Gathering of Love With God's Action
Through His Instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus

2012-02-08 – Part 2 – A Time of Surrender

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit:
Do you have any questions?

Q. We’ve never heard of this before – being “children of mercy.”  

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Yes, now we’re children of mercy, but he's slowly explaining to us what this really means. He has introduced us to this, but now, he's in the process of showing us all that we are and what it means to be children of mercy. We’re slowly beginning to see it; he teaches us constantly, doesn’t he? This is yet another thing that we didn’t know. Thank you, Lord. What he's showing us is that the events, the events are real.

Let’s take a look at how our Lord is filled with wisdom. If he had taught us everything earlier, what would the enemy have tried to do to our brothers and our sisters?

Q. To discourage us.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: But now, the path is gradually, gradually, gradually being forged. It’s as though, for example, we are growing, growing, growing spiritually, and we are placing what we want above everything else – like a pyramid, right? He would have made sure that this was to his advantage. But given the fact that the Lord is telling us, “This is the place where you will be,” then that is what is above everything else. But what is that path that leads there? We don’t know: it’s one step at a time. The Lord says, “That is where I will lead you.”

A. Among obstacles…

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Satan will put obstacles everywhere to prevent us from doing what? From growing. When Jesus came on earth, well, he said so in the synagogue when he read, “The Scriptures are being accomplished,” and they even tried to kill him, to throw him off a cliff.

A. Satan provoked him three times: by the cliff, in the Temple, by promising him Heaven and earth.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Yes, and right away, Jesus, he was the one who was above everything else: “I am the Son of God.” He prepared his apostles, the disciples, he prepared his children to rise up to him. He's doing the same thing again. “Behold, you will live the Great Purification of the flesh.” After the Great Purification of the flesh, the purification of the earth, which will lead to where? To the twelve tribes, his twelve tribes throughout the world. And now, he's leading us slowly. Right now, we don’t know where we are.   

Q. But it’s not the house built on sand, but rather on rock, on solid ground, that’s going to make it – it has to be solid.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Yes, he's the one who makes it strong.

Q. So, at this point, we’re aware of three tribes.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Four – tonight we heard about: here (Canada), France, the Ivory Coast, Medjugorje.

Q. What about Brittany, Brittany in France?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Oh, I think so.

Q. When you say Canada, does that mean Chertsey?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Well, it isn't Chertsey – it’s everything around it, everything around it. But listen: we don’t know how the Lord will go about this. He says here in his message: people are asking why this place rather than another? Do we know why? Why did the Lord choose this place? That’s his business; when we ask these questions, that’s going against God. Why Peter and not someone else, why John and not someone else, why Bartholomew and not someone else; why? Why Noah and not someone else?

Q. Why Francine? (laughter)

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Ah! I asked that question way before you did. It was Heaven… (discussion with the audience)… So, here’s the second one. Okay, Lord. Do you want to hear the second message? "Yes (audience)." They said yes, Lord.

This was written on 02-06-2012, on Monday.

“I love you, my daughter. Give yourself. There are so many children who do not know that God is merciful. No one speaks of me to the children of this world, for these children are incapable of stopping to listen to their interior. They have become obsessed with their habits; they are so deeply rooted within them that they can no longer go without nourishing them. They say that the telephone makes them feel safe, that television instructs them, that the Internet teaches them, that electricity is indispensable, that the supermarkets are an absolute necessity, that gasoline and all its by-products have contributed to building their future. They believe that whatever man has gained from these things is for his good, and that without these sources of power man would be forced into an unfavourable position with regard to future knowledge. They have become essential needs in their daily lives.

“Who created these needs if not this world of power? Those children have become so blind that they do not see they are being manipulated by all sorts of means. Those means are controlled through the power of genetics: the study of human behaviour in relation to human needs. The aim is to control those children so that they become incapable of knowing where they are in life and where this will lead them. What is important to this world is to obtain what it wants from those children: to keep them running around in circles with the means they were given. What is important to this world? To keep them running. Things must evolve – not for the children of this world, but rather for the world, and the world is life on earth maintained by a source of power. Man’s greed comes from his ignorance in the face of what he has been taught. Who has taught him the very thing that keeps him running? Power. Who has power over this world? Satan, the Prince of darkness on earth.

“Oh, my children, without peace, joy and love, all of you would have already disappeared. Yes, my little ones, only he who creates peace around him, who brings joy to life, and who gives the love that is within himself to his neighbour can show you his worth so that he may bear witness of your true worth before God. He who has worth wants to learn to remain where he is. Are you able to remain where you are if you are weak before your enemy? No, for the enemy can whisper in your ear: ‘Go and fight to keep your place which you earned by the sweat of your brow. Do not let others manipulate you, those who tell you to do what is right and not what is wrong. By telling you this, they want to show you that they are better than you. And they are the ones who will take from you what you have earned by working your whole life. You are worth more than that.’

“My children, whoever speaks of worth must know what it means to have worth. The worth of a person is not measured by his money nor his success. One can have money, one can have achieved success through the use of one's talents without having any worth. To have worth is to be able to give oneself love, peace, and to go on wanting to experience moments of joy when things do not go well. Then there is something on the scale that can be weighed. 

“The person who is all love towards himself knows that others would like to have what he has: love. One can only give what one knows. If you say ‘I can succeed,’ you will only succeed if you have the need to succeed within you. And what is it that you have within yourself? Talents, ambition, and projects that revolve around your personal needs? All of these are achievable in and through what you are. Who are you? A person who is true to himself or who is focused on knowledge? Your answer will make all the difference.


“The love within you keeps you true to yourself. If you are true to yourself, you will respect yourself with regard to your choices while giving yourself love, for without love you are nothing. You will give your being all your knowledge and you will nourish that knowledge with all the external things you will accept. The things that will come to you from external sources and that you will have accepted will be added to your knowledge. True to yourself, you will judge that knowledge with the good you have already given to yourself: ‘Will this increase my worth so that I may continue to be as I am: a loving person who is always ready to give myself love?’ You are the being who is the master of your interior – not what comes from the outside. Your being must remain whole. It is, therefore, in and through your mind, your gazes, your hearing, your words, your actions and what you feel towards yourself that you are truly yourself. This is who you are when you live your life.  

“But those who do not rely on my teachings are so numerous. They have become strangers to their own lives. They are beings filled with knowledge – this is true, but not with their own knowledge. They have imposed false yeses upon themselves, and with time, they have come to believe in them inadvertently. This has resulted in their not being able to think, to see, to hear, to speak, to act, and to feel their being of love.”

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Proud is he who claims to know love. Vain is he who claims to give himself love. Greedy is he who claims to be above the knowledge of God. There is nothing more vile than the being who claims to know more than God. When people claim to know love and that they have no need to read the Gospel, this is nothing but pride. They are entering within themselves and there is nothing but darkness. They touch the walls and those walls are not sturdy. They walk among snakes as there is no solid ground beneath their feet. They are worse than those snakes, for their words that emerge from them spread poison. 

Only God is able to speak of love; only God is able to turn us into love; only God knows who we are; only God has earned our love because he gave himself up. He is love. Therefore, our hearing, our eyesight, our words, our actions, our feelings, our thoughts must be for God and only God. Yes, we help others; yes, we clothe our neighbour by knitting; yes, we give love by singing. Therefore, when we do this with the awareness that we were created by God and that we love our God, and that we know he's watching us, well, our thoughts, our eyesight, our hearing, our words, our actions, our feelings are for God and only God.

We drive our car – that’s for God. We walk – that’s for God. We cook food – that’s for God. Everything is for God and only God. Try to find something that is outside of God; just try to find one thing that is outside of God: there is evil, only evil. When we do what we need to do, who do we do it for? For God. That’s why God tells us that we are love.

Now, we will continue reading. There's a second answer… Think back to the person who was either true to himself or was focused on knowledge. He's telling us who we are. And so, the second answer is: peace.


Peace no longer exists within them except when they are nourished by the spirit of this world. They get up in the morning in pain, which has become lodged within them because of what they have seen or heard. This is their interior that is afraid of the unknown, and so, how are they to face this? They do not want to remain in pain, they want to overcome it. Consulting a qualified therapist, talking to others about one's fears places the person in a state of expectation without his being aware of what might come from the outside. A word, a solution, a decision, a distraction will seem comforting to him. All of this will nourish his way of thinking, of speaking, of behaving and of feeling. The person will find peace once more, but he will say to himself: ‘Deep down, I feel anxious.’ Yes, he will continue to tell himself that this will pass. This is a false sense of peace for it is nourished from the outside. Every person is whole and everything must be in harmony.

“Who is able to impart life experience to the mind, to the sight, to the hearing, to the actions and the feelings of a person? This can only come through what the person himself knows, and not through others. If someone answers ‘through others,’ he proves that he knows himself solely through what others think. He is therefore in danger of falling into a state of agitation whenever there is no one around him to give him advice. He will find himself alone lacking courage, strength, perseverance. There will be no peace within him. It is whatever comes to him from the outside that will become the master of what he will think, see, hear, say, do and feel. Yes, he will find peace only if the external world arranges everything for him up to the moment when he will have to face… he will not know what that is but he will feel inside himself that that day will come. He will reject whatever he will feel until he thinks about it once more.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Peace cannot come to us from external sources – it is from within. When we look at Jesus on the cross, we look at him but it’s our interior that knows why he's on the cross, not our exterior. Everybody looks at the cross, everybody! Even those who are atheists, those who have never heard about Jesus will look at a cross – oh, yes! – but they won't feel anything inside. Peace comes to us from within, from what we know, and not from the outside. When we hear the teachings, is it easy to understand everything if we remain outside ourselves? "No (audience)." No, it’s through our interior.

You’ve seen Nicole? She shuts her eyes, Nicole, when she translates into English. Why? She has that need to enter within herself. She finds hers words more easily from within rather than from without. In the beginning, sometimes Nicole had difficulty and when she would shut her eyes, the word would appear just like that, because the interior knows, it knows what she is, and therefore, it gives her its knowledge. Its intelligence nourishes her, Nicole’s knowledge nourishes her, and it’s the same for us. It is through our interior that we allow ourselves to be nourished and not through what is external to us. That’s why there are people who turn to qualified therapists, right? They come from a session, and they’ve told their whole life story, their whole life story, and yet, they go back: one more session, one more session. And yet, we just have to enter within and be with God, and then, peace comes to us, peace settles within us – why? Because God uses our knowledge of love to nourish us.

He doesn’t need to remind us that we weren't loved, he doesn’t need to remind us that we were raped; our Lord doesn’t need this. He wants us to sit in front of him and for us to adore him, and then he heals us through our interior, our interior, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, he can use a person on the outside, and that person, who is surrendered in God, talks to us. About what? About what the Holy Spirit will inspire to him; and what he says is known by whom? By our interior. And that’s when we’re able to understand. Why? Because we know this inside ourselves. And that is the reason why we live in peace for a little while. There are people who attend retreats. They go home, they have a week filled with peace or they rest in the Holy Spirit, full of peace, because the knowledge inside them has made itself known to them.

Everything is in the Lord's teachings. Therefore, in order to know our true worth, we must be at peace, and that peace, we must draw it out from within ourselves, from inside ourselves, not from what is external to us. It isn't medication that is going to help us; it isn't those therapy sessions that lead us to suffer constantly: “Tell me about your life.” That’s why we’re only going to talk about things that are external to us, because it’s what's on the outside that makes us suffer, it’s what is external to us that took away our peace. Therefore, we’re going to talk about the things that took away our peace.

Now, we will continue reading. And the Lord says: love, peace and joy.


“Joy is no longer spontaneous within them except in the moments when they remember that they are the only ones responsible for their joy; and that joy only lasts as long as they follow along the same path as others. Whoever follows others and does what others do, does not know what nourishes him and he is always hungry. What does one always hunger for? No one knows. Once it is over, what one feels is an emptiness that must be filled up once more. Joy is calculated, controlled by the images, the sounds that feed the spirit greedy for sensations. How many exchange one moment at the cost of purity? How many are ready to pay for a short amount of time, believing they are experiencing joy? How many make demands on their being for the sake of maintaining their level of comfort? How many destroy their health to please their sense of taste? How many lust after pleasure while they pay no attention to the joy of those they bring into this world? How many allow others to dominate them in order to achieve their goals?

“That is the price one must pay for experiencing a little joy in this world. There has been nothing but chaos ever since beings have become avid for pleasure. The power behind the spirit of the world resides in presenting pleasures in many forms which appeal to the sense of touch, to the mind and to the emotions. By projecting it onto a screen, they daze the children of this world, who are drawn to images and sounds. This captivates their attention and, through the repetition of images and sounds and their reactions to them, this causes them to give themselves over unreservedly to the spirit of this world. This becomes a habit that goes unnoticed by the children of this world who, having become avid for images and sounds, have more control of what is external to them but allow what is external to control their interior.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: There! He has explained love, peace and joy. Now, he continues.

“Love is giving, it is not demanding. Love is free, it does not ask for anything in return. Love waits patiently, it does not impose. Love is giving, it is not selfish. How many think that this kind of love is for the weak who lack character! Truly, I say to you: love has conquered and will reign in all hearts. Peace will come from within; it will gush forth like a spring of living water that will nourish the children of the world. Joy will reveal itself without artifice, without hypocrisy. All will know who they are. Whoever loves himself loves his neighbour; he loves to pray so that his neighbour may be peaceful, joyful and filled with love. He does not ask to be first; he offers his place to the one who did not know that peace, joy and love were in him.

“My children, the person who allows himself to be manipulated by the spirit of this world does not turn to me so that I may give him graces. I, Jesus the Crucified, I gave myself up out of love for my Father's children. It is said: ‘Whoever believes in me has eternal life.’ Where am I? In your televisions with my graces? Therefore, be realistic: I give you graces not through your television sets but rather through my Mother's Heart, she who listens to the prayers of my Father's children. I nourish my children with my Body and my Blood. I live in them. Does the television, which shows you what this world is like, hold my graces within itself? Would I use those televisions to bring you together rather than my children who give themselves out of love for their brothers and their sisters?

“Those who say that Heaven's messages do not contain these words – ‘television does not come from me but from Satan’ – those are the ones who do not deepen their knowledge of the Gospel. In the Gospel, there is only God who holds all truth. Anything that may exist apart from God does not bear good fruit. From my words I draw the truth, for all truth leads to God. God alone is the Truth. To walk in confidence along a narrow path is to live as God desires, but to choose a path that is wide is to avoid the cross. It is easier to live as a child who wants to please only God rather than to live without worrying about what God will ask of him, for the day will come when you will present yourselves before God. Which one is better off? The poor man who is constantly begging God, or the rich man who does not ask himself if what he is doing is just in the eyes of God?

“All these words reveal to you that those who are well-off are only concerned with appearances without giving a single thought to what they will have to present to God, and the one who has nothing thinks only of the moment when he will say: ‘Adorable Master, I have nothing but myself to present to you, for my works are written on my soul and in my heart.’ One judges what one knows while ignoring the obvious: the love that enables one to realize that only God is able to give in order to receive. By constantly wanting to know, one loses sight of the beginning. Who is greater than the One who gives what he is? Understand how good it is to prepare yourself well for the moment of your appearance before your God. Who is able to see and understand? Only the little who allow the Holy Spirit to teach them. One cannot force the light to shine brighter – it gives what it is. It is up to you to look at it, not as you would like to but rather according to your ability to endure what you must look at.

“My children, all these sentences come from God in order that you may understand that when I dictate these words, their purpose is to lead you to eternal life. I am not a God of convenience – I am an eternal God. Life on earth is but a moment whereas life in Heaven is eternal. Will you ever have enough time on earth to understand all these words that my instrument writes for you? It is my words that she hears. She was chosen by God, she does not belong to you. She gives herself out of love for all her brothers and her sisters. Who is like God? God. Therefore, do not say that what has been written comes from the human will. I AM is speaking within you in order to have you with him eternally. My children, do not become lost – without love you are nothing.

 “Be careful: ask my Mother for the graces to divest yourselves of all that does not come from me. I allow some children to use the television without, however, prompting you to watch it. How many movies are made available to you whose aim is to increase testimonials of faith in God? So few, so few. How many are able to perceive the danger that can become lodged inside you through those images and those sounds? Only God is God. Do not claim to know that when you are watching something which was invented to control you, you know that evil is lodging itself within you. Who is greater than me, your God?  My children, you are only able to help if I give you graces, and I give graces to those who give me their lives for the sake of love. They become instruments of love in my hands. I am your God, you belong to me.

“You who give me your yes, you who are the impure ones, the wicked, the liars, the hypocrites, the cheats, I flood you with graces in order that you may move forward along the path of life: my path. Do what is good for you and for your neighbour. You all belong to God and I take care of you. And you who claim to want nothing to do with me, I know that this is because of your wounds. I will heal them and deliver you from this evil that manipulates your flesh and makes your soul suffer. In spite of your absent-mindedness, your bad habits, your evil inclinations, your lack of love towards yourselves and towards your neighbour, you are my chosen ones. I want you in my world of love.

“Yes, my chosen ones, you who believe in my presence, you must devote yourselves to the One who gave himself up out of love. You claim to have difficulty making sacrifices. Do not burden yourselves – I am the one who lets you know what is good for you. When you take the time to stop and analyze your behaviour, I who remain by your side, I breathe a wind of love upon your heart. That wind of love is inside you and soon it will blow so strongly that you will not be able to do otherwise than to move towards your destination: your interior. Yes, you will find yourselves within yourselves and I will have you feel all your graces, and you will see all your works. I know who you are, I know that you have accepted suffering more often than you have refused it. My chosen beloved, I say to you once more, you will enter within and I will have you live your purification. I love you, I your Saviour.” (End of the written message.)

Jesus: Soon, all of you, all of you will stand before me; soon, you will all know that I am your only God. You who have ears to hear, a heart to understand, take your brothers and your sisters of the entire world; take them, I give them to you, they belong to you. Take good care of them, be true to yourselves: love. Do not turn to what is forbidden. The Love is within you. I am The Love, I am the one who turns you into love.

Peace is within you. Be artisans of peace. Sow peace everywhere, my children, with your gaze, your hearing, with your words, your actions and your feelings. Have but one thought: my Father's thought. Flee this world. This world no longer wants my love; it has built its own love. I will cause that false love to crumble, for that love has built towers, has built mountains of useless products. All is nothing but pride, but deceit, but lies. I will cause that love to fall, the love invented by man; and I will show it what true love is, for I will place before them your thoughts, your gaze, your hearing, your words, your actions and your feelings, you, children of mercy. And it will know that God has transformed the imperfect being that you were into a perfect being, and it, in turn, will want to know what you are learning now: love.

My children, in the hours preceding that moment, you will spread peace around you, an enduring peace, for within you I am forming children of mercy with what you are: children of mercy. Be true, patient. Be at peace within yourselves. Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow belongs to my Father. Do not become discouraged regarding this new way of eating that you will have to learn; keep your peace. God gives you much, my children. Soon, soon, there will no longer be any toxic substances within you. Remain at peace, do as I ask of you.

Be children of joy even if, at times, your tears flow because a beloved has cancer, because a beloved has left his or her spouse, because a beloved leaves this earth. Oh, my children, continue to be joyful, for my Father is watching over you and he is watching over them. All must be nothing but joy. Do not seek joy through television programs – that laughter is false. They hold up posters asking the audience to laugh, they hold up posters telling them to clap. Oh, my children, you do not see this but it is true. You are watching hypocrisy, lies. And when you watch commercials, the news, my children, are you aware that what you are seeing is in the past? Live in the present moment. I am asking you for love, peace and joy – that is what they need.

There are earthquakes and there will be more earthquakes. Pray, as my children need love, peace and joy. Yes there will be floods, yes there will be fires, yes there will still be wars. My children will be martyred. Be children of love, of peace and of joy. Where else can you find so much love other than in my Mother's Heart, so much peace other than in my Mother's Heart, so much joy other than in my Mother's Heart? She leads you to me. I flood you with graces by going through my Mother's Heart, and, my children, what do all the children of the world receive? What you receive.

If the enemies, my children, overpower you and you remain in mercy, they cannot reach you, for Satan would very much like to crush you by using your brothers and your sisters. But as you are now in the light, knowing that you are children of mercy, and as you remain joyful because they are in your flesh and you are in their flesh, Satan cannot continue to use their marks to get to you. Like this, my children, when children are faced with floods and they become overwhelmed, remain joyful, at peace and in love: that is what they need.

Is this not so, my little Micheline? Did your son need a mother who fell apart upon hearing the bad news or a mother filled with love, with peace and with joy while knowing that graces give strength? You see, my children, continue to be children of love. Who can give you so much love other than your God? Who can give you so much light other than your God? Who can give you so much wisdom other than your God? Did you recognize the wisdom of Solomon tonight in these writings, my children? Who had these words written down, my children? Wisdom. Who is Wisdom? God.

My children, consider it a blessing to be children of light, for it is the Light that has flooded you tonight in order that you might understand what others – and the number is so great, so great – would not have been able to understand. My children, you are entering love because you are love, because you love your brothers and your sisters. Give yourselves, my children. Be prudent, for Satan will continue to attack your neighbour in order to get to you.

My Mother is there and she protects you. Your angels are there, they protect you. Saint Michael the Archangel is there with an entire army, which God has willed for you, and it is ready to act upon the orders of Saint Michael the Archangel. Do not forget, my children, about your angel “Amour” (Love); he is there. Do not forget the saints in Heaven, and do not forget, my children, that the souls in purgatory are also there. What have you to fear, my children? You have God with you. Continue to be love, peace and joy. All is accomplished.

Now, my children, would you like to end with a hymn? Sing, my children, The Love is listening to you. Amen.

  ♪♪♪ Hymn