Gathering of Love With God's Action Through His Instrument,

The Girl of My Will in Jesus  

2011-10-26 – A Time of Surrender

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: What the Lord wants to do for each of us is to show us his light, to have us enter within ourselves so that we may fulfil ourselves in his Will and not in our will. We have fulfilled ourselves on this earth by using our will in an effort to please our God, but we have followed paths that have distanced us from God's light.

Not for a single moment did our Lord, our Master, our God, our Divine King leave us on our own. His gaze has always been upon us so that we might return to him. Throughout our journey, we have lived with our consequences whenever we strayed from our path in life. When we cried, when we listened to our bruised flesh, feeling its pain, we were learning to shout, we were learning to beg him; and all this was happening through his graces, through his mercy. It was necessary that we taste the Blood of Christ in order to learn how to cry out to him.

In the past, a great cry was heard whenever people distanced themselves from God's love, whenever they turned to other gods. Suffering, loneliness, shame: they knew what it meant to be under the power of all those who wanted to rule their lives. God looked upon his people and once more, God called his people to him. One could hear the moaning, one could hear the pleas, one could hear the children of God crying out to He Who Is. What was God's name? He Who Is, the One who had given all life, the One whose Name could not be spoken out of fear. They knew they were before their failings. They were ready to do anything to return to God. “O, He Who Is, can you hear our hearts crying out to you? We are ashamed of everything we have done before your gaze. Our eyes are clouded with tears, our hands cannot stop beating our breast. We have been walking and walking for so long that we can no longer feel our feet; they no longer know where to go. Hear our pleas and come, come to us, come for us in this place where we have fallen.” This is how the people of God spoke, this is how the people of God cried out, this is how the people of God repented.

And we, who have received the mercy of the Son of God on the cross, have we heard our own cries? Have we looked into our own eyes? Have we walked along the path already carved out that would lead us to God? We have walked as beings who were proud, proud of having received as though this were an acquired right. God doesn’t belong to us. We belong to God. God is our Master and we are his children. God is greater than we are, and we, we are nothing without him. Have we understood what we are? Have we fully grasped the extent of our God's kindness towards us? Have we understood that this time is a time chosen by God, by the Eternal One? Have we understood that sins have led us to where we are today: to our own consequences?

The Church is dying without its faithful. Priests are exhausted because even though there are those who are faithful, what are the faithful doing? Do they pray for them so that there will be more priests? Are we going to discuss the hierarchy within the Church? Are we going to listen to our moaning? Are we going to look at what we are afraid to see? Are we going to open our ears to better hear ourselves complaining? Have our hands and feet worked for the Church or against the Church? We have the Church we deserve, and today, the Church believes only in what it is. The Pope is wearing himself out trying to keep the Church on the path of the Gospel. All over the world, conversations can be heard that make the hearts of the saints cry. The souls in Purgatory are suffering because they realize what they should have been and were not while they were on earth. Every child who loves God realizes these things. Woe to those who do not want to take a look at themselves! Shame on all those who have claimed that they were able to see! Woe to the children who do not want to hear, to understand, what is happening at present, for the voice of God is speaking in hearts.

We are all present here because it is God who wills it. We have asked our God to come and speak to us. We have asked all those who have been chosen to be faithful towards what they were called to live. We have consented to being the last among the last, and to live what God has willed for us. Are we thirsty for knowledge? Are we able to understand what the Lord, our God, wants to have us understand? When we ask God to enlighten us, to give us his light, we make a commitment, for he who knows will have to look at himself one day and face what he has been. The more we ask our God to teach us, the more our God allows the light to reveal itself within us. We enter into something that we have never before seen or understood. The road to knowledge belongs solely to God; it is up to us to bow down before this knowledge. Because we accept this knowledge, we must accept everything. Is your flesh able to accept everything? May the one who is proud remain silent so that, one day, he may not feel the need to beat his breast.  

What the Lord is having us understand is his light. It doesn’t belong to us; it is given to us freely. We must understand that, for us, God's light is free. Are we able to accept it freely as well? This will require much from us. I will not judge these words. I will not doubt. I will surrender. I will live in faith. I will bow down before all that presents itself before me. I will know that God is there, that he has given me graces to move forward. I will not watch time go by, I will live it. I will not stop to think; I will say to myself, “Everything for you, Lord.” Difficulties will be the menu of the day. Giving thanks to our Lord, to our God will be our evening meal. This is what we will have become through the Light, in the Light, for the Light. Isn't this what we want? Understand and eat. All those who have heard this, now know.

Jesus: Little beings of love, what have you understood of the Word of God? You may hear and try to understand. You will understand only what your flesh will have been able to absorb. Mankind has moved from one century to the next in this manner, trying to examine God's words. The past, present and future are in God. God knows every gaze of every created child. God knows every thought of every child. And it is the same for every word, the same for everything that has been heard, for every action, for every feeling; God knows every child in and through all he is in the present moment, all he has been in the past, and all he will be in the future.

The Word is rich with knowledge and God alone is the Knowledge. The Spirit of God reveals itself to the human spirit so that it may understand what it needs to know for the present moment, so that children may move towards the light. Man, by his own effort, cannot possess the knowledge required to enable God's children to move forward. Only the Spirit of God is able to have the children of God move through the present time so that the children who will come after them may be nourished by this time. The time you are living, my children, is a time that was prepared for you by the Spirit of God, which has nourished children.   

In the past, people would speak about Creation; they would speak about events that had occurred – words that nourished the spirit so that the Spirit might impart knowledge to the children who, in turn, would make the Word known to others. My children, remain in this movement that God is having you live. Do not stop at these words but live them, enter into the Light. God is not only speaking for you; in this moment, God is speaking for all children of the world. God is eternal, almighty, God is the Present. Allow yourself to be present within God's knowledge and allow God's knowledge to permeate you. Every child must be a source of nourishment to all God's children. You can be nourishment only if God is in you, with you and for you. God loves you, my children. God loves all his children.

I am preparing this time so that you may be in the present moment. I will take you to the place where you must be during your days of deliverance. Are you aware of these days, my children? Are you awaiting these days, my children? Are you ready to enter within yourselves and to see these days, my children? You will see, in the present, everything that children have been. I will bring you into the present of all children, for you are the children of the Presence. The past, the present and the future, my children, belong to God. I am having you know my Will and my Will is in my time. Would I separate myself from you? Am I not God? Are you not the created ones? Whatever God desires, the created ones must also desire. If they separate themselves from the Will of God, it is because they have not understood God's love for them.

Now, she will open her eyes so that you also may be with her.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: The Lord our God is bringing us into his light so that we may understand what we are living in this moment. It is important to live this time while trusting in God. We cannot trust the human will but the human will must bow down before the child of God. We are children of God and we must devote ourselves to our God; not to our human will but rather to the Will of God. The Will of God wishes to lead us into something we do not understand. His love is so great that he is willing to teach us.

We received a tremendous revelation at Plantagenet. He told us that the time of preparation, which would help us to prepare for the Great Purification of the flesh, has come to an end. What was this preparation all about? How long did this time of preparation last? Let’s take a look at all those who came before us. They looked up towards Heaven. They believed in a powerful God. They prayed to that powerful God. They walked before him despite the storms, and those storms were created by the spirit of this world. How many years has that storm been raging? Ever since we said no to God. Ever since man believed he was capable of confronting the mountains, of understanding the mysteries, of becoming the master of time, of controlling all God's children, ever since God's children lost sight of the truth, ever since they closed themselves off to everything that was pure, yes, men, women and children have walked in a certain degree of purity but they have never again fully touched purity.

We have become beings who lie, who are proud, greedy in our gestures, our gazes, our feelings. We have allowed fears to enter us. We have been incapable of maintaining ourselves in our original state: the state of children. Everything that we have learned, we learned from one another, and we have cried, we have cheated. We considered ourselves gods and we placed gods before our eyes. We have searched, and searched, and searched constantly for happiness, and this has been going on since the first moment man turned away from the Will of God. Yes, it was necessary that he cry, it was necessary that he come to know suffering in order to be able to say: “Lord, show me how to do your Will. I want to enter the truth; I want to do your Will.” Well, it is ever since that time that we have been trying to do what we should have been doing but weren't able to do. We would like to say what we should say, but we don’t say what we should say. We have seen, and what we saw was not necessarily what we would have liked to see, but our eyes have always turned towards whatever was easiest. We hoped for what we wanted to hope for, without understanding that hope is something that comes to us from Heaven, and not from us.

Today, the Lord speaks to us about the Great Purification of the flesh. It was necessary that our God, our Love, prepare us gently. We would say: “There's going to be a purification!” Oh, fear, fear, and more fear! “When is it going to happen? How is it going to happen? Where is it going to happen? In my time? Am I going to experience this? Am I going to be sick? Will I die before?” Fear, fear, fear. “What if it isn't true? What if we live with this in mind and then it turns out that it wasn’t true after all?” Fear, fear, fear. “I want that time to come. It has to come. He announced it to us!” And it still doesn’t happen, the dates don’t match up. This is taking such a long time, such a long time, and it’s so confusing, so confusing! “What if we were being deceived yet again? Who's to tell us that this is true?” Our little bird-brains know very well how to keep track of time. Yes, we still have our little bird-brains – well then, thank you, Lord, for enabling us to understand this.

We haven’t even understood that God has been preparing us since Adam and Eve. We haven’t even realized that the prophets were telling us about what was going to happen. We haven’t understood that the birth of Jesus was something that opened us up to the light. We tried our best to destroy the light. We silence the prophets. We forbid others to speak of things we don’t understand. We’re afraid that it may not be true. We’re afraid, afraid, afraid of being controlled. And as we cannot control what we don’t know, well, we don’t allow others to speak. He is preparing, preparing, and preparing us.

But people say that thirty, thirty-five years ago there was talk of a great Pentecost. That wasn’t that long ago, was it? Thirty-five years is much closer than six thousand years, and we’re still waiting! “This is taking forever! We’ve waited another thirty-five years! Well, it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen – we’re being led on! Christ was crucified for much less than this. If he were to come back, what would they do to him?” And so, we prefer to say that this comes from humans, that it’s made up. People ridicule the Holy Spirit, people suffocate the Holy Spirit. It’s as though we were locked away in a box. This is taking so long! So long! So long! What is in that box? The Holy Spirit? The box is opened, and… oh! There's doubt, fear, despair; and the renewal of hope: oh, oh! We fall again. There's a piece of paper in there, at the bottom of the box. What is written on it? “I'm still waiting but nothing is happening.” This is what we’re still doing today.

The Lord came to announce a Great Pentecost to us. He waited six thousand years to announce a Pentecost to us, to prepare his children for a Great Pentecost, and here we are, waiting for it to arrive. It hasn’t arrived yet! Thirty-five years later, it still hasn’t arrived! Is this ever long! None of these things are true! What was it that became discouraged? I said, “what” was it that became discouraged and not “who” became discouraged; do you know the answer? The human will. That human will yet again! Where then is that cry: “Your Will, Lord, not our will!” Where then is our yes? “I give you my life. Take it. Through your graces, I surrender.” Where then is that cry? In the past, always in that past.

The apostles were told that a time would come when we would live in happiness on earth, and they waited, they waited and we’re waiting, and waiting, and it hasn’t arrived yet. The human will always places obstacles in the way of our hope, our faith. What did we hear at Plantagenet? “I am calling upon all the chosen of the world to listen. Such is the Will of my Father. I do only my Father's Will. My Father's Will is before you and I am the Son of God the Father, and my Father is God.” We heard these words and these words are telling us what God has always said to children of good will. Where then is our good will? Well then, we need to cry out “Mercy!” We need to see ourselves as children who nourish the children of the world.

God has shown us what the movement of life is: nourishment that nourishes all the members of the Mystical Body of Jesus – our mystical life. We nourish one another. We give one another nourishment through our thoughts, our gazes, our hearing, our words, our gestures and our feelings. We are nourishment. Are we God's children? Have we always been in God or did we suddenly appear in Jesus’ body in 1947, or were we all in him before then? In the Gospel, did God say: “You existed before coming to life in your mother’s womb”? Didn’t he say: “You existed in the mind of God”? Therefore, we are in Jesus and we live in him. We are life because God gave us life. Therefore, in this very moment, we are nourishing our brothers and our sisters of the whole world. One single word becomes nourishment for the whole world.

Do we doubt what God is doing in this moment? He's in the process of building his world of love. God's children will live during a time of love when, for a time, evil will no longer be on earth. Have we lived that time yet? And yet, that’s what God told us. During that time, we will live in a purified body.

Let’s consider this together. He said, “A time will come when the elect” – the elect: aren't they the chosen ones? – “will live on earth, knowing that there is one God.” There will be no more evil, for evil will be in chains until the day when it will be freed once more, as it will return to tempt the elect. Now, let’s go back in time. The elect! Didn’t he choose the children of God, the children of the yes? Could our God be a liar? “No (audience).” Where are the children of the no? In this moment, they’re within us. At the time when we, the elect, will be living on earth, where will the children of the no be? The children of the no will have disappeared from the face of the earth. Will there be evil within us? If even an ounce of evil were to remain within us, would God have said: “There will be no more evil upon the earth”? If evil will no longer exist on earth but it is still within us, would the words, “There will be no more evil on earth” make any sense? And we, where would we be? Suspended in the air? So, this means that there won't be any evil inside us.

And so, now, how is it that evil was able to enter us? Yes, we have committed sins because of evil, but how come evil was able to enter us? The knowledge of good and evil, the human will, the knowledge of good and evil – this should never have been inside us. Therefore, are we going to believe in the Great Purification of the flesh, which will remove evil from us and will purify us with his fire of love? And Jesus said to us: “Be perfect as my Father is perfect.” These words, don’t they come from God? Did his Father have evil within him? Therefore, when Jesus said these words, he said them in and through the light. We weren't created to have evil within us. We were created in God's image.

Then, can we, on our own, remove evil and purify our own flesh? What was it that led us to believe in this: that Jesus would remove evil and purify us with his fire of love? How did we come to believe in this? His mercy! Jesus, he died on the cross. All has been accomplished. We have the greatest proof that we will be fully purified in body and soul. Alleluia! Jesus accomplished the Will of his Father. Now, have we accomplished the Will of the Father through Jesus? Have we lived this? “No (audience).” We have not lived this. Earlier, he said, “You say that you should not say certain things, but you say what you feel like saying without understanding that what you are saying is not always what you want to say, and what you say results in making you suffer.” By saying this, he means that we have understood what has been said.

Q. That’s similar to what Saint Paul said: “The evil that I want to do, I do not do…” Oh, no, it’s the opposite: “I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do.”

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: There you go! And that is still true today. Therefore, Jesus will come and reveal himself and we will know that he is our Redeemer. Impure flesh that never ceases to doubt! Now, who had a tiny doubt, just a tiny doubt regarding what we heard at Plantagenet? Is there anyone? None of you had any doubts? There's one; ah, there's another one, and another… Okay then, as long as you live with that tiny doubt, you may as well say to yourselves: I haven’t undergone my Great Purification of the flesh.

This is the reason why the Lord asked us a question: “Are you capable of opening yourselves up to the light?” He asked the same question but in a different way: “Are you capable of allowing yourselves to be open to the light?” So, Jesus is the one who asked us this. Is our Lord able to lead us to the point of allowing ourselves to open up to the light through Jesus? Are you able to enter the light? Do you give your consent to allowing the light to enter you? And who is able to do this? Only God, not us. Therefore, the Lord is opening us up to his mercy. We are entering that time of surrender.

Now, let’s take a little time for some questions.

Q. I'm a little confused – because after the Great Purification we’re going to continue living with the people of the no for a certain period of time. So, does this mean that there will be two Great Purifications: a first one for the flesh and another one later on, for the spirit and the flesh?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: What the Lord puts in our hearts, he puts it there in and through his presence. We have lived a time of preparation, and that time of preparation has existed for a very long time, even before we came to be. Now, we’re entering a time of surrender, a very short time of surrender, so that we can enter within ourselves by the almightiness of the Holy Spirit.

For one single day with three movements – day/night, day/night, day/night – we will be in the presence of our God. Every one of our gazes, which should have been a source of nourishment for our brothers and our sisters, before God, out of love for God, out of love for ourselves and out of love for our neighbour, will be before us. Every thought, everything we have heard, everything we have done, everything we have felt, will be before us. Everything will be revealed so that the flesh may be in the presence of what it has accepted and of what the soul was forced to live. There will be light, and it will come from God's loving justice. When this begins, it will end only once the last child will have said his yes. All will be accomplished in God's justice for the greater Glory of God. Every child who has accepted the knowledge of good and evil will be present.

Jesus: I am repeating these words, children of my Will. Every child who carries within him good as well as evil – knowledge, knowledge – will be present. Nothing will enter by way of ignorance; all will know. God is the Light, God is the Knowledge. God has taught the created children. Love contains all things and love has nourished all God's children. All will know what God has done for all God's children. No one will be excluded from this movement. Nothing will be able to interrupt this movement, for everything will take place within each child. Once the last person has uttered his yes, no evil will dwell within any of the children who will have said yes, within any of these children, and no evil will be in their flesh or in their souls, for God will have uprooted evil and will have purified the flesh with his fire of love.

The soul will be fully sanctified. All will know who their God is. Doubt will no longer exist in any child of the yes, and they will be children of the Divine Will. They will no longer be children with a human will; they will be children of the Divine Will. They will be ready to walk the earth and to do the Will of God. They will speak a language of love, they will praise God, they will exchange loving words. Their words will always contain the presence of God. Their gaze will contain the beauty of God. They will see what God has done for them. Their hearing will be a hearing of love, for they will be submitted to the Divine Will. Their will shall no longer be their will; it will be solely the Will of God. Love, love will be the feeling that will nourish every feeling. All will be in God's mercy during those three days and three nights. God's mercy will be in all children. There will be but one nourishment: mercy.

Now, I will also answer that other question, for that question contained two questions: good and evil. As for the children who will not say yes to God, God will have them live their own choices. They will have chosen to remain in what they wanted to be: the will, the will, the will; me, myself, and I: pride, lies, vanity. They will be the likeness of evil. Evil will be their only nourishment. They will be of one mind: the mind of evil. Their gaze will be a gaze devoted to evil. They will hear only what is evil. Their words will be nothing but evil. Their actions will be solely evil actions and they will have but one feeling: evil, hatred. For after three days and three nights, they will emerge from those days as they will have chosen to live them: they will have refused mercy, they will have refused the mercy of all their brothers and their sisters; they will want nothing more to do with the children of the yes; they will form but one movement: evil. And for them, this will be irrevocable, for they will have but one spirit: the spirit of evil. And all is being accomplished.

When children emerge from this rest – I am speaking of the children of the yes – they will have nothing but the yes within them. They will have the thoughts of God, the gaze of God, the hearing of God, the words of God. Their actions will be for God, their feelings for God. They will now learn to be what they are. Yes, they will learn, my children, for they will have the knowledge, the love. Everything will be for them. The thing they had refused was the knowledge of God, the perfection of God. The human will cannot know what God knows. The human will cannot enter into God's love as it should. It is for this reason that the children of the yes, who will have received all knowledge, will be ready to learn. To learn what, my children? To learn that the thought of God is the only nourishment. They will share but one spirit. They will live in that spirit. They will enter into something they have never been able to enter while they were on earth, and this because of their human will. Then, their eyes, their eyes will be ready to open, to see the wonders, the wonders of God even through what they have done, for they will still see a wounded earth; however, they will see, they will see that God, through his almightiness, has preserved the earth so that they may continue to live there. They will see love when they look at a little sparrow.

Have you understood, my little bird-brains? Love, love is unconditional. I love my little sparrows. It is not shameful to know that, at this moment, your brain is like that of a sparrow; I created it and I love it. O little children of love, you have a human flesh; at this moment, you have a wounded flesh. You understand from these words only what you are capable of understanding in order to be able to trust. Yes, evil will still exist on earth; the children of evil will continue to live among you. Remember these words: “They will have eyes only for evil.” Will you have evil within you? Will you be afraid? They will live in fear, not you. You are the children of the yes. Do you believe in this? Leave to God what belongs to God.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: When everything will be over – we’re speaking of the three days and three nights – the Great Purification of the flesh: one time only, not two; one time and it will be the only one.

Q. How will our bodies, which will be pure, continue to breathe and eat pollution?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Did Jesus come to live on earth? “Yes (audience).” Was Mother Mary on earth? “Yes (audience).” Is Mother Mary the Pure Immaculate Conception? “Yes (audience).” Didn’t she eat fish? Didn’t she, too, eat lamb? She did. She trusted in her God. She lived only in God, only for God. Words would emerge from her and she would drink them in, for when her words emerged from her, she would hear them and she would thank God for them, for she knew that those words were solely for God.

Q. Does that mean that the Great Purification will happen before all the other events?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: We heard earlier that there has been a time of preparation. And that was the first event: the preparation. And it lasted a long time. And now, the Lord is telling us: we still have a little bit of time left, a time of surrender, so that we may die to mercy. In these times, who among us doesn’t see the things in our lives that have been a bad source of nourishment for our brothers and sisters of the whole world, and this for the past six thousand years? Have we been a nourishment of love for all God's children? “No (audience).” Well, now is the time to cry out “Mercy.” Why? Because now, he's having us enter a mystical time. Is God God? “Yes (audience).” Then, who do we come from? From God? We don’t come from the human will, we come from the Divine Will: Divine/God, Will/Will of God that form but one; Divine/God, Will/Will, God/Will of God: loving action. Therefore, when we perform an action, we are entering time.

There are passive actions and active actions. Of course, the liver still functions while we’re sleeping, doesn’t it? What about our mind, does it sleep at night? And so, you see, we are alive. We have a spiritual life. We believe in our spiritual life. It comes from whom, our spiritual life? “God (audience).” Therefore, we have to believe in what the Lord has done for us. When Jesus died on the Cross, his Blood flowed over whom? “Over us (audience).”  During his agony, when he perspired blood, well, did he see what we were going to think? “Yes (audience).” Then, this means that our words must therefore be words of love for our brothers and our sisters of the entire world, and this goes back a long time, even to a time before we were born. During his agony, since Jesus accepted to live what we were going to think today, he was accepting to live it in that moment, and to present himself to his Father as though he himself had had that thought.

So, we therefore have a spiritual life. It is this life that the Lord is in the process of explaining to us. Today, when I lacked love towards my neighbour by saying, “I don’t like my meal,” well, by saying that, I nourished all my brothers and sisters from the beginning of that time of preparation. Did this provide them with nourishment that was love for them, so that they, in turn, could live their lives on earth in a loving way? I, therefore, am aware that I have harmed my neighbour. You know, when we cry out “mercy,” well, we’re showing the whole world – and this will be revealed to us – that we have consented to seeing ourselves as we truly are, and to saying, “Mercy, mercy. Now I must go and help them.” We must love our neighbour. This is the commandment that resembles God's first commandment.

Q. In other words, this changes the sacrament of Penance to a certain degree: we’re entering into a form of mercy that has new meaning and that is far-reaching with regard to our sins as well as those of the whole world.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: When the Lord gave us this sacrament, he gave it to us in the depths of our being; it wasn’t on the surface. He gave it to us so we could enter into it with love. When we go to Confession, we go confess the sins we know; but there are certain words in this sacrament, he used certain words that erase our sins, all the sins we aren't aware of and that we have committed. This sacrament calls upon his mercy so that we are able to live his mercy. When he asked us to die to his mercy, he drew us to him: “Come and give me your life, and I will cover you with my mercy.” We entered God's mercy; in that moment, we consented to seeing our lives.

A life that is given to Jesus is a life of love. We have consented to love the sinner, not the sin, but rather to love the sinner. “Love your neighbour as you love yourself. Consider yourself as someone that you love. Enter into your life because your life is my Life. Let your interior, your spiritual life know that you are a sinner in God's mercy. Be ready to drink from the chalice, my chalice. My Father's Will, not your will.”

The sacrament of Penance is a sacrament of love. It leads us to surpass ourselves. It enables us to climb the mountain. It leads us to pay attention to sinners, to carry them on our shoulders helping them to climb that mountain. It leads us to disappear out of love for our neighbour; to not leave him behind, but rather to help him climb the mountain; to not rush our steps but rather to adjust our pace to that of the sinner, because we are all sinners. That calvary, we will climb it together. We will embrace this earth. We will acknowledge that we are mercy because we will have accepted mercy.

The sacrament of Penance, we will clothe ourselves in it. That strength is God's mercy; it is present for the flesh. Therefore, it becomes our mantle. We have made our soul suffer so many times because we listened to our human will, the human will that was flattering our flesh. It gave our flesh a taste of all capital sins and we threw our soul away behind us. It was trampled beneath our sins. Today, we’re putting it in first place. Yes, it truly knows mercy, it has seen mercy, it has tasted mercy, it has allowed mercy to clothe it. Today, the Lord is asking us: “Do you want to die to my mercy? Do you want your flesh to be clothed in mercy? Do you consent to seeing and knowing what you have done to your brothers and to your sisters? Do you want to feel in your flesh what mercy is, so that you may tell your brother and your sister about it?”

To be mercy is the most beautiful thing of all for us. Yes, we’re seeing what we’ve done. Someone forgot to open the door for us and, as a result, our finger got caught in the door: “Mercy”; because one day, he will see that. What a joy it will be to know that we said “Mercy” on that day. He will know that he is loved. He will know that we took him, and that we helped him climb the mountain, because we will know that we crushed the fingers of all our brothers and sisters throughout the preparation. You know, when we say words that lack patience, we nourish all our brothers and our sisters from the beginning of time. This is what we’ve done. But what a joy it is to live this! We’re living mercy with a smile. We’re not crying, you know! If we’re crying, they’re tears of joy, tears of mercy. This is a time of love. There are no other words to express this: this is a time of love.

Thank you, Lord, for all this. Is that enough for tonight? I know you have more questions but we’ll save them for another time. Thank you, Lord.