for everything comes from God, nothing from you. It is I, God, it is not you. I am the Power, it is not you. It is I who show you that you are little, it is not you. It is I who open my hand and take hold of you. It is I who turn to you and who lift you back up. I am God and you are children of God. You are little, little, little, and I love to serve you.

God serves you, my children. He gives you all the best for your lives. What do you know of your lives? You need money? Oh, my children, money does not bring happiness! I give you what you need and not more. You need to learn that you are much more important than money. What can money bring you? More material possessions? My children, you will lose sight of yourselves through those possessions. You will put those things ahead of you. Would I, your God, allow you to live your lives in such unhappiness? What kind of life would you have? You would live the consequence of having lost sight of yourselves in favour of those possessions. Your thoughts, my children, would revolve around those possessions. You would become selfish beings, liars, thieves, rapists, lacking in love towards yourselves, and therefore, lacking in love towards your neighbour. And I who love you, I would let you live with your consequences.  

You who give me your yes, you accept to enter into my Life. You enter my yes and I have you feel my joy of having you within me. At every moment I prepare you to live love and love, my children, is to give of yourselves for those you love, it is to discover abundance, richness, eternity. Can money give you this? Oh no, my children. Your worth is incalculable, and your neighbour’s worth to you becomes incalculable. Then you discover your life, then you discover the life of your neighbour – oh, yes – through what you must live by walking in my footsteps, by discovering that your God gave himself up out of love. There is no greater love than to give one’s life for those one loves. Are you going to reproach me for having preferred you over your needs, which the spirit of this world made known to you?

My children, when your judgment is upon you, if you see that your God has listened to you rather than to his eternal love for you, what will you think of me? For your stay in purgatory would last thousands of years because of this. You would not be happy with me, you would reject me. My children, I love you too much to allow you to go on living according to your needs, which are not meant for you. Do you prefer your house to my love? To my laws of love? To my sacraments? To my Sacrifice? Am I not worth more than your house? Than your car? Than your career? Than your clothes? Than your food? Oh, my children, my love for you is boundless. I left my Kingdom for you, I left my Father out of obedience, out of love for you. I gave up everything for you, even the very presence of my dear Mother on earth out of love for you. I gave up who I was, I, God, out of love for you, by assuming the state of a sinner without, however, having known sin, and I did not reject the suffering caused by your poor choices.

How many consequences I came to know, my children: coldness, hatred, indifference, mockery, humiliation, the no to God! Yes, I experienced those things out of love for you and I accepted everything. I felt the death of Judas in my flesh, I felt him walking away from life. My breath was leaving me, leaving him; my child, my beloved, was leaving. I consented to living this. My children of love, do not judge your God when he has you walk the narrow path. It is by there that you must pass in order to walk along the paths of love. You must live this. You must live, my children, everything that your brothers and your sisters have refused to live: walking the narrow paths. They have refused to carry the cross, they have refused to thank my Father for showing them love, they have refused to walk by your side, by their neighbour’s side, they have refused loyalty, they have refused mercy, they have refused to acknowledge that they are sinners.

Little children of mercy, are you ready to receive them within you and to feel what they refused, to cry out “mercy,” my children, by accepting their narrow path? You will give them the strength to utter their yes. I love you, my children. Try to understand, by surrendering, what I want to have you understand. I love you.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: The Lord wants us to be able to understand that the consequences our brothers and our sisters are living come from having refused to do the Will of God. We too have done our will by casting aside the Will of God, and we, we are living our consequences. There is pain when we become separated from those we love; there is pain when we leave behind what is familiar to us. Why do we suffer? Because we’re living the consequences of this. Every suffering is a consequence of something we have accepted. There was temptation and we entered into that temptation. We preferred pleasure to sacrifice, we preferred ease to depriving ourselves, we preferred a certain level of wealth to poverty, we chose to be gluttons rather than deprive ourselves. We didn’t want to hear about depriving ourselves, we didn’t want to hear about giving anything up. Today we’re living the consequences of this.

Why is it that we feel a certain degree of pain when, at the same time, we’re being fulfilled by our Lord? In this very moment, words are flowing from our interior by the power of the Holy Spirit and we’re hearing them – because these aren't my words but rather the words of our brothers and sisters emerging from our hearts. And we can hear, we can hear our God, through the instrument: “It is true that I am God, Jesus, God the Father, God the Holy Spirit,” and we’re hearing this. These words, these words are familiar to us and it is with this flesh, which we all have, that we hear the words of God.

Can we take a moment to think of those who were in the desert and who also wanted to hear the voice of God, who was speaking to Moses? The voice of God made itself heard to them as a whisper. That whisper was so powerful that they became afraid because of it. As for us, we clearly hear the words of our Lord, yet we suffer. How can it be that we suffer? We suffer because we’re leaving the spirit of this world behind: okay, no television, no radio, no more dancing, no more bowling… well, maybe just a little. Oh, yes, we’re suffering! It isn't the kind of pain that overcomes us, but it’s the pain that we feel because we’re not able to do without those things. Well, we’re living the consequences of this. It is our own consequences that we’re living and God lets us live with our consequences. But he tells us: “I shall purify your flesh with my fire of love.” Then, all consequences will disappear. That’s what those words are trying to tell us: that God's fire of love will consume our consequences – we will no longer be in pain.

But God is asking those of us who hear him for something: the price we need to pay is to be the last. The price to pay is to let our brothers and our sisters go before us. What does this mean? It means that their consequences, well, they’ll disappear faster than ours. How is this going to happen? Well, for this to happen, there has to be room – we have to make room in our lives. I look at you, you look at me, our eyes meet: our lives become one life. Yes, of course – your life and mine meet; how many lives are there? One life, only one! And so, my life has to be able to encounter all lives in order to form only one life. If they look at my life and I'm carrying consequences, is there going to be room inside me for their consequences?

Let’s take a look at how we are today: My life comes into contact with yours – now we share one life. You have me feel your consequences – I don’t feel like being with you: you, stay home, and I’ll stay home. This is what love has become: a love that is in pain, a love that brings consequences along with it. And so, the Lord is explaining to us that we will have to leave room in our lives to be able to take on what? The consequences of all our brothers and our sisters. Therefore, what will we have to do? Well, in order to make room, we have to stop living in and through our consequences: we need to live life in God, this is the time to surrender. When is this time of surrender that the Lord is having us live? Now. I give you the causes, choices and consequences. I refuse death, temptation. Thank you for sending it to the foot of the Cross: healing, deliverance.

Mother Mary tells us: “Continue, continue, my children, continue; my Son listens to you, my Son acts.” It is Jesus who eradicates evil from our flesh. As a result, Satan, who sends impure spirits, has a lot of difficulty attacking us because the marks are beginning to disappear. Oh, boy! I wasn’t the one who blasphemed! How come I had the temptation to blaspheme? Rejoice! This is happening because we have consented to feeling the marks of others. And what does this accomplish? Thank you, Jesus, for purifying my flesh: the reward for having accepted everything. Our consequences are disappearing. We feel lighter and lighter, and this enables us to feel the strength we have inside us.

Look: people are telling us that we’re part of a sect. We don’t believe this but we don’t turn on them, we don’t fight; we give this to Mother Mary. Let’s look back to even just a few months ago: hey, we would have gone on and on discussing this! We would have spent the entire day talking about this. Now, we give everything. That’s because consequences are beginning to disappear: ours, our consequences. And now, what will happen more and more? We will have room to accept what? To accept the consequences of others as though they were our own, and we know that we will have the strength to do this. Through whom? Through Mary. Can you see how important the rosary is? Heaven has prepared everything. At this moment, are we living that time we wanted to live? Have we taken a step towards the Great Purification of the flesh yet? Yes. Now we’re beginning to understand, aren't we? Thank you, my God! And yet, we’re not even proud of this – he keeps us in our place, we do what God asks us to do. Do you find that this is so difficult that you want to walk away from it all? The more we move forward the more difficult it becomes, and the more we want to continue.

Mother Mary told us: “Stay together, my children.” But she also said: “Do not look at another to see how he is living his purification,” because we’re still living with our own consequences. Every person lives them with the graces God gives us and we accept them in and through what we are; we accept the graces. And so, everything is different from one person to the next. If there is one death after another in the lives of some, if there are those of you who are experiencing great financial difficulties, separations that are heavy to bear, loneliness that, at times, is very difficult to accept, illnesses, physical discomfort that is never-ending: you’re still moving forward. We’re together, and God told us that we would live these things and that he wasn’t going to smooth out the path for us. If he had done that, how would we have the strength to take on the consequences of our brothers and our sisters and to feel them as though they were our own? Do you understand? God knows what he's doing. He's giving us a lot of strength.

That’s what the Great Purification is! And tomorrow, God will lead us wherever he wants to lead us. It isn't up to us to plan how the Great Purification of the flesh will happen. God knows what he's doing. We must make room in our lives. How? By allowing God to purify our flesh with his fire of love. “Lord, you purify us through your fire of love; you have us feel your wounds, you have us feel your thorns. Sometimes we can feel our heart being pierced. Your footsteps become our footsteps and they are heavy with pain.” Sometimes, our shoulders hurt so much: that’s Jesus’ cross resting on our shoulders. This is the purification, that fire of love: to love Jesus.

These words (from Jesus): “Love me, my children. Receive all your brothers and sisters within you. Accept them as I accepted them. Enter their thoughts as though they were your own thoughts. Grab hold of their hurtful words as though you were the ones saying them. Allow your flesh to know your brothers’ and your sisters’ wounds; they do not realize what they are doing to their being of love. Do as I did: love, love and love. Pray to my Father, speak of them to my Father, walk with them, slow your steps if they are lagging behind you. Give yourselves love by thanking my Father for having enabled you to know their no to God, my Father, so that their no may be enveloped in your yes.

“My Father watches over you. He is the one who chose you, he is the one who ensured you were born in this time, for this time, with your brothers and your sisters of the entire world. They are not with you by coincidence – this is the Will of my Father. May your will be a will that is in my hands, for I alone have lived your life. Your will, I accepted it and I was the one who cried out to my Father: ‘Not my Will but your Will.’ Be true, be pure in your thoughts, for you know that what you are living is willed by God the Father because you are feeling this in your flesh. When you hear blaspheming and it feels as though you are the one who is blaspheming, that is because

 you are aware of what I have prepared for you, for you have already lived this. Today, because you uttered your yes, all is being accomplished. You are little christs in Christ. Such is the Will of my Father. Your yes in the Yes: such is the Will of your Heavenly Father.

“Little children of love, what you are living at present brings joy to the angels and the saints in Heaven. Such is the Will of my Father, for these joys comfort the souls in purgatory. You are all together in order to live this time. Even those who do not know this, who refuse, who push what you are living as far away from themselves as possible, even those children are living in this time willed by my Father; and, at this very moment, they are living what you are living, and they will see everything you are now living on their behalf. Their present is your present and your present is their present. Would I ever stop telling you ‘I love you?’ I love you, my children. My breath is an ‘I love you’ and it is within you. I love you.”


The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Thank you, Lord.