Gathering of Love With God's Action in Plantagenet, Ontario,
Through his instrument, the Girl of My Will in Jesus 

2015-03-14  – Evening

Questions & Answers With God’s Action

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Are you ready to continue? You’re very brave. Now we’ll take a few minutes to answer your questions. If you would like to come forward…

Q: I would like the Lord to say a few words for our priests. The reason for this is that we see our priests looking after seven or eight parishes at a time. I would like the Lord to give a few words of encouragement for these priests because we need them, and at the same time, this can bring us some comfort as well. Thank you.

Jesus: My little children, what the Lord puts in your hearts, he puts in their hearts. They are my little children. It isn't because they are consecrated that they have lost their state of children of God. They are like you; they rest, work. They need, they need to understand that God loves them just as you, you need to understand that I love you. When I speak to you, I am speaking to them; when I tell you to love yourselves, I am also telling them to love themselves. They are my little boys.

You see, my little children, whatever God does to a single one of you, he does so for all children. When even one person listens to the voice of the Lord within himself and he does as he is called to do, he becomes a nourishment of love for his brothers and his sisters. All priests receive, for they are little boys within the priest; but when a priest is in his ministry, then he is what I want him to be by the almightiness of God. He finds his strength in Christ: he consents to clothe himself with an apron of love in order to serve. He is the joy of God, for his spirit is in God; he is no longer in this world. In the moment when the priest is in his ministry, he is in the Spirit of God.

Oh, my children, if you could only see the power that emanates from his whole being, you would rejoice on his behalf. The priest is in his power of love; without realizing it, he enters into unconditional love. What you are not able to be, he is so for me, for he is consecrated priest by the almightiness of God's unconditional love. My mercy is his mercy, his patience is my patience, my words are his words, for he is no longer himself, he is me. When he is within himself, within the child of God, the man has his weaknesses as you, you have weaknesses. It is I who give him love. His soul is made beautiful by God's graces. His soul pours out these graces for his flesh. His flesh must live these graces.

The man is tempted by Satan so that he may choose whether or not to make himself suffer. The man who has no support is weak before temptations, for Satan is relentless against man. He knows he cannot affect the priest, but by affecting the man, he reveals to the being that he is – a man – that he is weak, that he is unworthy of what he is in and through his priesthood: he makes the man cry so that the man is ashamed of himself. He weakens his flesh, and the weaker his flesh, the more the man feels unworthy. And the more unworthy he feels, the more pain he feels. And the more pain he feels, the more he feels his flesh. The more he feels his flesh, the more the tempters persecute him, for, by using trickery, the impure spirits have placed what was foreign to him in his flesh. It is by the flesh that he experiences his distress, his anxiety, his fatigue, his exhaustion, his judgements. To make him fall, the impure spirits use what they have succeeded in placing in him, but the priest is inaccessible, for the priest is in Christ and Christ becomes the priest.

Oh, my children of love, remember the Curé of Ars! What strength he had! Satan tried relentlessly to make this man aware of his pride, but he refused that pride, he pushed that pride far from himself. But the man was weak; he no longer wanted to be tempted in this way; it was the man who wanted to flee Ars. When he would return to his city, oh, how strong the priest was – the priest would console the man! Oh, my children of love, how hard the good Curé of Ars worked! Hours, and hours, and hours, and even more hours, with just a little rest to then start all over again for hours, and hours, and hours, and hours. Did you know that if all those hours were gathered together, it could be said that he visited over fifteen parishes on his own, without counting all those that relied on the one he had visited? Do you understand now, my children, that this comes from Heaven? When the priest remains in his priesthood, when the priest is in his ministry, it is Heaven that accomplishes this.

My children of love, God sustains man, but you, do you sustain him? This is why I will instruct you; this is why I will show you how powerful love is. I will show you how to love yourselves and they will learn how to love themselves; but they will teach you how to abandon yourselves to my Flesh, they will teach you how to drink my Blood, to live only of me, to trust only in God. Listen to your priest, for when you listen to your priest, you are listening to me. I love you, my children. Keep your peace, keep your joy and your love; this is God's business. I love you.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Is there another question?

A: I had one but the Lord just answered it.

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: Okay then, we’ll move on to the next one.

Q. (English question translated by Nicole.) At the launch of Volume 5, in Iberville, the Lord said that sometimes he would go to hell to give souls respite. But the word she used is “release,” which is close in meaning but is very different from the word “respite.” I think she may have misunderstood the word, because the Lord used the word “respite” but she had understood “release.” That was the confusion. Are there teachings in the Catholic Church, for example, from the Fathers of the Church, regarding this idea, which is very new to us and to others here as well?

The Girl of My Will in Jesus in the Holy Spirit: It will be the same for the Church, for everything has been written and this comes from the Holy Spirit. God does not contradict his words. If God wants his children to understand, it’s up to him to make them understand. He has never wanted to deprive his children of his light. He said that for every child who carries out an act of love that bears good fruit, that good fruit will be rewarded. And Jesus, God the Father, God the Holy Spirit keep their promises.

What has been given to us was given to us by The Love. God loves his children and when his children on earth carry out good actions, good actions are rewarded since they carry good consequences; and even if the child of God leaves the earth, their good consequences remain on earth. And this is clearly explained in Volume 5. Who has read the second part of Volume 5 in its entirety? Well, then, you’re not there yet. We’ll talk about this another time. This has so much flavour! Thank you, my God.

(Conversation with a person in audience.) Yes? Half, that one is the second to last, yes. And like me, you will… in the beginning I found it very hard when he began to talk about hell. But slowly, slowly, slowly he was bringing me to purgatory with so much gentleness, and that was what I needed. As he was dictating to me (inside me) and I was writing, there were moments when I needed this. He would say, “Go and rest.” Then I would pace up and down the house. It was my flesh that couldn’t handle it anymore. And so, he was bringing me into his love, he was showing me his power.

God has all power over the earth, purgatory and hell. God is in his Kingdom. He is the Master. And when Jesus came to earth, we all understood that Jesus was the Kingdom. So, when the children of God bring about a good consequence, where does this happen? And to whom does the earth belong? And when Jesus came to earth, he said, “I am the One you have been waiting for.” And he would say to the apostles, “Rejoice, the Kingdom of God is at hand.” And the very moment when Jesus said to his Father, “All is accomplished,” the Kingdom of God descended into our lives in order that we could understand his mercy.

Was his mercy being extended only to those who would say their yes, and not extended to those who would carry out good actions but would say no? Where would God's mercy be? How many theologians stopped talking about hell because they said, “God is mercy. How can he accept that there are souls in hell?” It was necessary to enter into God's mercy, it was necessary to love God's mercy, it was necessary to accept all the sinners who were loved by God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, for when we accept God's mercy, we accept every act that was purified by Jesus, every act that was purified by Jesus.

So, can we understand that when a child among us says no to eternal life, eternal life leaves that child because it is the child who wants this? Eternal life was at home, in the soul, but the child no longer wanted it: get out! How can this happen? When one lives God's love, one must enter into that love. And he said the following words to us: “Be like a child.” But when we don’t live God's love like a child, we live it with what we are. Who are we? Created beings who have accepted what is foreign to eternal life. And when this settles within us, what is foreign to eternal life pushes, pushes, and pushes eternal life away. Everything that is foreign to eternal life has a goal: to make us forget that we are eternal, to lead us to destroying who we are. “You’re a liar and you’ll always be a liar; you’re a hypocrite and you’ll always be a hypocrite; you’re lazy and you’ll always be lazy.” The more this stirs within us, the more we forget, and forget, and forget: we forget God's mercy, we forget the Father's gentleness, we forget the love we have inside us.

Your love nourishes my love. Your place in my life has its place, my place in your life has its place, but what is foreign to eternal life takes up its place in my life. And it does the same with you: “There's no longer room for me in your life.” And this pushes, pushes, pushes, pushes, and pushes eternal life aside with the aim of controlling the child, who will be faced with suffering, shame, bitterness. What is foreign within us prevents us from understanding God's mercy, God's power.

How is that for all these years we haven’t understood that God loves all his children? Do you think that God forgets about his children who are in hell, who have chosen to distance themselves from him? What has our love been with regard to God? We didn’t pay any attention to the love God has for all children. Did we pay any attention to the love Jesus had for Judas? Three years spent eating with him, three years spent walking by his side, three years sleeping in the same place as him. Jesus loved his disciple; Jesus would watch over him and he would help him to carry out good actions. Why was it so important to Jesus that Judas carry out good actions when he, Jesus, knew that he was the one who would betray him, sell him? He, Jesus, knew that he would hang himself, that he would end his life. He, Jesus, knew that he had made his choice, and all the time he was present on earth with Judas, he tried to make him carry out good acts of life.

Do we ever stop and think that there's a basket of apples in front of us? Every day we look at our basket of apples and we make sure they’re not spoiling. If there's one that is bruised, we make sure it doesn’t spoil the others; we turn it over and keep it away from the others. If we take the time to look after that apple, if we take the time to turn over an apple that requires our attention, well, how much more did God look after Judas? Because the more good actions Judas carried out, the more his good consequences would remain on earth. Didn’t he love Mother Mary? Wasn’t he amazed by Jesus, who performed miracles? So much so that he followed him everywhere. He, Judas, didn’t like fasting; he wasn’t too fond of depriving himself of clothing, of celebrations, but he would do so out of love for Jesus. Those moments have remained, those moments have borne fruit. What he was feeling was an act of life and its consequences are on earth; they will not disappear. Thank you, Lord.

Try to make a good consequence disappear – you won’t succeed, but it’s easy to make bad consequences disappear. This is why the souls in purgatory leave purgatory to enter the Kingdom of God. Why? Because their bad consequences disappear, but not their good consequences. Everything is so beautiful, so powerful when we think of God's love. And so, every time we enter into the love Judas had for Mother Mary, Judas’ soul enters a time of respite; and when Judas’ soul enters a time of respite, the sins he committed can no longer attack his soul. The impure spirits can no longer use his sins to affect us.

You’ll see, you’ll understand more with Volume 5. It’s wonderful! After we reread it, we adopted a new habit: “May the souls in purgatory be consoled and may the souls in hell be calmed.” This means that a soul in hell hates itself, hates itself, and wants to destroy itself. The more it wants to destroy itself, the more it wants to hate; the more it wants to hate, the more it wants to destroy itself; the more destruction makes itself felt within it, the more it wants to enter into that destruction in order to hate itself even more and in order to affect us. What the Lord wants us to understand is that a soul in hell is nothing but hatred towards itself.

And so, understand that what you are and what I am discovering are the games of the impure spirits against God's children. The more we turn against ourselves, the more we enter into this trap; the more we turn against God's children, the more we turn against ourselves. Satan and the impure spirits want to give us a taste of what happens in hell: they want to give us a taste of hatred. Let’s keep our peace, our joy and our love; they have lost. Who are the victors? We are! We are the victors! Jesus paid for our victory over evil with his life. Amen.

Now, it’s 11:04, and it’s time for bed, right? So, we’re going to ask Michel again to bless us. We have received so much, so much, but you know, before going to bed, we must always be good little children and say our prayers.

Deacon Michel: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord Jesus, we want to give you thanks and to bless you for all the graces you have showered upon us throughout the day. May our souls and our minds rest in peace, in your peace, Lord. May everything we have understood today, and everything we haven’t understood, continue to imprint itself on our souls and in our hearts, so that we may resemble you more and more, Lord Jesus. Your Word tells us that you fulfil your beloved when he sleeps, and therefore, fulfil us, Lord, throughout the night.

And I, in your Name, Lord, by the power you gave to me through my ordination, I bless those gathered here and all persons linked to them, visibly and invisibly, so that your love may produce the fruits desired by the Father. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.