Gathering of Love With God's Action in Plantagenet, Ontario,
Through his instrument, the Girl of My Will in Jesus

2015-02-27 – Evening

We Make up One like the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit Make up ONE

♪♪   Hymn

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Are we ready to live on love for The Love, in The Love? Are we one single family? One family means to be God's children, it means to form only one heart, it’s understanding who we are. Who are we? Brothers and sisters. What do we have in common? The one and only God: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

We are fulfilled… no, we are not fulfilled: we are missing our joy of living, we are missing love, unconditional love. Yes, we have conditional love, but we are missing unconditional love. When Jesus came to die on the Cross, we encountered unconditional love, but we did not live unconditional love. We were created for unconditional love; we were not created for conditional love. But God is in the process of showing us how to return to unconditional love: loving, loving our God with what we are.

We are children of God; we know this, but do we know what we have become because of conditional love? We have become children who have become separated from one another. We are made to be together; we are made to form one single family, but due to everything we have allowed to enter us, we have become separated.

Today we hear about suffering, we hear about poverty: these are the consequences of our separation. Yes, we look around: we are sick. Anomalies, right? Whether they come from a small virus or a big one, they’re nevertheless anomalies and they shouldn’t be in our bodies! God created us in his image, in his likeness. There’s no reason why there should be an anomaly in our lives. If this is part of our life, then that’s because it has entered us. What is external enters life, what is dead enters life, and once it enters life: it settles in, and once it settles in our life, it makes life sick in order to make enough room for itself. Since our life contains something that belongs to death, our life doesn’t recognize what we expect from it. Only life can respond to what it is: it is life that makes us understand love, it is life that makes God's children beautiful, because life comes from God.

We were created in God's image. God is Eternal Life. Therefore, we are eternal life. When we accept things that are external, we’re the ones who are accepting these things; it isn’t what is external that accepts – it’s us, life. Where is life? Inside us. Where inside us? In our soul. Eternal life is in the soul, and the soul is the splendour of God. Why is it the splendour of God? Because it knows its God. The soul sees God, the soul rests upon God, the soul allows itself to be swept up by the power of God, the soul enters the love of God, the soul is filled with presence. Why is the soul filled with presence? Because it is presence. Where is it presence? Within life, within eternal life. Our soul is presence within eternal life.

The soul that is present cannot be extinguished. The soul is eternal, it has eternal life within itself: “O, beloved of God! You accomplish God's work, you make yourself present at every moment, you give back to God the reason you were created: you honour your God, you are gratified in the Lord along with all souls so as to give God his love, for you receive life from God. And when you taste love, you become beauty, you become light, you become wisdom, you become knowledge, for you receive everything from God and you fill yourself up with who you are: beautiful, you present yourself to God, full of knowledge, you give yourself to God. Ready to give everything you receive to God, you make of yourself an offering of love, for nothing comes from you. Everything comes from God, for you were created in God's image.”

Whatever our soul is for God, it wants to be so for the flesh: it wants to love the flesh God has created, it wants to make the flesh beautiful, for it knows it was created in the image of the Immortal Flesh. Our soul is in love with our flesh; our soul wants our flesh to experience peace and joy; our soul wants us to be love. In order to be love, we must love our flesh, we must love what it contains. We were made to be loving acts of life. It is the flesh that does what it must do in and through the graces our soul receives from God. But we shouldn’t move too quickly – let’s understand what God, the Eternal One, wants us to understand. 

Eternal Life is within our soul. Our soul is continuously in the presence of our God; it receives graces from God continuously. As our soul is in God's presence and as it sees our God, it knows that God loves it, it knows that God gives all graces to the soul for the flesh. Not for a single moment is the soul unaware of its presence before God. Therefore, inside ourselves, our soul is not in a state of ignorance. Our soul knows that we need graces for our flesh: our eternal matter. Our matter is eternal because it comes from the Eternal Matter.

When Jesus presented himself to his Father with what he is – Matter – God the Father did not need this because he could see his Son. But God the Father, who loved his Son, in his power, had the desire to deploy his love. Therefore, he deployed his love before the created angels: the Perfect Flesh, the Immaculate Flesh, the Eternal Matter, deployed the entirety of his love before the angels. God the Father, before his Love, looked upon the Perfect Matter. And who was within the Perfect Matter from that very instant? Created matter. We were present. The presence was present before God the Father. We have all been within the Presence. Do you see why the soul is presence? The soul is presence: our life within this presence before God.

We were created in God's image. The Son was present before his Father. Because the Son was present before God the Father, we were present before God the Father and the soul became what it is – beautiful within the beauty of Christ – because Jesus, before his Father, was revealing all its beauty. And so, our soul is beauty; it cannot separate itself from the beauty that contains it. You see, the soul was created for eternity, and it wants to be the beauty of God. It was created to stand before its God. It is for this reason that our soul is always in God's presence. This is what it was created for: it wants to be beautiful for God. Jesus is the Matter, and we received matter: an eternal matter for the soul, for the beauty of God, for the presence of God, in order to give to God what belongs to God.

Let’s not complicate these moments of love. Be present to what God is enabling us to understand. We were made for love. The soul was created to please God, the flesh was created for God. Since the soul loves God, will it put its flesh first before God? It’s impossible for the soul to do this because it was created for God and it knows this; it cannot be unaware of this. Therefore, it doesn’t put the flesh first before God. This is how our soul is made. But God gave us to our flesh. It’s the soul, it’s the soul that comes first, it’s the soul that is important to us. Are we going to put our flesh first before our soul? We were created in God's image, we were created for the beauty of God, we were created eternal. Our soul has eternal life inside it. It is by our soul that we possess beauty, and therefore, our soul comes first, and our soul takes care of our flesh. It receives everything from God.

But we have done what was wrong in the eyes of love, in the eyes of love, in the eyes of unconditional love: ours. We have chosen a love other than the love of God: we have chosen the love of our first parents. We looked at our first parents in that moment when we were in God and we made a choice. Did we choose their soul or the flesh? We chose the flesh, and our unconditional love, our perfect love, was transformed into a conditional love. It’s the flesh that is conditional, not our soul; it’s the flesh that makes our soul suffer because our flesh is weak. 

When we’re in temptation, do the tempters tempt us through the flesh or through the soul? They tempt us through the flesh in order to affect the soul. Can they, the tempters, put our soul in a state of anger, in a state of falsehood, in a state of jealousy? You’re right, they can’t do this but they can make our soul suffer through the flesh. Why do they want to weaken our soul? When our soul suffers – because our soul does suffer – when our soul suffers, it’s ashamed, it feels weak. It needs love, it needs God's love, but it feels unworthy of God's love, because what we’re giving to it is a conditional love. We’re putting our flesh before our soul and it can feel this.

Our soul is in such need of love! It wants to be loved, it wants us to talk to it, it wants us to give it joy, it wants us to give it peace. Why? Because it receives joy, peace and love from God. And our soul doesn’t keep this for itself: it gives and gives and gives all created flesh to the flesh, to our flesh, to created flesh. It loves all the created flesh it sees; it loves all flesh, because it is one single flesh: it is the Flesh of Eternal God. We were created with the Perfect Matter and the Perfect Matter is God – it isn’t us.

We must take a look at ourselves, we must learn to love ourselves. If we love ourselves, we will satisfy our flesh and our flesh will give what to our soul? Peace, joy and love. Let’s stop fighting our flesh. We are at war with ourselves. Who refuses us joy? We ourselves. Who refuses us peace? We ourselves. Who refuses us love? We ourselves. We need to realize what we’re doing to our flesh.

We look at our God… look at our God! We put him in a corner of the stage! Who would like us to move Jesus a little closer? Everyone? Yes. He was made to be our model of love: a Man attached to the Cross with nails, a Man who revealed himself as what we truly are, a Man who didn’t defend himself when he was treated as a liar, a thief, an imposter. He could have used his angels; he did none of that. He let himself be nailed to the Cross. Why? Because he loved himself. He loved his flesh, he accepted it as it was. Don’t forget that during the agony he presented himself to his Father as being the Sinner.

He took all our sins: all our thoughts were the thoughts of Jesus; all our gazes were the gazes of Jesus; everything we heard, listened to, was the hearing of God; all the words we uttered and the words we murmured were those of Jesus; all the actions we carried out were those of Jesus; all the things we felt, all of them, absolutely all of them, were the feelings of Jesus. Jesus came to know all of these things. He accepted everything. Did he accept these things in appearance only? No, he lived them, he lived them in his Flesh. God is so powerful! His love is unconditional. He did not retain anything; he accepted everything with his unconditional love. And it is said: “He sweat a great deal because of this! He had everything inside himself.” 

Our God travelled throughout the ages. He saw, he heard, he came to know, he accepted. He turned his attention to every loveless act of life and he loved, he loved the created child who was carrying out the act of life; for a single thought is an act of life, a single feeling, a single gaze, a single word is an act of life. He loved, he loved the created child! He saw his suffering, he saw what the impure spirits were doing with his act of life. His child, his flesh, his eternal life, everything was in Jesus. He did not push the child away, and therefore, he did not reject his act of life. He loved the child just as he was; he took his sin within himself. Without committing the sin, he accepted it, and the sin entered his flesh, the sin made itself known within him: we were making Jesus suffer. The sin was against life; it wanted to kill life. The sin is evil and the sin wanted Jesus to have a taste of evil. And Jesus accepted, not to do evil but rather to take part in the pain: the pain of a Father who creates for the sake of love, but who is not loved in return.

God the Father loved his angels. God the Father loved all created spirits. He did not ignore a single one of the spirits who offended their Creator. God the Father is Unconditional Love. God the Father loved his angels. Even if his angels refused to adore God the Son, God continued to love his angels, the ones that rebelled, the ones that distanced themselves from him. Can God feel indifference? Unconditional love cannot do so; it is love, it is perfection and it is eternal. Let us understand that God loves eternally. Therefore Jesus, Jesus accepted everything: he loved unconditionally. Did he hate the impure spirits? He did not hate the spirits, but he hated the sin. He, God, does not hate his creatures; he’s our God, he’s Unconditional Love. What they became was something that was foreign to what they had been previously. The impure spirits became evil. God is going to tell you a story. 

“Once upon a time, there was a star. It was very bright for it stood before the light and the Light was God. The Light shone, sparkled, and the star sparkled. It was similar to the light because it was close to the Light. It was the Light that wanted it to be so, for light is eternal. The star was not eternal, but it was so by the Light and the star knew that it was eternal, it knew that it was beautiful, that it sparkled.

“One day, it decided to distance itself. The Light watched it, the Light loved it, the Light did not force it to stay close by; and the star moved a little further away. But it began to get cold, and so, it thought, ‘I will move closer to the Light.’ It drew close to the Light and the more it drew near to the Light, the more it felt warm. It thought, ‘How good it feels to be in front of the Light, close to the Light. I will try to move away one more time.’ It began to spin about; the more it spun about, the more it felt warm. It turned and turned and turned at an incredible speed while moving away from the Light. The Light watched it, the Light loved it, the Light did not force it to stay to close by. The star spun around, around and around, and it felt warm.

“It moved further and further and further away. It entered the darkness where the Light was not present. When it stopped spinning around, it was no longer light – it was darkness amid darkness. ‘Where am I? I am so cold! Why am I here?’ The star was no longer a star. The star was a dark speck among other dark specks and the Light said, ‘O, my star of love, how I love you! Wherever you are, I will continue to love you. Your choice is yours. I created you free and you will remain free for all eternity. Nothing can stop eternity. You are presence within your presence, for you chose your own presence. I love you, I will always love you. I am the Eternal One. I created you in my Image. I am free, you are free. Your choice is yours. My love has respected your choice.’”

You see, little children of love, the created spirits were created with my love. My love is eternal. There is freedom in love, my children, and in and through their freedom, they chose to move away from me. They became darkness and this is eternal, which is what they wanted. My love will always be alive, for I am the Life. I love them.

I am enabling you to understand my Will. My Will, my children, is love. Each of you is free to love your God before loving your soul, and your soul, my children of love, loves its God. You have received life and life is eternal. It is up to you to choose – you have this freedom. It is your freedom, my children, that makes of you beings who must choose. I carried sin in my flesh. I did not love sin, my children. Sin, my children, is the tempters, it is the impure spirits. As for them, I love them, but I do not love what they have become.

My children, all of this is to enable you to understand that when you carry out loveless acts of life, whatever bears no love is not good for you and it is this that you must not love. But your act of life, my children, was carried out by your flesh. You must love in order to be able to love your impure act of life. I accepted everything. I accepted to bear within my flesh what you, you accepted to accomplish. What did you accept? Sin, is that not so? I took all of this within myself; I did not forget a single impure act. Every impure act has been within me. Impurity has been within me.

When I died on the Cross, I sent every sin unto death, and your acts of life, my children, I purified them. I shed my Blood, I embraced all your acts of life with my love, my unconditional love. Your acts of life, my children, I purified them all. Your acts of life are beautiful; they carry my love, my unconditional love. That is why I am telling you, my children, to love yourselves, to love yourselves just as you are.

You still have things to learn. Do not worry, you are at school. I will teach you to take advantage of my graces of purification; I will show you how to enter into your purified acts; I will teach you to love yourselves, you who are repentant sinners, you who are my love. Do want to be like me? (A: Yes.) Well, then, look at me upon the Cross. Do you think I am beautiful? (A: Yes.) Look at me through my love; you will find there my Father's love for you. My Father loves you so much. He has asked me to come and talk to you about love. Do you like it when I talk to you about love? (A: Yes.) I speak for all those my Father loves.

I take this instrument and I give her to you so that you can be completely in love with yourselves. There is so much love inside you, there is so much joy inside you, there is so much power inside you! You are one single flesh, my children. There are not two fleshes or thousands of fleshes – there is but one created flesh: it is you, and you, and all of you.

I, the Son of God, who, by the power of the Holy Spirit, enable you to hear me, I do my Father's Will. We are one single God, we love one another. You were created in God's image. You are all brothers and sisters, you form but one whole. You cannot separate yourselves one from the other – you are love. When my Father desired you, he desired his love. You are love and love cannot be separated. It is Satan, and the impure spirits under Satan's command, who have separated you.

I am creating the greatest of gatherings, my children. All over the world, I am bringing you together. You are all one. You have before you the One who represents you: the Pure Immaculate Mary. She is God's child and she loves you. Is that not so, my children? (A: Yes.) She is one single flesh: an immaculate flesh. Are you apart from my Mother? (A: No.) No, my children, you are correct. You are in my Mother and my Mother is in you. Her flesh is your flesh. Are you beautiful? If you say yes, then that is because you recognize that my Mother is beautiful. Do you not form but one single love? Yes, my children, because my Mother loves me and she loves you. She is your Mother.

When she gave her yes, all knowledge was making itself known within her, for God was making himself known in her virginal womb. She was fully attentive to the Knowledge. It was in that moment, my children, that all knowledge was revealed to her. Oh, how she loved you then and how she has loved you! She knew she was your Mother. Unconditional love was looking after conditional love. You are her little children and she is taking care of you. My children, she sees you as you are. From the first to the last, you are her children. Whether you are priests, whether you are atheists, does this make a difference to my Mother? She loves you!

My little children, listen to the following: “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus”: the Holy Trinity, my children. The beloved Daughter of the Father, who was chosen by the power of the Holy Spirit from amongst all women, who is the Mother of Jesus: the Trinity. Now: “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners and fill us with graces now and at the hour of our death.” You see, my children, my Mother does not stop filling you with graces at the very moment when you are uttering these words.

Every time, my children, that you say, “Hail Mary, full of grace,” you are speaking to the beloved Daughter of the Father. “Blessed art thou among women” – you are speaking to the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. And, “blessed is your Son” – you are speaking to the Mother of the Saviour, and this is when you turn to your Mother like tiny little children. You present yourselves as repentant sinners, purified sinners. What does my loving Mother give to you? She gives you graces, she showers you with blessings. My children, if only you were able to see the showers of graces that burst forth in your interior, you would never walk away from your joy, your peace, and your love for God and for yourselves in order to continue nourishing all flesh.

O little children of love, it feels good to teach you. I love you so! You are my little ones, you have so much to learn. Now, she will open her eyes. You need to hear what she has to tell you by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Girl of My Will in the Holy Spirit: We have received much in the last few years, haven’t we? And yet, we have received so, so, so very much ever since we said our “I love you” to God the Father. When we emerged from our earthly mother’s womb, we said, “I love you, I love you, Father. I will live my ‘I love you.’” It took several years for us to understand this.

I have often asked myself questions. The main one: “Why me?” I hadn’t asked for anything but I had given. Yes, I had given my yes; I had given my “I love you.” I have always loved Jesus. Yes, I was obedient to my parents. Yes, we had to obey, but I didn’t obey out of fear. I obeyed because that’s what had to be done – they were my parents. And obeying one’s parents is a very important thing to a child, because we want our parents to be proud of us. Yes, I wanted mom and dad to be proud of me.

There were problems from the very beginning which were brought about by a child whose health was fragile: a large family that didn’t have a lot of money, nor an abundance of love, the kind of love we know today. Today, I know what it means to love. To love, yes, to love not only those that we… it’s easy to love our children, isn’t it, when they do what we tell them? Oh, even when they don’t do what we want, we still love them. Or to love a husband is easy especially when he's good to us. But that’s not the biggest thing I learned in the past few years: it’s to truly love, it’s to love those who won’t look at us, it’s to love those who judge us, who slander us, who cast us aside, it’s to love those who don’t know us, who don’t want to know us.

I learned to love them, and I learned to love them over and over and over again in and through this anomaly that took me to the hospital two, two and a half years ago. Oh! I learned how to love! And this was an even deeper love. It’s easy to love when you’re healthy, but when you lose your health, then it’s a different story. When you can’t sleep anymore, when you can’t get any rest, that’s when you learn, that’s when you learn to love, to love because you’re in pain. But you discover something even more powerful: you discover that, yes, your neighbour gives you a great deal. You don’t ask for anything anymore, it’s free: you just love.

We’ll do anything in order to love, and so we discover God's love. An “I love you” from God is an “I love you” full of power, and he's the one who makes us say “I love you’s” for our neighbour. And the more times we say, “I love you” for our neighbour, the more we love our neighbour. But I learned even more, even more through my faults, through my weaknesses: I learned to love myself. Yes, when I was discovering that I was helpless, helpless to come to anyone’s aid, that’s when I discovered that I had a strength.

Let’s face it: when you leave the water running in the bathtub because you went to answer the phone, who was it that forgot to turn the faucet off? It was me! When I got a phone call from the person who lives downstairs, telling me that water was leaking through his ceiling, who was on the receiving end of this? How do you think I felt? I’m not very big, right? Well, I wished I was even smaller: I wanted to disappear! Who took care of all these problems when I wasn’t very strong? Who was I going to rely on? The insurance company? They would certainly have preferred to not pay for anything! Well, they did their best. But it was up to me to face the fact that I felt vulnerable before this situation, it wasn’t them; they were holding one end of the stick and I was the one holding onto the weakest end. And so, I was the one who was experiencing this vulnerability.

And so, do you see, I was learning, learning that in and through my weaknesses, I could love myself; I was learning to accept myself; I was learning to stop being ashamed of myself. Yes, I was weak; yes, I forgot to turn the faucet off; yes, I had to accept all this: the mocking of those around me. But yes, I was learning, I was learning to accept myself, to love myself. And it didn’t stop there! There was more to come because there was a second flood and then a third one downstairs. And so, with all of this, I learned; through all of this, I was learning to love myself. Was I supposed to run away from who I was? To complain? Was I supposed to look for reassurance from others? Seek yourself and you will find yourself; learn to know who you are and you will love yourself; learn that you have strength inside you and love it; learn that there are difficulties in your life and accept them in order to better love yourself.

It is through difficulties that we learn that we have strength inside ourselves. It would have been easy to not answer the phone, it would have been easy to stay off my feet so that people wouldn’t know where I was in my apartment: but that would have been hiding, I would have continued to not love myself. That’s not what God wanted. I learned to love myself in and through all these difficulties, for the Lord was asking me to write. At the same time as all these problems were occurring, I was writing. Well, thank you, Lord. I would hear myself saying, “Thank you, Lord, you’re teaching me,” because I knew that this was for every one of us.

I loved, I loved and I loved. I loved the people I would meet at the hospital, who would talk about this one and about that one, and who complained about the news – yes, I loved them. I loved those who were receiving their chemo treatments. We were one big family. I loved them, I was learning to love; no matter how they spoke, I loved them. What they were receiving in their veins was the same thing I was receiving in my veins: we were all one. And even then I wasn’t spared. I was put in isolation. I loved. They made a mistake… a cleanse that was supposed to be given orally, but that’s not how it was given to me; well, you can guess how it was given to me! But did you know that my life was in danger because of this? Oh yes, I had to spend an extra 15 days in the hospital because of this. Thank you, Lord.

I heard people crying at night, I heard people yelling, hurling insults at night: I loved, I prayed, I felt close to them. What richness! There was something I had always wanted to do – to love and love even more, and this helped me to achieve that. But I didn’t know it was possible to love like this. It feels so good to never get angry anymore, it feels good to always give to God, yes, to be love all the time.

All those years to arrive where we are today! Thank you, Lord, thank you, Lord, for teaching us that we have to love ourselves, love our flesh. My flesh, I betrayed it; I didn’t love it the way I should have loved it and it showed me, it showed me what I had done to it. And then, I paid attention to it: “Take it, Lord, and teach me to love it.” Yes, I learned to love my flesh and I'm still learning to love my flesh; yes, still, because now I'm learning to love my neighbour.

I live in La Prairie, not far from Brossard. Brossard is a city where there are practically… where there are immigrants from other countries. They all live in Brossard. They live in other places too but in Brossard, there are people of all races. I don’t like saying “races, nations,” eh? You know, when I go shopping, the smiles on their faces! Well, I just drink them in, it’s so wonderful! Do you know what this tastes like? It tastes like love. It really does taste like love. Now, I don’t have to worry; I look at them and I say hello to them. I don’t even ask myself if they understand my language; I just say hello. I know they can hear me. The smile they give me in exchange is wonderful! And then, I say to myself, “Hey, this is for eternity – we’re going to be together for eternity.” It feels so good to live like this.

We can find love everywhere, everywhere. We can find love in all faces, even in those that don’t smile at us, even in those that…, at the cash for instance, things move fast. No problem, I think she’s beautiful. I think this is wonderful. The world is wonderful! There’s so much, so much love in the world! I can understand Jesus, from up there on his Cross; he must not want to come down because he can see all of us. So, it’s up to us to climb up onto the Cross with Jesus. In fact, that’s what he asked me to do. The last time I was here, during communion, Jesus asked me, “My daughter, climb up, climb up onto the Cross.” And, from the way God was asking me, from the tone he used to ask me, I knew… oh, oh! Yes, yes, Lord! But I knew it would be very demanding. I spoke about it to Father Clément. He said, “Do as he asks.”

And so, a few days later, not a few days but rather a few weeks later, I found myself at the hospital: lymphoma. When they would say “lymphoma,” there I was, smiling. I accepted this peacefully. They must have been thinking, “She doesn’t understand what’s going on!” I'm telling you, I didn’t feel sad or afraid for a single instant, not a single instant. There were people there who were studying to become doctors… residents. And so, when they would come to see me… I would see them, her: “Come and sit with me.” I would tell her to sit on my bed: “Let’s have a little chat; tell me all about it.” And that’s what I would do. Yes, oh yes, I was there a long time, I had time, almost two months, you know! And so, I was their friend, she was my friend, and the others too; we were truly, truly friends. She would explain everything to me: lymphoma. Of course, my sister had had lymphoma, my mother had had it, and I knew this. That wasn’t what was important – it was her presence, it was “her” presence! I was among many friends. Oh, it was wonderful!

We were in a room with many beds… I was the 11th patient, at least 14 people, or thereabouts. We would talk about everything. And I remember one night, in the middle of the night, I heard someone: she needed love. And so I got up and went to sit next to her on her bed and we talked about love, I talked to her about love. And when the nurse arrived, she said that it wasn’t okay to disturb others, but she was a friend too. I loved them all. There was suffering in there. You know, when you’re aware of an elderly person who is dying alone, that no one ever comes to visit, no one… Yes, many people die alone in hospitals, but in spite of all this, the people who work there are wonderful!

God is good. God takes care of his children. I saw the presence – saw with my heart – the presence of God. Believer or non-believer, God takes care of all his children. He enabled me to love all those who were there in a wonderful way. Was this coming from me? Impossible. Everything was coming from God. God is the one who loves, God is the one who enables us to love, and God is constantly seeking out his children. He has sought you all out; he came to where you were so that we could embark on a mission.

Yes, we have a mission. How many among you have asked, “What’s my mission?” Don’t ask yourselves what your mission is anymore. To love, to love God with all your soul, with all your heart, your mind, with all your strength; to love yourselves, to love yourselves with a love so fierce; to love your God with your soul, with your flesh; to love with all your heart the being that you are for God; to love your life by having the Spirit of God, by leaving the spirit of this world behind in order to share one spirit: the Eternal Spirit, the Spirit of God. This is what we must do in order to achieve what? To love all created ones, “all” created ones.

We mustn’t forget about the created spirits: the angels. We must love the angels, we must love our neighbour, we must love and love some more. Do we have the right to hate? We don’t have the right to hate, except sin. Yes, we must hate sin. But must we hate the souls in hell? We don’t have the right to hate the souls in hell. Why? Because they have left something on earth for us: they left acts of life on earth, good acts of life. Don’t forget that all acts of life have been purified by Jesus. Can you see why we must love, love and love some more? Everything has been purified, absolutely everything. Sin, on the other hand, is in hell: all sins.

Who has bought Volume 5? Most of you. Now you know that the Lord calls sins “the shadow of sin.” Since all sins have been sent to eternal death, are they on earth all around us? No, but the shadow, yes. The shadow of sin is still here. Why? Because of us, “because” of us. We are not loving enough towards the being that we are. We are repentant sinners and we don’t love ourselves. We go see the priest: “I confess to having lied.” I leave the confessional: “Hey, do you want to go out for lunch?” “Oh, no, I can’t. My husband is waiting for me at home.” Of course not, my husband passed away! But I didn’t dare tell him that because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. But whom did I hurt most? My soul: I don’t love myself. Well, there had to be a tempter beside me to get me to not tell the truth. What did he use to do this? What is inside me: my ghosts. I don’t want to displease others. And this, this is a ghost that follows me around: “How will that make me look?” Well, we’ll talk about this another time. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord.

It’s 10:30. I know there’s a priest present. Yes, but there’s one who’s still here. We need a blessing. We can’t go to sleep without a blessing!

Priest: Almighty Father, we came here to learn about your love. We have learned that your love is not only universal but that it is unconditional. We have no right to limit this love for ourselves and for others. We thank you for having brought us here together, people of all countries. We have all come for one reason: to be loved and to learn to love. We have heard your words through your instrument, we have heard how your Son has taken sin away from us, and all the things we hang on to needlessly. We thank you, Father, tonight, for this evening and we ask you to bring your blessing down upon us, upon your instrument, and upon us. We ask you to bless us in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen, and to grant us a very peaceful night.